The false left/right paradigm


Active Member
The supreme court says you are wrong. So the rest of your post is irrelevant
The supreme court can very easily state that the healthcare-mandate opponents are wrong, regarding their legal "opinions". They've signed some papers, and receive a salary that gives them the ability to dictate and decide law... which equates to, their correct and everyone else is wrong. Just because they interpret law, doesn't mean they actually know it. This is evident in their "decision".

The funny thing is, there is no "decision" about a healthcare-mandate to be made. The constitution very clearly states that the government can not force it's people to purchase products. That's what they did though, thus their ruling is simply incorrect. It's known that court rooms make mistakes, but the mistake they made, violated the written law of constitution, clear-as-day. It just so happened they used their legal "interpretation" skills, or lack-thereof, to find another clause that would potentially allow such an unconstitutional law to be established. Violating law to establish law, is not law, it's hypocrisy.

On this basis, the rest of my post is relevant. However, a couple "judges" who signed some paper, and receive salaries stating that they are "officials of the supreme court", couldn't more more irrelevant, due to their inability to read plain, written, law. They should be fired for their sheer ignorance, and lack of "skills" regarding their profession.


Active Member
I guess I have to be more precise in the words I choose, because we're going to get caught up arguing semantics. For you socialism is a broad umbrella of things that would include everything from Obamacare to disarmament. The way you describe it sounds a lot like communism to me. I know there are a lot of flavors of socialism, but that is one I've never heard of. I double checked Wikipedia just to make sure that I'm not the one who is misunderstanding it, and I see there are a bazillion different types of socialism, so maybe one of those types is what you're talking about. When I said socialism, I was referring to the kinds of policies that guys like Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Ralph Nader, Elizabeth Warren, Kucinich, or Noam Chomsky might advocate. Each one describes themselves differently so I though Socialist was a broad enough term to cover them all. Apparently that term was far too broad.
Yes, socialism is a very broad political theory. I guess what I'm trying to get at is, at the end of the day, socialism ultimately leads to an erosion of rights, including natural, human, and constitutional.

Even though I felt like a lot of what you said had nothing to do with what I was talking about, I'd be glad to comment on it. I believe the "tax" in regards to Obamacare is not the bill you're paying to your insurance company, it refers to the penalty that you pay for not having insurance. You said "you" a lot when you described your position on Obamacare as if I am in favor of it. I'm not at all in favor of it. I didn't like it when the republicans argued for it in the 90's and I didn't like it when the Democrats made it law. I believe you would have gotten it either way. I can easily imagine McCain signing the same thing into law had he won, and all the talking heads on the right would have praised it as a free market solution to healthcare and the Democrats would have hated it and called it a giveaway to the insurance companies. This is my theory, that both sides want to do the same thing, they just sell it to us differently.
Yes, the tax is a penalty. That does not justify the mandate in any way, shape, or form though. The government using the mentality of "purchase a product or else", is not ethical conduct, and it's surely not constitutional, regardless of what the clowns in the supreme court voted. The government cannot legally force a tax upon their people, if the only way to avoid that tax is purchasing a product. Again the supreme court says this law of "purchase of a product or else" is legal, but it simply is not.

When I used "you" it may have been because I was directed at you, or just using "you" as general terminology. It did sounded like you supported it by what you stated, so I probably used "you" in both of those regards above.

You seem awfully concerned about guns. While I do believe the UN would love to take those guns away from you, I doubt very much that either party would attempt it in this county. The reason being that the US is the biggest gun manufacturer in the world and the lobby that represents that industry is incredibly powerful and influential. Notice that Obama recently killed the small arms treaty that was being drafted in the UN. I suspect he did it not because of ideology but because of the money involved. Obama has a tendency to side with the money. I'm personally not concerned about guns because I think we're very close to making them completely irrelevant. Right now I could build a rail gun with parts in my garage. In another 10 years I could find parts to build one that would outperform the best rifles available today. So far we have no regulations involving energy weapons.
Believe me, attempts will be made. The question is, will it work? I personally don't think disarmament would work here in the USA, but then again how many people will want to end up "felons" if a gun ban is enacted? Not many. It worked in the UK, it would absolutely work here among the masses, in regards to "turn your guns in or become a felon". There would be many who would not turn guns in, and there would be no way to determine if they had guns, but that doesn't mean many would not turn their guns in under such a threat... many surely would.

