Been wondering about FDD and KMK

so kush... whered you find that fun coloring book?
LoL...well...his feet just looked so off to me and it took me a minute to realize what it was...I kept thinking it was his skinny ass legs...but's his shoes!
so rainbow.. fake badges, skinny legs and tutu's are what your into lol

I'm not into him lol. I'm scared shitless by him. Just because he's kind of...just mentally off. I met him once, we talked for about an hour, and he just went apeshit after that... But when I get a stalker, I make sure I stalk them right back, no matter how scary they may be. I'd rather know more about them than less. Makes me more prepared I guess.
its a C/O badge... cage cop.. gate gangster... turn key.. man in the booth.. sgt slaughter... porky the biatch.. whatever people are callin prison guards nowadays