The Getting Back/In Shape Thread

Its 14' i think he means he is built, lol.

Doubt, and that dude is a racist.

Im native American asshole, dont be using your racist banter here

The rules state donot make racist remarks or derogatory remarks towards specific members and i did not direct them directly to you did i?
had a shitty chest day today cause i felt like i had mild food poisonin stomach feelin weird an sweatin my ass off. oddly i was workin out flat bench with 175 for 10 reps which is new so i was kinda happy bout that. had to x abs out cause everytime i did a rep i felt like i was gonna puke.
I was hungover as fuck today so I skipped... I'm keeping track still with my phone but tracking the stats is tedious..

stop drinking alcohol, way to many calories. they are called empty calories for a reason.

cut chips, soda, alcohol, ice cream and cheat days. once you can exercise that type of control, the physical exercise will get easier.
Speaking of no alcohol, I met up with a bunch of buddies and decided to drink in place of run yesterday. I'll have to put off my 4 mile till tomorrow - it happens, just about limiting the amount of times it happens.
Went back up to the track today for the daily run, got done and was walking out and I saw 2 police cars outside the gate, thought "hmm... wonder what that's about. Wait.. the fuck? Really.. did someone really just call the cops on one person running on a fucking track in broad daylight..." yep...

2 cars, 3 cops, 1 guy, running, on a fucking track.

Then the guy who called came walking over (same dude who yelled at me last time) and told me jumping the gates damages the doors, meanwhile I'm thinking "then why the fuck do you lock the gates? I wouldn't need to jump it to potentially damage it if it was unlocked now would I, genius?!"... Jumping the gates does not damage the doors, either, by the way. They're 10' high, reinforced heavy duty steel, totally solid. I can't even bend it a little bit, it doesn't move at all during the 5 seconds it takes me to jump it. FURTHERMORE! I wasn't even jumping that goddamn gate that he was concerned with! I was jumping a little beat up chain link fence that's about 5'6" that's already pretty beat up itself but still standing just fine and shimmying through the other fence's hole that was ALREADY there! I get there today and they've wired up more chain link to cover the hole so I couldn't get in that way.

Fuck man, this whole situation is just bullshit. I'm just one fucking guy whose just trying to keep in shape. What the fuck is the track for if not for people to fucking run on it? Why should I pay $25 for permission from the fucking city to run on the goddamn track? I went to high school there, have been running on it for fucking free since I was in middle fucking school.

What would you do in this situation?

Obviously I should just say fuck it and run on the street or whatever, find some other place to run. But why? Why the fuck should I do that? Why should I have to do that? This is a case of principle. What would you do?
did the cops tell you not to run on it anymore? do you get a special key to unlock the shit if you pay money? id say keep goin an if they ask say you paid it an for them to fuck off. its not like you're tryin to rob the school. id put nails under that dudes tires too.
did the cops tell you not to run on it anymore? do you get a special key to unlock the shit if you pay money? id say keep goin an if they ask say you paid it an for them to fuck off. its not like you're tryin to rob the school. id put nails under that dudes tires too.

Yeah, they told me I had to apply for the pass at city hall for $25, that gets me a card to swipe to open the door. They told me next time the guy will probably press charges, I asked them what the penalty was for trespassing and the cop told me I'd get arrested.

Sooo it would seem to me, the actual goal of this entire thing is just $. What does this $25 I give them go to? Repairs to the track, maintenance, what? It's a brand new, 6 million dollar track.
damn well 25 bucks or find a big ass field id guess. i dont like runnin on the pavement either.

I'd actually rather run on the pavement but it kills your joints, especially if you run often like I do. I hate running in grass, kinda like sand, so the track was perfect. Firm but still springy. It's a nice track and I'm sure it would get fucked up or vandalized by idiot kids if it was always unlocked, so I sort of understand the shit. But come on man, why can't I go up there and sign a form and get a pass for free? That's the bullshit part. I hate how every damn thing in our society sends the message "THIS IS WRONG!!!" but then the people who are supposed to affirm and enforce those same laws pull you aside and say "...well.. it is wrong, but not if you slide us a little money". That shit reminds me of the exact same behavior of criminals. Or the bully who'll kick your ass.. but layoff if you give him your lunch money. It does not demonstrate that the reasons they're giving me for me paying them money are actually legitimate, and are in fact the opposite. Same exact shit with a lot of misdemeanors or traffic fines.
My local school has an indoor track we can use in the winter, cost $1 to get a pass to use it 3x a week. We pay our taxes that go to these schools and pay for the tracks, what more do they want? I can understand a small fee to cover processing so they know who is using the equipment/track but $25 seems a bit much unless it is really being used to maintain/future development.

Either way what can you do? Pay $25 and use the track or don't pay and do something you don't want to do. People spend over $100 a month for some gyms so $25 is not all bad if you enjoy using the track