sharing my modified subcool super soil recipe

more good info! all my stuff should be here within 2-3 days , just need to get one of those plastic pools n start mixing up to cook. I'm actually in AZ where its hitting 110+ so i figured u were in this hell hole with me lol. ill keep ya posted dude. might bounce some more questions off ya down the road. hope thats cool. thx bro
Very interesting thanks for the info. Although I have different strains going in my test between OF and RO I hope to be able to tell a difference I taste and smell. they are both working great so far so it will be difficult to choose one bcuz its better than the other
if they both perform well for you id just go with what is more cost friendly :) and most readily available.

where i live is just an irrigated desert basically.. im sure its probably not much different than az.. i work in 105 degree heat.. and have to wear pants :/ its funny how the body gets used to things that seem unbearable.
hey bro mixed it all up in one of those plastic pools, been sitting out in the sun/shade for 2 days now mixing it around a few times a day. when should i throw it into a big trash can?
sorry, rollitup doesnt notify me by email when i get thread responses.. anyway,. yeah i usually just mix it, put it in the can (a black plastic clean one from osh(basically rubbermaid i think) with the lid on, and add like 3 gallons of water, then it just sits there for a month.. then i dump it back in the mixing pool, and shovel into containers.. fill 2/3 of the way, place another layer of xtreme mycorrhizal, and then transplant on top of that,then fill the sides with more soil mix.

once a week add 5ml hygrozyme, 10ml liquid karma, and 4 teaspoons (or 2 tablespoons) of sucanat. usually i give each plant 2 gallons of water per watering session, and i do the additives in the second jug per plant.. so water first gallon, mixture second gallon.. and i do it on day 1, day 7, day 14, day 21, day 28, day 35, day 42... and just out of the interest of saving money, i go water only day 49 and day 56.. chop on day 56 (cuz thats when my strains are ready, if you run to day 63 or 70.. push the water only back a week or 2 accordingly.. but you can use additives to the last week if you want, didnt affect anything negatively as far as flavor, its just simply to save money in my opinion on additives).
np thanks bro. did the 3 gallon of water thing in the trash cans, needed 2 i used an extra bag of roots so i just did 1 1/2 of your recipe of everything else. prob is, it has like mold growing on the top.. I've attached a pic.. is the whole mix trashed ?



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cobweb mold that forms on super soil are not mycos. its incidental and neither good nor bad. well possibly good. but under a scope u can see they aint mycos!
Isnt that the same as the "mold" on cheese?? People look at it and say eww but isnt none harmful?

Anywho big +rep to the OP. I always wanted to try super soil and with this breakdown i finally can. I wanna do side by side with it and v+b see whos is better. Lol
Isnt that the same as the "mold" on cheese?? People look at it and say eww but isnt none harmful?

Anywho big +rep to the OP. I always wanted to try super soil and with this breakdown i finally can. I wanna do side by side with it and v+b see whos is better. Lol

make SS and dont look back, there are upfront costs and time constraints (must cook minimum of 6 weeks) but after that, it is completely hands-off. just add water... supplement with carbs on day 25/35/45 of flowering...i am on my first run with SS and was a skeptic....since i transplanted my 1gall hardpots into the 5gall gepots with about 45-50% SS they have never looked better. they looks so good its unreal.

organic cannabis fully amended is possible and you can do it too
the super soil recipe was great, but i have ran this modified version a few cycles now and am much happier with the results. the herbs smell, flavor, crystal content, and stickiness are unbeatable. i will list the recipe, and then explain what i changed and my reasoning. i do a quarter batch from the original recipe.

2 large bags roots natural and organic soil
15 pounds Earth Worm Castings
420g fish bone meal (down to earth 3-16-0)
420g bat guano (happy frog 0-5-0)
420g blood meal (down to earth 12-0-0)
80g potassium sulfate (0-0-50)

200g ancient forest alaska humus (general organics)
200g xtreme mycorrhizal granules
200g azomite

100g sea kelp (algamin 1-0-2)
70g dolomite lime (30% cal 3% mg or 75/12)
50g alfalfa meal (down to earth 2.5-1-1)

20g humic acid powder (down to earth)
8g Epsom salt

i do 420 grams instead of 560 (1.25 pounds) because i felt the original mix was too strong, and it did leave some residual BEFORE curing. lowering down too 420g removed that fixing the problem.. the plants have a very very light beginning of a color fade on a day 63 chop.

the potassium sulfate is obviously to give the soil a (what i feel was needed) potassium boost. sulfer is also a flavor enhancer.

the alaska humus has a very large diversity of microbial life that it adds to the soil, and it also acts as a ph buffer keeping your ph around 7.

