looking for a good strain for pancreatic cancer!


Well-Known Member
hi everyone, my mom has pancreatic cancer and i'm lookin to grow sumthen out to help ease her pain & suffering.. any suggestion's would appreciated.. thankyou..
blz bud. but buy more than one seed. i had a pheno that was absolute shit but also had a pheno that is the best strain that i have had for pain.
hi everyone, my mom has pancreatic cancer and i'm lookin to grow sumthen out to help ease her pain & suffering.. any suggestion's would appreciated.. thankyou..

Indicas are what people typically use for this. I'd suggest herijuana as a super-potent one, if you can find any, but there are plenty of others that could work.

More to the point, and I apologize for being blunt. The prognosis for pancreatic cancer is poor. 12 month survival is less than 1 in 4, and lots of patients don't even make it that long. Your mom may buck the odds, but they're not in her favor. Some patients don't even last a few monthss.

If you were to plant your seeds this second, use a fast-maturing indica, and only allow them to cure a minimal three weeks, its still going to be 3 full months before you have any smokable bud. And this assumes you have the seeds in your hand right now and everything else goes right.

That's a lot of time for someone who may not have a lot of time left. If you want to use cannabis here, I'd suggest buying it, not growing it.

In the meantime, if your Mom is in pain, find her a doctor to prescribe opiates. In this case efficacy is more important than side effects or addiction potential.
Personally I say avoid herijuana. It is sort of potent, but it has shit for taste and smell. And even as far as the potency goes, its nothing special from what I smoked. Yes it was potent, but I have smoked plenty of stuff that hit much harder. Any good OG will hit harder and be much more intense.
I think an autoflowering might help here too as its basically the fastes way to get bud...otherwise indicas maybe bubba kush
Indicas are what people typically use for this. I'd suggest herijuana as a super-potent one, if you can find any, but there are plenty of others that could work.

More to the point, and I apologize for being blunt. The prognosis for pancreatic cancer is poor. 12 month survival is less than 1 in 4, and lots of patients don't even make it that long. Your mom may buck the odds, but they're not in her favor. Some patients don't even last a few monthss.

If you were to plant your seeds this second, use a fast-maturing indica, and only allow them to cure a minimal three weeks, its still going to be 3 full months before you have any smokable bud. And this assumes you have the seeds in your hand right now and everything else goes right.

That's a lot of time for someone who may not have a lot of time left. If you want to use cannabis here, I'd suggest buying it, not growing it.

In the meantime, if your Mom is in pain, find her a doctor to prescribe opiates. In this case efficacy is more important than side effects or addiction potential.

no problems, being blunt about it is the best thing.. i'm not offended very easily, her and i have had to discuss who gets the house and what ever else she wants to leave the family.. but yeah, ya have a good point there, buying it would be better than growing it as far a time line goes.. she also has a spot on her lung and it seems as though the cancer is affecting her brain.. i had to call out the emt's about 2 weeks ago causse whatever meds she took plus being sick made her look like she was a bag lady on heroin talkin to herself, it scared the bejesus out of me!! but anyways my mom rattled off sum medical term for her cancer and the one emt told me its a long slow painfull death.. this sucks because back in 1987 my defeated cancer only to retire from ford motor co. with 30 years in only to get the BIG C again.. she's only been retired 6 fuckin years.. so thats what really sucks about it..
Herijuana is high in CBD. CBD has marked anti cancer properties as well as other qualities you're looking for. It seems like a good suggestion to me.
I like stealthweed's idea ... an Indica autoflower to get a starting harvest while growing out some photoperiod Indicas. I'd go with a landrace Indica like Hindu Kush or Maple Leaf, myself. They're good for novice growers, and have that classic hashy thing going on.
i'm not too well read on it, but there are some reports on various grow sites about hemp oil and its usefulness in dealing with cancer
i think it's called rick simpson's hemp oil, well worth some reading if you can find the time
Rick only claims about 70% success with patients who have gone through previous treatment. Chemotherapy (traditional) and radiation create super cancers as per a recent study (forget title and author off hand). It was already known they were strong carcinogens on their own.
chemo has its own set of issues, no question it's not going to be the long term solution in cancer therapy(IMHO)
but 70% success, that's pretty incredible considering the situation
So we're clear, Rick Simpson claims 100% cure rate for people who only treat themselves with cannabis oil. He claims about 70% for those who go through conventional treatment and then opt to take the cannabis oil. This fits with the recent study, although I have never seen the man's records. I can say my dog is still alive because of this plant (she had "incurable" cancer that I treated with some Purple Kush).
i'm not too well read on it, but there are some reports on various grow sites about hemp oil and its usefulness in dealing with cancer
i think it's called rick simpson's hemp oil, well worth some reading if you can find the time

Its not going to hurt, but you might as well use snake oil.

I hate to be a bubble-burster, but Simpson is the worst kind of fraud, and there is no other way to put it. I wouldn't waste my time (or hope) on his nonsense.

