who wants my cock? (pics)


Well-Known Member
i hope you dont have an out of control cock thatll give you a hassle with the police, sometimes cocks can be a little reckless like that


Well-Known Member
butcher the shit out of that cock. Then put a nice rub on the cock to enhance the taste...yea, then i'd bbq that shit up. mmmmm BBQ.


Ursus marijanus
but seriously.

in addition to crowing at sunrise and throughout the day, these little cocks are beating up our hens and ducks. the crowing is weak and doesn't wake me up, but it is getting more and more distinct. the real problem is that these aggressive fucks keep attacking our full size hens...and winning.

no one wants them for free, so what are we to do? we can't keep these things, they will get louder and we have neighbors.
Go Hebrew on them and remove the top bit. cn


Ursus marijanus
that would help him boost his google rank, but i don't trust the guy not to just kill them.

they are too small to slaughter for food, no one wants to take them (even to raise them into food), and we can't have them here much longer (two weeks at best before their crows are too loud).

i'm thinking of dropping them off at some farm with a bale of straw, chicken wire, stakes, feed, and a note of apology.
Go Superman on them and get your capon. cn