911 conspiracy theory

What's motivating truthers?

The theories listed above and the brief attempts at debunking them are just small samples of the incredibly large amount of work that's been put into the fertile ground on which truthers play. The very fact that there are so many theories and people who believe in them raises another question: Amid so much evidence to the contrary, and so much visible heartbreak from victims' family members probably made worse by wallowing in conspiracy theories, why believe in them?
The most immediate and obvious answer is greed. Books and DVD movies by 9/11 truthers have sold millions of copies worldwide.
There are deeper reasons for their existence though. Tragedy is most often the result of a randomly cruel world. That, however, doesn't let people who were victimized by or who are afraid of tragedy blame someone or something.
your verry smart smoky thank you for takeing the time to post all of this it deserves rep unfortinaly i cant give u any more :) it wont let me
of course even with the facts that smokey has posted there are still some people out there stupid enough to make some conspiracy therist rich as hell by buying books and videos witch is the main motivation behind this conspiracy MONEY i think this argument is over the facts are 2 pages back you can chose to belive FACTS or you can belive in a conspiracy therist that also belive we are being visted by martins ill belive the FACTS personaly let me gusse he gonna comeone here saying "disinformatino tactis rofl i bet if he got robed it would be funny as hell. it was an inside job the gov knew i had figured out there conspiracy so they robbed me and took all of my reserch rofl
i think you might be right........at least ive met a couple decent people on here .so my times not been a total loss.. hope all is well your way this evening stickicky,doc111,
kaendar, arent you from chicago IL. this is a no win discussion.. id hate to see if you guys were ever robbed or burglarized.lol your police report would be fucking funny as hell.well officer i believe that the government first organized the plan of attack ,then they sent cia agent in to do all the dirty work and blamed it on charlie the crackhead down the street,they even planted his wallet on my kitchen floor.
lol lol lol..fucking dumbass motherfuckers.....:-P
I live in LA.. used to live in IL. Im not making a connection to the discussion tho.
he lost any type of creditability from anything he says..it just shows how ignorant one is to pretend to be from another country for the sake of a debate..like i said what the fuck is that about????
also why are you taking up for him????(kinda supicious if ya ask me))dammit know you have me making up shit to my liking aslo...lol lol
Pretend to be from another country? What the fuck are you talking about?
rofl rofl this kendar fellow is relly a piece of work he blinder than hellen keller he cant see the truth right in front of him ROFL :bigjoint:
Wow, now you guys are calling us anti American?? What a pussy move. Even tho Americans are fat, lazy, judgmental, and take advantage of everybody else, they are still my country men. Wanting to expose the truth about 9/11 is the most patriotic thing possible, and also does the proper justice for all of the victims of that day. The American people deserve to know the truth.
lol your so unamerican you might as well join alkida or how ever you spell it rofl
Your spelling and grammar give me cancer.
Rather than making personal attacks... why dont you back up your arguments with some links or something? At this point you are ruining this conversation.
Wow, now you guys are calling us anti American?? What a pussy move. Even tho Americans are fat, lazy, judgmental, and take advantage of everybody else, they are still my country men. Wanting to expose the truth about 9/11 is the most patriotic thing possible, and also does the proper justice for all of the victims of that day. The American people deserve to know the truth.
Youre an idiot.
Don't even argue with these losers anymore lol. I lose brain cells each time i read one of these idiotic posts.
Your a real piece of shit to talk about your own counrty the way you do..
You can stand up for gay marriage but you cant be man enough to have respect for your fellowman or woman that have suffered dearly for your sorry ass to get on here with your little theoriesand talk down on america. Pathetic............