1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
hows the Breeders Boutique doin mann? making any money from doin that?? if soo.. how much roughly if u dont mind me asking?? im just curious to see if breeding/selling seeds i worth the hard work/selection process/testing/growing seeded bud/etc?
If you are looking to make money quick then NO, it's not worth it. If you love growing and don't mind loosing money for a couple of years and in the long run if you can get over the haters, the government, and the large seed companies who put crap out on the market then perhaps, just perhaps, you could go and buy yourself a Cheeseburger! (but only a single cheeseburger, not a double!)


Well-Known Member
If you are looking to make money quick then NO, it's not worth it. If you love growing and don't mind loosing money for a couple of years and in the long run if you can get over the haters, the government, and the large seed companies who put crap out on the market then perhaps, just perhaps, you could go and buy yourself a Cheeseburger! (but only a single cheeseburger, not a double!)
ahhhh i see i seeeeee. yeaa i do love growing. and wouldnt mind dishin out sum money to spread genetics i made/helped create. =) and would LOVE to if i had more space. but some day i'd like to setup shop. =) and save up! and with the way prices keep goin up.... by the time i setup shop and actually make money.. i'll be lucky if i can get a 1/2 burger... =(

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeaa i can see it. =) thats awesome. love plants that have those light tints of purple at the end of flwoering. the Blue Dream cut i have does that as well. turns more of a blue tho rather than purple.

startin 3 CCM (Chocolate Chunky Munkys) which is Chocolate Chunk x Gorilla Grape.. i kno the chocolate chunk has deep chunk in it.. and it frosts up real nice. and ive grown the gorilla grape.. which is.... grape ape x double purple doja i believe?? sumthing like that..? but that strain packs on frost as well. and has a nice sweet taste. jsut not much of a yielder. just in case u wanted a lil info on it.. just in case youy tell the fairy u want a few. lol. check out wat the Chocolate Chunky Munky looks like. from the Frost Brothers... aka Dizzle Frost and BBYY. =)

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has a nice shade of color to it. with quite a bit of frost too. =) all 3 seeds have germed. 1 cracked in 12 hours... and 12 hours later had a 1/2 inch taproot.. crazyyy. lol. and the top part of the seed/seedling... coming out of the seed, where the cotyl's will be poppin out soon. is purple already. lol. 2/3 of the seeds show it. kinda coooooool looking. =)

heyy u ever heard from Stoney Luv?? havent heard from him in a longgggggggggggggggg timeeeeeeee.

and that sucks u may have to harvest a week or so early... but im sure it will still be pretty potent. =D they all look great tho man. keep up the great work!! hows the Breeders Boutique doin mann? making any money from doin that?? if soo.. how much roughly if u dont mind me asking?? im just curious to see if breeding/selling seeds i worth the hard work/selection process/testing/growing seeded bud/etc?
hey chris, I'd say it was deffo worth the effort, though i don't see it as work when you enjoy doing it. the satisfaction of knowing you created something awesome is reward enough to me. the money from it is a nice bonus though! as i'm sure you'll know money needs plowing back in in the early days.

the CCM's look nice man. bet it hashes up a treat too.

EDIT: i think Dr amber trichs is in contact with stoney luv bro!
Good Morning Don,

How things lad? Gettin ready to head out on your trip? Could you email your itinerary?
afternoon lad,

things are stressful at the moment. i'm up to my ears trying to do a million things this week. I haven't really got any itinerary man. when i have though I'll be in touch!!!

had a close shave this weekend. left my rucksack on a train to manchester with a jar of ganj in it. house keys, ipod, overnight clothes, letters with my address on the ish. fuckin shitting myself for a few hours. phoned the next station, they got on had a look n said there were 3 bags similar so they fucking left them on the train!

the bloke in lost property said unless there's medication in the bag you need we can't even contact the train. luckily i had my sleepers in the bag. so the conductor just chucked the bag back on a train back to toon later that night. everything still in it undisturbed.

really thought i was going to get collared.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
your not kidding. it wasn't ounces of green but it could have been a street caution and fine, mark on the record. which so far i've managed to keep in tact!

worse bit is i wasn't even stoned at the time!


Well-Known Member
close shave don,you'll probably find like me, you tend to do the dumb stuff when you AREN'T stoned.

still can't believe you have gotten to be such a big boy without having a brush with the law, you must have been very well behaved as a Yin.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah i've had several brushes with them as a youngun, thankfully they get wiped at 18. i've behaved myself since. well that and not been caught ;)

this has to be my luckiest close shave to date though.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i knew i was cutting it fine, the primo buds will probably have to be cut down in size in a day or two, the medium size will be dry by friday. if needs be i'll box them up in airtight containers with a load of rice, though i have someone coming in to water i don't really fancy letting him be in charge of burping the jars if you get my drift


Well-Known Member
i knew i was cutting it fine, the primo buds will probably have to be cut down in size in a day or two, the medium size will be dry by friday. if needs be i'll box them up in airtight containers with a load of rice, though i have someone coming in to water i don't really fancy letting him be in charge of burping the jars if you get my drift
Hahaha....get it sold. Much u reckon ull have?