please help, leaves brown, crispy, twisted - pictures inside


hi guys,

I had this thread here and all was going well:

however once i started flowering, i completely overlooked switching fertiliser, so was giving them miracle gro for a while which was high in nitrogen.
this stuff: 6.jpg

once they started showing some minor browning of leaf tips, i bought this and sprinkled some granules into the soil:

it just seemed to continue getting gradually worse, so i invested in this and have been adding about 2ml to each watering:

and still no sign of improvement. i tried flushing to of the plants, and no change.... can anybody please help me identify this?


i bought an NPK testing kit, but it seemed inaccurate, after 10 mins (which the instructions suggested I wait) the water was very light purple suggesting not enough P, but then after about an hour i looked again and it was really dark purple suggesting an abundance of P. so which is it?!

i honestly have no idea if its too much food, or not enough.
looking at this chart, i'd say mine were resembling the zinc deficiency image?

any help tat all would be greatly appreciated.



you need a more balanced feed, read this, should help :)

and you need to give them a good flush to clear the rubble they had pumped thru them :) and feed weaker than you have been doing.

I dont think it's deficiency as it's frying your new growth, big flush, better balanced N-P-K and lower feed levels and you may have a chance of recovery :) Good Luck!
thank you! that article is very interesting. I'll start by flushing them all now!


Im with tickle on this one. basic mistake of new growers is over doing the nutrition or watering . I read early on about all of this before I started my grow .
Best of luck to u on them plants recovery , its a shame from them beauties to die in such a way without being smoked :D


so ive just flushed all 4 plants, im worried now that they will wilt from all that water?
also just looked at my nutes again:
the miracle grow has an NPK of 6-3-6
the bloom booster is pretty much just potash and magnesium
the bio bloom has an NPK of 2-7-4

so....which should i be using? :-S
both the liquid ferts have nitrogen right?
not that ive flushed them, should i just use water for a while? or add some of the miracle gro? so confused.


Well-Known Member
never used the miracle grow, but out of what you got, it's probably the best, maybe make a weak mix using miracle grow 1/4 strengh and a weak pinch of the bio bloom, i personally would go to find a new 'balanced' feed, sure some people have recomended tomato food over miracle grow, not sure, depends what you have at your disposal.


Well-Known Member
Flushing in soil rarely helps..but is renowned for making whatever issue worse...Only water when the pot is light...You might be able to save them...but adding more ferts to the plant won't save it...
If I end up with one that I have burnt that bad anywhere near flowering it is best to toss and start over...the yield will be so incredibly messed up it just isn't worth my time...I have one now that something somewhere went wrong while I wasn't looking and it has lost all it's I will just kill


Well-Known Member
Severe light bleaching/burn. You cant have the light close in summer without a cooltube it results in fried leaves buds and shit harvest etc. next grow have a cooltube and they can go as close as 4" to a well cooled 1000w. Now the second issue- pots far too small for flowering plants that big, causing salts burn and leaf yellowing/drop .
If you get a cooltube , much bigger pots plus ph monitoring your harvests will triple. :-P


Severe light bleaching/burn. You cant have the light close in summer without a cooltube it results in fried leaves buds and shit harvest etc. next grow have a cooltube and they can go as close as 4" to a well cooled 1000w. Now the second issue- pots far too small for flowering plants that big, causing salts burn and leaf yellowing/drop .
If you get a cooltube , much bigger pots plus ph monitoring your harvests will triple. :-P

hmmm i did wonder about the pots, does anybody else think those pots are too small?
as for light burn, they're CFLs, i can touch them even when they've been on for 12 hours, pretty cool!


Yes. I just had this same problem. Your plants are about the same size and type as mine. and my roots were twisted everywhere. they literally had nowhere else to go. and I was in a 3 gallon bucket that is bigger than the pot you have yours in now. They're pretty hit, so a transplant isn't going to really do any more

It looks to me like they're root bound....nowwhere else to go. and then the feeding made it worse in such a small pot. you might try and get some fresh soil around the root ball when you re-pot it....Can't hurt, right?


Well-Known Member
Cfls can still burn your plant btw and MG organic + MG ferts = Nute burn,Trust me it happened to me I don't use MG ferts at all anymore and if i did i would use 1/4 strength and still cross my fingers.I use MG potting mix that has nutes in it already and for flowering Shultz Bloom Plus 10-54-10 @1/4-1/2 strength then i wait a day or 2 and wait on the effects,if they are very green and look healthy i use the same dose,if yellowing a bit i use full strength or a lil bit over and they love it.


Afraid not, they just got gradually Worse & worse. I think it was a combination of high soil ph, (around 7.5), too small pots, and poor nute combinations!

We live and learn...

I cut all four down recently, tried reverting some clippings back to veg stage in a propagate but Im not holding my breath on that one!

Instead I've prepared myself better and bought some 8 ball kush seeds, as apparently they're very easy to grow.

I'll update this thead with any progress soon. Thanks so much for all the help everyone!


P.S - I did buy new pots and some Ericaceous soil as apparently it has a lower PH, has anybody got experience with this soil? I've heard MJ likes a nice low PH of around 5.5 - 6.5?

Anyway, I repotted them in this new soil with bigger pots and flushed them. It had no effect. They just got more and more brown and the leaves twisted/curled more and more until death.


Active Member
finish out your grow with water then get this shit for your next grow:Smart-pots,ocean forest soil,Fox farm grow big 6-4-4,fox farm tiger bloom 2-8-4, steamed bone meal 0-12-0,This is all you need bro.easy nugz


Thanks for all your help guys.

So the last 4 all died in the end. I took some cuttings from the healthiest areas (there weren't many!) but they didn't take.

So I've just started again. 5 8-ball kush and they came with a little free gift of 5 afghan #1.
Didnt bother with tissue germination, just potted them in little peat equivelant pellets that expand when wet, in a new propagator.

2 days in and all 10 have sprouted already, all have the first set of leaves opened already. What's really interesting is I think I have twins! One of my seeds has 2 seedlings, a cm apart, so not sure if they share a root system or not. Just had a quick google and it seems like im not alone with this one, but I've read mixed reviews. A lot of people are saying twins equal weed mutant plants that don't grow well! I'll post pictures in a few hours :-)

Po boy

Well-Known Member
BUDS is right. you'll still get some smoke. next harvest will bring a excellent yield and awesome smoke. GL