I Got Laid- Afraid Of Aids- Pray For Me

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Did your dick fall off yet?

Another Beardo prayer:

Dear Lord, Please leave Beardo's dick on his body. Amen

roflmao... sorry.


Ursus marijanus
Did your dick fall off yet?

Another Beardo prayer:

Dear Lord, Please leave Beardo's dick on his body. Amen

roflmao... sorry.
I'm trying to come up with some transubstantiation humor, but I don't think a tranny was involved this time.
That said I'm gonna put in a shameless plug for one of my best puns on this site, which has gone unremarked. it's about one page up. cn


Well-Known Member
Beardo, my man, anyting new to report? Dripping, burning, blisters, growth?
Nothing to report, I'm probably going to wait another week or two and then try to get tested for free if I can find a place that does free rapid testing.
No dripping that I've noticed, maybe some burning from time to time but i'm not sure if it's any different than usual, no blisters but I've had a rash for the longest time it's terrible between my ass and legs and balls I think it's unrelated, no growth-it's still small


New Member
May a thousand fleas nest in your crotch !!

Tinea cruris............AKA crotch rot, jock itch, Bathe my man. Get an ointment at the drug store.



Well-Known Member
Beardo, when I was young and crazy I scared the bajebus out of myself and went to the county health dept for free and anonymous testing. Try that. They should give you a number and you can call in for the results using that number. Try some Desetin (40% Zinc Oxide) cream on the rash. You can find it anywhere for a few bucks. It won't hurt, only help. Glad to see you're still hangin on.


Well-Known Member
no blisters but I've had a rash for the longest time it's terrible between my ass and legs and balls I think it's unrelated, no growth-it's still small

Oh noes! That's the first sign.

Swamp Ass, followed be Crotch Rot. Less than 48 hours later is sure death.


Well-Known Member
May a thousand fleas nest in your crotch !!

Tinea cruris............AKA crotch rot, jock itch, Bathe my man. Get an ointment at the drug store.

I try not to bathe because I avoid fluoride, it damages your brain and it's poison so I don't bathe or shower but I do swim sometimes in the lake or in the ocean if I get the chance, I have tried all the creams and ointments and sprays and it doesn't go away, some kind of help, some make it worse, I think maybe it's staph infection or maybe just crotch rot.


Well-Known Member
Bro you are fucking gross. Bathe hippie.
All joking aside that's just disgusting. Do you go outside, or are you afraid of mosquitoes carrying west nile?


Well-Known Member
Id hit it unwrapped. Dude..... looks like shes the one who should of been worried about catching something. Straight rolling dirty dude.


Well-Known Member
Bro you are fucking gross. Bathe hippie.
All joking aside that's just disgusting. Do you go outside, or are you afraid of mosquitoes carrying west nile?
You can laugh and joke but when you end up crazy or retarded from the stuff in the water you're bathing and showering in then I'll have the last laugh.
Of course i'm not afraid of mosquitoes and west nile, that's all propaganda, mosquitoes don't even bite my because I don't use all the products most people do that attract them.


Ursus marijanus
You can laugh and joke but when you end up crazy or retarded from the stuff in the water you're bathing and showering in then I'll have the last laugh.
Of course i'm not afraid of mosquitoes and west nile, that's all propaganda, mosquitoes don't even bite my because I don't use all the products most people do that attract them.
You mean like blood? cn


Active Member
Ha! The Mosquitos are afraid of hep c and aids!

Sorry to laugh at your misfortune beardo but this thread is hilarious and a real self esteem booster when i think back on those bad decisions!