The Getting Back/In Shape Thread

Is there a sign posted. If not, can they arrest you for trespassing. I would brick the cop caller's car either way. I can't stand a cop callin' pussy. I can see if he or his property was being injured, but he is doing it for spite. Some people can't stand to see anyone have some fun. Maybe bust the lock on the gate in the wee hours and the next day you could say,"it was already open".
Well been keepin at it with the liftin and all that good stuff, dropped down to 223lbs as of this afternoon, this next 20lbs will probably be the toughest cause its been awhile since I've been at 200lbs. Added 4 reps 20 shrugs with each circuit I do now(25lbs dumbbells), 2x10curls, 2x10shoulder press, 2x20shrugs, 2x40dead lifts, 2x20inclined push-ups. Then with 12lbs dumbbells, 2x30curls, 2x30shoulder press, 2x30shrug, 2x40dead lifts, 2x20inclined push-ups. I've been tryin to keep at it 5-6 days a week maybe 4 sometimes, cut out most sugars but I can't help making myself an Iced cappuccino couple times a week, and damn they r good.
Is there a sign posted. If not, can they arrest you for trespassing. I would brick the cop caller's car either way. I can't stand a cop callin' pussy. I can see if he or his property was being injured, but he is doing it for spite. Some people can't stand to see anyone have some fun. Maybe bust the lock on the gate in the wee hours and the next day you could say,"it was already open".

Yeah they've got signs posted about trespassing. The dude who called the cops explained "I don't make the rules, but it's my job to enforce them", but come on man, one guy running on a track, not damaging anything, I'm not a little kid, I'm an adult, I was speaking to him and the cops with respect... In this kind of instance they should just let something like this slide, who does it hurt? Shit like this should be taken on an individual basis, it's a victim less "crime"... Just like jaywalking, would a cop enforce a jaywalking charge, come on..

Well been keepin at it with the liftin and all that good stuff, dropped down to 223lbs as of this afternoon, this next 20lbs will probably be the toughest cause its been awhile since I've been at 200lbs. Added 4 reps 20 shrugs with each circuit I do now(25lbs dumbbells), 2x10curls, 2x10shoulder press, 2x20shrugs, 2x40dead lifts, 2x20inclined push-ups. Then with 12lbs dumbbells, 2x30curls, 2x30shoulder press, 2x30shrug, 2x40dead lifts, 2x20inclined push-ups. I've been tryin to keep at it 5-6 days a week maybe 4 sometimes, cut out most sugars but I can't help making myself an Iced cappuccino couple times a week, and damn they r good.

What'd you start out at again, what's your goal weight?
Did 4 miles, took me 43:31, then did chest today. Incline dumbbell press, decline dbell press, flat dbell press, cable crosses, incline flies with dbells. 3 sets.
15, 12, 10 for the reps on the 3 sets. Tomorrow is back and shoulders. Then my 2 day rest period.

I take all BSN supplements. Amino-X for recovery, No-Xplode 2.0 for strength gaining, and syntha-6 for protein shake/meal replacement shake.

On my second week. Lost 8 pounds. Consume over a gallon of water a day.

Also, Abs, every other day and one rest day.

You guys should focus on working one area a day. Not doing the same muscles every day. It's doesn't give them time to rebuild or heal. Also, focus on form. Reps and weight don't matter if your doing it wrong. My buddy is a personal trainer, went to college and shit. I'm on a 1300 a day diet. Diet is more important then exercise.

Static stretching is BAD!! LOOK IT UP! Specially before a workout. Never do more then 10 min of cardio before you lift. Cardio should always be after. Unless you do it before AND after. Then I recommend 20 min each way on an elliptical, no impact. Much better for you. Running is extremely hard on your body, almost bad for you.

Stay strong, determined, and go hard!

Remember, everyone wants a nice body and nobody wants to put in the work. Don't be like everybody else. Do work!
Well my heaviest was ridiculous like 275lbs, I used to work around a lot of food. When I started out doin yoga I was probably around 250lbs and once I hit 235lbs I started doin more weight training and now I'm around 225lbs. Goal weight at or below 200lbs would be nice, but at this point I'm not focusing on that just tryin to limit calories and sugar intake only water and like I said my Iced coffee couple times a week, and just keep a consistent routine. So if static stretching is bad b4 a workout does that mean u shouldn't stretch b4 u exercise or r u saying dynamic stretching is better? Any stretching most athletes do is a combo of both wouldn't u say? I guess 3lbs in 5 days isn't as good as 8lbs in a week, but I've also dropped from around 250lbs to where I'm at now in like 10wks. Besides I usually lose one pound only to gain 2 the next day.
Muscles weighs more then fat, and also the more muscle you have the more fat your able to burn.