If simple cannabis extracts could cure cancer, there would be no such thing as cancer, because in the 5000 years of human history that cannabis has been used as medicine (and the overwhelming majority of that time, legally, I might add), this would have been uncovered and it would be common knowledge now.

There are plenty of places on the globe where cannabis is either entirely legal, de-facto legal (ie there is no real enforcement against it), or specifically legal as medicine, and in exactly NONE of these places has cancer been eliminated. Ask yourself if simple dirt-cheap hemp oil can cure cancer, why is it not in wide use for that purpose all over the planet?

Anyway, getting back to above, I just suggested herijuana because its popular as a "medical" strain. There are plenty of other strong indicas out there that should do more or less the same thing.

In terms of the fastest way to get bud, obviously, that's to buy it.

If you want to make your own, starting from SEEDS, autoflowers really AREN'T any faster from seed to harvest than the fastest indica strains.

If you have the ability to start from clones instead of seeds, that will save you several weeks time. Even if it takes you 1-2 weeks to get your hands on the clone, you're still ahead of the game time-wise.
Its not going to hurt, but you might as well use snake oil.

I hate to be a bubble-burster, but Simpson is the worst kind of fraud, and there is no other way to put it. I wouldn't waste my time (or hope) on his nonsense.

If simple cannabis extracts could cure cancer, there would be no such thing as cancer, because in the 5000 years of human history that cannabis has been used as medicine (and the overwhelming majority of that time, legally, I might add), this would have been uncovered and it would be common knowledge now.

There are plenty of places on the globe where cannabis is either entirely legal, de-facto legal (ie there is no real enforcement against it), or specifically legal as medicine, and in exactly NONE of these places has cancer been eliminated. Ask yourself if simple dirt-cheap hemp oil can cure cancer, why is it not in wide use for that purpose all over the planet?

Anyway, getting back to above, I just suggested herijuana because its popular as a "medical" strain. There are plenty of other strong indicas out there that should do more or less the same thing.

In terms of the fastest way to get bud, obviously, that's to buy it.

If you want to make your own, starting from SEEDS, autoflowers really AREN'T any faster from seed to harvest than the fastest indica strains.

If you have the ability to start from clones instead of seeds, that will save you several weeks time. Even if it takes you 1-2 weeks to get your hands on the clone, you're still ahead of the game time-wise.

Hate to say it, but i agree. I read part of a book from a doc who claimed 100% success in treating allergy with bee pollen. It turned out to be quackery.
Even the 70% number is suspect ... almost no therapy at all, other than setting a broken bone, has numbers that good. cn
hi everyone, my mom has pancreatic cancer and i'm lookin to grow sumthen out to help ease her pain & suffering.. any suggestion's would appreciated.. thankyou..
the cure is in eatting fresh raw leaf/ bud ... it dont getr you high , but will cure you .. research this
sorry this is the video i wanted you to watch

i was a little reluctant to bring up the hemp oil topic, and i am wary of the claims
if nothing else, symptomatic relief should be achievable
but a useful treatment for cancer doesn't have to cure, it can help in other ways
one of the mechanisms of cancer growth has been found to be inflammation, not all but many cancers feed on inflammation like processes
some inflammation inhibitors(such as aspirin), have been clinically shown to interfere with the process, though with aspirin that is more of a preventative effect
cannabinoids have also been shown to interfere in the inflammation process, just how and how much is very debatable
Hate to say it, but i agree. I read part of a book from a doc who claimed 100% success in treating allergy with bee pollen. It turned out to be quackery.
Even the 70% number is suspect ... almost no therapy at all, other than setting a broken bone, has numbers that good. cn
Why do you hate to say you agree?

Simpson is a fraud. His "hemp oil" is the modern equivalent of "snake oil".

More specifically, I'd say he's a classic "quack", but that would be attributing to him a sort of medical background that he lacks.

This bears repeating, specifically because there are desperate people out there with cancer who are ready to grasp at ANY potentially life saving therapy. Who can blame them?

Cannabis oil most certainly can help with the SYMPTOMS of cancer (including depression, pain, and lack of appetite), and again, its probably not going to HURT anything.

But its quite a stretch to claim that this sort of thing can actually CURE cancers, let alone to make on-their-face ridiculous claims about 70-100% cure rates.

I'm aware that there is scientific data showing that cannabinoid extracts can kill cancer cells. . .IN VITRO.

But lots of things can kill cancer cells in a test tube. . .including radiation and cancer chemotherapy drugs. The overwhelming majority of these agents never show any actual benefit when tried on sick people in the real world. What matters is killing actual TUMORS (not just individual cells) in actual patients. To that end, there is an abundant medical literature involving blinded clinical trials on tens and hundreds of thousands of patients conclusively proving survival benefits to conventional chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

With Simpson, its just a bunch of smoke. He's got the wild claims, but unfortunately not the evidence to back them up.
sorry this is the video i wanted you to watch


personally i love the high.. so i would now have to grow enuff to make like a green leaf drink. with enuff decarbed keif to get me blasted. pluss i need it to not taste shitty