how much should i pay my wife?


Pickle Queen
People DEMAND so much, If my man earns the money then he decides what I can spend on things I want NOT need. Really men allow women to be "house wifes" when they should be earning a living, it's one thing to raise ur kids, but when they start going to school women can do many things to earn spending cash if they want it.


Well-Known Member
right now, we have an agreement that in our relationship she doesn't withhold sex from me and i don't withhold money from her regardless of what ups and downs we are going thru in our relationship.
You could just pay her on how well she performs.... Baby I'm tired, make me cum in 2 min! or it could be, baby I'm full of energy Lets go all night! If she doesn't perform at or near expectations then she doesn't get paid as much. Then as you get older and don't want to fuck as much you save even more money!


Well-Known Member
When I worked I would come home payday night, she'd pin me to the wall and shake my bong in my face saying
you want this? Gimee the check!


Well-Known Member
Oh yea! I ware the fricking pants in this famlie, It's just that she keeps my balls in her purse..


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your fiancee is an escort. Stop giving her money like that dude, thats a quick way to get taken advantage of.


Ursus marijanus
right now, we have an agreement that in our relationship she doesn't withhold sex from me and i don't withhold money from her regardless of what ups and downs we are going thru in our relationship.
"Sorry Honey ... my checking account has its monthly visitor." cn


Well-Known Member
Well this does sound like a disaster waiting to happen.......if your making $200K a year, maybe it's a different story. But, this your money/my money thing makes me wonder if something else is going on. Is she trying to hide where her money is going? If I tried this shit with my wife, she'd say NO MORE SEX for you (meaning me) buddy!!! Everything has to be in the open as far as I'm concerned.....


Well-Known Member
Well this does sound like a disaster waiting to happen.......if your making $200K a year, maybe it's a different story. But, this your money/my money thing makes me wonder if something else is going on. Is she trying to hide where her money is going? If I tried this shit with my wife, she'd say NO MORE SEX for you (meaning me) buddy!!! Everything has to be in the open as far as I'm concerned.....
this is no different than what life was like back in the 50's, the wife stayed home the man made the money and sent her shopping every once in a while... I would love to keep my gf home and pay all the bills... come home to a clean house, the kids picked up from school, a cooked meal, a bong and a beer waiting for me as I walked in... I'm young but the old fashion side of life still sounds good to me... stay high


Well-Known Member
i was thinking about my girlfriend and suppose she ends up being my wife. she has no desire to work and would prefer to stay at home and raise children. i have no problem with this. she also likes money, like most of us, and would like her fair share of my earnings. for some reason she like to keep "her" money separate from "my" money and she wants her own cut to do whatever she want to. we have discussed it recently and we both agreed it would ned to be worked out before we would get married.m in your opinion, how much should she get? how much should i get? and how much should be kept as common money/investments/retirement...etc?
if u love her there aint no his and hers. its ours. so decide that first.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm.. give 10% to the Church and 10% to her.
If you don't go to Church. Then you have to give her 20% LOL :weed:

I would do a 50 /50 on what's left after the BILLS are PAID and a little set aside for the rainy day fund.

Marriage is work. Throw in some Kids...More work !
Dealing with you..probably more work..... Ahhhh !