Dynamic stretching is ok, but it isn't really necessary. Stretching after or on a day off is fine.

Try not to bounce or stretch for to long, 20 seconds is more then enough. After. Google it.

Water is important and coffee is good for your metabolism, but get sugar free flavors and use as little as possible.

Also, athletes stretch before games, not lifting. Much different uses. I lose weight right now but I started at 222. I'll peak at fat loss at around 190 and end up needing 2 months to drop the last 15 but end up putting on 10 to 15 in muscle.
Sugar free u mean stuff like that stivia, the new sugar substitute? I hope u don't mean flavored coffee, mine is straight espresso with cold milk and like 2 tsp sugar whipped together then I put in freezer while I make espresso, I also put 2 ice cubes in the espresso so it gets cold right away, its my own little ritual for making my Iced cappuccino every couple days. Lolz sorry I rambled about how I make my coffee like u guys care.
Sugar free u mean stuff like that stivia, the new sugar substitute? I hope u don't mean flavored coffee, mine is straight espresso with cold milk and like 2 tsp sugar whipped together then I put in freezer while I make espresso, I also put 2 ice cubes in the espresso so it gets cold right away, its my own little ritual for making my Iced cappuccino every couple days. Lolz sorry I rambled about how I make my coffee like u guys care.

Honestly man, that's not gonna do anything bad. Treat yourself. Remember, moderation is key. Enjoy the coffee!
had a really shitty end of the week/weekend but i had an unexpected run last night for round 2 miles an i worked out my back.
I took yesterday off, but I've been stay consistent doin my sets twice a day @ 223lbs as of today. It was hilarious I felt like a chick I threw on a couple of my nicer suit jackets that I got too fat to wear, still cant fit into my armani coat its 44 long, but I can easily fit my hugo boss 46 reg now, and I'm fuckin swimming in my 50 reg I was wearing at my fattest.
man my legs are sore as hell today from all that runnin last night. my lil bro's pitbull darted out of the yard an started to run on the highway i live on. some stupid slut hit him too thank god he's a pit an is decently sized cause he's fine. hit him in the face with her headlight to an the dumb slut just drove the fuck off. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR then when i finally catch his silly ass an he's bein brought back home by my lil bro an his friend while im walkin back some guy stops an asks whats goin on. so i tell him some faggot hit my dog an he tell me that faggot isnt at fault my dog shouldnt be in the road.....i thought for a sec it was him but remembered it was a blue suv an he was in a white truck. so i said fuck you bitch keep fuckin drivin. now he tells me he's callin the cops i was like cool cock sucker call em i dont give a fuck what are they gonna do? "yea you're a fuckin asshole" my response was to run back up to his window an told him to eat a dick an i walked home. i was prayin he was gonna follow me home so i could beat his face off, but he just drove away.

on the other hand another car tried to hel
p me an so did a cop. im glad there are atleast some decent ppl left on this earth.
What a silly cunt that guy was.. What the hell is his purpose? In that situation, he could have done a million other things, but he decided to take a hostile route, why? Could have just said "I hope your dog is OK" and left!

I hate people like that.
me too i guess the dumb fuck thought i was walkin him or somethin an he got off the leash. either way you have no idea why he's on the road so dont make dumb ass as[FONT=arial, sans-serif]sum[/FONT]ptions. doin biceps an legs in about an hour or two here.
Im gonna change it up today and do some intense sprints, short interval stuff. Probably walk over to the staircase up near my old house, I think it's like 96 stairs, shits always been tough to walk up, have been doing it since middle school! I used to live right at the top. I hear that does a better job of increasing stamina
Stairs are badass buddy.

They really help out with your linear speed mechanics and as you stated, your endurance

What work to rest ratio are you using?
Stairs are badass buddy.

They really help out with your linear speed mechanics and as you stated, your endurance

What work to rest ratio are you using?

I usually go till I get winded, rest till I can breathe at a normal pace again but still moderate, as I rest I'm usually walking around or doing push ups or sit ups depending on how out of breath I am. I try to keep my heart rate elevated the whole time