xtreme mycorrhizal granules i have used in the past and had great results, so i figure adding some into the soil mix is beneficial.

i use more azomite because in my opinion from past experiences azomite and mycorrhizal combo have drastically improved yields and plant vigor.

sea kelp is also for diversity of bacteria being added to the soil, everyone knows the benefit if seaweed/kelp in cannabis, plus it also is a small K boost.

alfalfa meal i added because of the growth hormone triacontanol basically as long as u arent giving too much of it (which can delay flowering) its just a natural steroid for the plant basically.

during flowering i use this schedule to feed the plant:
STRAIGHT TAP WATER (i have gone thru the trouble of filling gallon jugs thru the water filter at a very slow pace and the results are very very similiar.. so i dont take the time to use dechlorinated water anymore.. its my understanding anyway that the chlorine content in water is no where near enough to kill the bacteria in soil. it would have to be at the strength of pool water, which my water is not, im sure somewhere somebodys is though)

my plants are in 7gal pots, i give em 2 gallons of water as soon as the saucer below is dry. and when i do additives, i give it once a week, on the 2nd jug per plant.

here is my flower feed schedule:

5ml liquid karma (day 1-day 14)
10ml liquid karma (21-49)
2tbsp sucanat (day1-14)
3tbsp sucanat (21-42)
4tbsp sucanat (49+)
5ml hygrozyme (1-49)

i started just water only when i first started with super soil.. experimented with things here and there.. the things i found most beneficial were definitely liquid karma, and the sucanat.. hygrozyme is good, but if u need to go without something, keep the lk and sucanat and dump the hygrozyme.

i pull very well.. no less than 4oz a plant (4 plants under a 1k) on the low yielders (grandaddy) and easily double on a high yielder. the gdp turns purple no matter what the temperature is, because its just the right amount of nutrients to where it starts fading at the end of flower.

Is your flower feed schedule nutes per gallon of water? Nevermind I found where it was Sorry
ive only had those webs once, and it was from a batch made during the winter time.. i dont think its mycos because its my understanding mycos dont start doing anything until they have roots to attach to, but i dont know what caused it.. maybe just some contaminent in the bagged soil.. but all i did was left it alone, and when it came time to use it, just dumped it in the kiddie pool, and mixed it lightly again, then used it like regular, everything was fine. usually its just on the top layer, you can even scoop it off if you want, i think i scooped some of it off as well.

quality of the super soil is amazing.. my herb quality far surpasses anything any of my friends are doing, they run hydro, coco, bottled nutrients, synthetics.. etc.. not only do i spend way less than they do, the bud gets you higher, its better quality of a high, and its cleaner. it always smells amazing, and the flavor comes across very strong and smooth.

im thinking im going to start making glycerin tincture with rick simpson oil and make that my primary form of consumption. so nothing b etter to use than organic herbs with no pesticides for something that will be consumed.. i already make qwiso and vaporize it in my omricon (o-phos), so ill just do an extra step. im thinking 1oz glycerine to 1gram of oil in a crock pot on low, then just stir/shake it well and bottle it in small little 2oz amber bottles with a dropper lid. since i wont be vaporizing it, ill probably do a longer soak with the isopropyl to extract more of the oil/cannaboid profile for more medicinal qualities. the reason u do a quick wash if you are smoking it is because it also extracts chlorophyl, and that might make it harsher when smoked,but ingesting it wont make a difference, glycerine is very sweet anyway so itll mask any.

chopping down within the next week soon as i have time between a busy work schedule.. i did a sample piece of the sonoma coma and its amazing.. a real strong mixture of fruity flavors with a pinch of spice.. definitely unique, and strong stuff.. its visually purple in the sunlight. the bud to leaf ratio is crazy, almost no leaves left on the buds right now, they are yellowed and withering the few that are on the bud of the sonoma coma. its mostly milky trichs right now, but im letting em get just a little more amber because i medicate for chronic pain/anxiety/elevated BP.. so i need something to alleviate my pain, and keep me calm, which keeps the BP down.. i think the tincture will be really good to control my conditions without so much of the trippy high/THC high. i dont really care to get high i just want relief, i want to feel good and be able to function happily in life.

edit: also to the previous poster, dont know if you saw, i simplified the nutrient schedule, just doing 5ml hygrozyme, 10ml liquid karma, and 4 teaspoons aka 2 tablespoons of sucanat all thru flower, and water only last 2 weeks. but i do water only last 2 weeks just in favor of saving money on additives, you can go all the way until the end of flower with no adverse affects to flavor aka no residual..
I'm mixing this up as we speak. Had to get on and recheck the recipe. Lol...Used S.S. the first two runs, thought I'd give this a try. Anyone here ever grow K.O. Kush organicly before?