HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"


To try is to find out. Got a little scientist in you? For 2 bucks in peppers...proove me wrong. And when I'm right I shall graciously except your humble apology and I might say with a smiling grin: "I told you so." :)

I'm here to help, not harm.

My Best!

Peace be with you,


I have made this before with cayenne pepper, a drop of dish soap (helps it stick to the leaf) and tea made from soaking a few cigarettes in water in the sun. With vegetable crops too. Outdoors re-apply regularly and especially after a rain.
Main problem. Re-apply regularly. If you have to re-apply, it didn't get rid of them. Enjoy your spicy weed. I killed my mites a year ago. Why fuck around
Hot Shot pest strip ftw
I originally posted that in this thread about a year ago. Here we are a year later and I still use the pest strips. No dead patients from it yet! =P

In all seriousness, cook up your pepper poison, blend your teas, spend days working on it. OR buy a pest strip or two, hang them up, and smoke a bowl! :weed:
And when bugs return, you will need to do your chosen method again, AFTER you notice the infestation.
They are gone and won't be back with the pest strips.
I originally posted that in this thread about a year ago. Here we are a year later and I still use the pest strips. No dead patients from it yet! =P

In all seriousness, cook up your pepper poison, blend your teas, spend days working on it. OR buy a pest strip or two, hang them up, and smoke a bowl! :weed:

I read where you mentioned your reservoir earlier, will this work as well if I'm using soil? (hope that doesn't sound like a stupid question)
How can I prove it to you?
I had The start of a large infestation of Spider Mites. It was on 2 plants and spreading to the others. I was told to buy a test strip, and 2 days later, i was mite free.
You don't HAVE to believe the people telling you from there experience. You can spray neem oil for a week+, or just spend the $7 on a Pest Strip wait a couple days, and see for yourself.

Did you even look them up? They cover 1200 sq ft or something like that.
I'm really really new to all this and have somewhat inherited a grow tent. We did have mites and we did a spray, which I think was Azamax (not sure I have the name right). The girls are young and we sprayed 3 times, 3 days apart. I personally have not seen them since, but my grow buddy showed me signs that they're still hanging around. We brought in a new spray (my gb also mentioned that we should mix up the spray so they do not become immune) but OMG, it smelled sooo bad, really don't want to use that again LOL, so I started searching for something I could make fairly cheap.

I really like the idea that I can try the strips, not spray anything on the girls, and not empty my wallet.
How can I prove it to you?
I had The start of a large infestation of Spider Mites. It was on 2 plants and spreading to the others. I was told to buy a test strip, and 2 days later, i was mite free.
You don't HAVE to believe the people telling you from there experience. You can spray neem oil for a week+, or just spend the $7 on a Pest Strip wait a couple days, and see for yourself.

Did you even look them up? They cover 1200 sq ft or something like that.
guess I'll just have to find out.But I just don't see this really working??But will find out for my self.
I just got spider mites from some bamboo steaks I bought from the grow store. So i Just made a batch of Caliclean i hope this shit works. My fingertips are on fucking fire right now. lol:bigjoint:
Let us know how it works ROFLhacks, more people need to post feedback. Most comments on here are skeptics. I'll be picking up some "Hot pepper wax" although I used SNS217 followed by Mighty Wash followed by 24 hours of Hot-Shot strip followed by releasing 1500 lady bugs. If I still have mites by the time the ladybugs are dead I'll try the habanera spray or Hot pepper wax spray.