1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haven't a fuckin scooby man, i never try and count it up but i reckon 9-12 maybe a bit more. those dog colas are probably between a q and a half a pop. same with the amethyst. got a few trays of medium buds and a couple of popcorns


Well-Known Member
how do you keep the dog so stout man?, mines leggier than a swedish model.

i agree with billy, 5 days and bag it, it helps the stench when it's still fresh. you don't wanna be on to the mother whilst away " mum can you western union me 200 quid please, i love you"


Well-Known Member
i think he falls on them in a drunken manner!!!
how do you keep the dog so stout man?, mines leggier than a swedish model.

i agree with billy, 5 days and bag it, it helps the stench when it's still fresh. you don't wanna be on to the mother whilst away " mum can you western union me 200 quid please, i love you"

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Haha HST ftw...

Nah this time its two things, nutes were still present in the coco which stunted them all, check the star shape structure to them all, that and this pheno has ways been short ish.


Well-Known Member
your last dog pheno was relatively short as well if memoery serves me. The lot I have on the go just now have not stretched a great deal in flower. PErhaps that has something to the outdoor veg in them?


Well-Known Member
mine stretch in veg mate, i have just put 3 under a 600 and they soon stopped, i reckon it just requires a lot of light or something along those lines.


Well-Known Member
There is a stretchy pheno and a fat waxy bitch, thats my keeper. Anyway which one of you bastards has robbed all my bud thats dryin. Im sure there was double that a couple of days ago. lol


Well-Known Member
too true, i hate it when you pack the lines full then two days later there is a 6 inch gap between all of the buds that where overlapping each other.

the weed gods giveth the weed gods taketh away.


Well-Known Member
Phenotypes = genotype + environment.

It's normally the Rizla and bong gods that take my weed away!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
same bastards been in and had at least half my buds away too :( be lucky if there's a 9. i'm not fussed tho it's all a bonus this round whatever i can pull. moneys not earmarked for owt, well except my season ticket hahah


Well-Known Member
you left it a bit late don, do you not get a discount for getting your season ticket early?, i bet the price has gone up considerably from two years ago :D.

i went to my first game of the pre season last night, was fucking epic.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i go halfers on a ticket with my uncle, he cant get to early KO's so i do them and he does late and we split the big games. he's on the price fix for 3 years so it's not too bad £568 or something on DD.

I'm absolutely devvas, i'm in florida for the first game and next couple of the season. i will be that geordie stood alone shouting at the telly in a bar on foreign shores....


Well-Known Member
My first season ticket for the Pars was £10 for the year, lol, and that included Cup games as well (well, there was normally 2 cup games per season!)


Well-Known Member
now you are sounding old, then again i hear the rangers season tickets are going cheap again.


Well-Known Member
Last year a ticket in Bar72(Ibrox posh bit where u can get bevied) was 1800 squid, now u can pick them up for 800. For some reason they dont let u drink while the games on. I was there last year and this older guy wae the pinstriped suit and braces shouted "can we get tea for the boys" (during half time). This women came round with teapots full of Glayva. Wrecked. lol Fucking opticians was a waste of time..... cany get my specs till next tue. Ive stood 20m away from a car reg and can read it so I think I'll be fine


Well-Known Member
more of a grower than a smoker eh?, i wish that was the case with me, i still run out these days. dog is always the first to go too, i smoke it for breakfast.