Just as the US gun industry is very powerful and influential, the UN and their anti-gun agenda is very powerful and influential as well. Some of the richest people in the world, fund the UN's anti-gun campaigns/organizations. There is plenty of power behind the UN, if not more so than what's behind the US gun industry.

So let me restate my opening thought that started this thread:
In an effort to end authoritarianism in this country, I think our government would operate more efficiently if the two parties were Libertarians and Green.
This is probably true.

What we have now is not working, so a move in another direction other than more socialism, is surely a needed change.

It's quite funny how this nation seemed to work like a Swiss watch, in regards to it's fiscal and monetary policies, back in the day. Now with the ever-so-increasing use of "socialism" and it's affiliated policies, this nation has taken fiscal plummet. Things aren't that way for no reason, and it just so happens the reason is socialism. SS, medi-care, medi-cade, welfare, pensions, etc... none of that stuff lies, the numbers are right there for everyone to see. It simply does not work.


Active Member
Vote for this guy



Active Member
It's quite funny how this nation seemed to work like a Swiss watch, in regards to it's fiscal and monetary policies, back in the day. Now with the ever-so-increasing use of "socialism" and it's affiliated policies, this nation has taken fiscal plummet. Things aren't that way for no reason, and it just so happens the reason is socialism. SS, medi-care, medi-cade, welfare, pensions, etc... none of that stuff lies, the numbers are right there for everyone to see. It simply does not work.
Wait a minute... Which day are you referring to? I can assure you that this nation never worked like clockwork. We were on a boom and bust cycle since 1775. In fact from 1941 to 1973 was by far the most stable and prosperous financial times in US history. Don't believe me? Here is a chart of economic activity since 1775: bust cycle 1941 graph&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CEEQFjAA&url=

The above chart ends in 1941. The period from 1941 to 1973 is often referred to as Americas's Golden age. This is when America became the most prosperous county in the world. We still had our recessions, but they didn't last near as long and they were not near as harsh. He's a little reading and graphs for you:

It is an indisputable fact that the period of time after we got SS, medi-care, medi-cade, and welfare was the most prosperous time in our history. You're correct that numbers don't lie. At this point I could mount a stellar defense of socialism since you set yourself up for it with that little piece of disinfo about our country running like clockwork, but that's not suppose to be the point of this thread. I'm not endorsing the socialist candidate. I'm voting Gary Johnson.

Unlike you though, I don't have some irrational fear of socialism. It has it's ups and downs just like every other economic theory.


Well-Known Member
The supreme court can very easily state that the healthcare-mandate opponents are wrong, regarding their legal "opinions". They've signed some papers, and receive a salary that gives them the ability to dictate and decide law... which equates to, their correct and everyone else is wrong. Just because they interpret law, doesn't mean they actually know it. This is evident in their "decision".

The funny thing is, there is no "decision" about a healthcare-mandate to be made. The constitution very clearly states that the government can not force it's people to purchase products. That's what they did though, thus their ruling is simply incorrect. It's known that court rooms make mistakes, but the mistake they made, violated the written law of constitution, clear-as-day. It just so happened they used their legal "interpretation" skills, or lack-thereof, to find another clause that would potentially allow such an unconstitutional law to be established. Violating law to establish law, is not law, it's hypocrisy.

On this basis, the rest of my post is relevant. However, a couple "judges" who signed some paper, and receive salaries stating that they are "officials of the supreme court", couldn't more more irrelevant, due to their inability to read plain, written, law. They should be fired for their sheer ignorance, and lack of "skills" regarding their profession.

Except that there is a 200 year precident that says that SCOTUS is the final arbiter of what is and is not Consitutional. By your argument, our Presidents, Senators and Representatives are not really that because they were "only" elected by the people. Now let us consider what might happen in this country if we didn't have a final court and a final judgement on what was and was not legal. You and I, law enforcement from one state and another or even from one city or another might disagree on what that "plain, written law" actually means.

I assure you that we differ on the meaning of the particulars of that document. Right or wrong, SCOTUS has the final say and it is to be abided by.


Well-Known Member
. Now with the ever-so-increasing use of "socialism" and it's affiliated policies, this nation has taken fiscal plummet. Things aren't that way for no reason, and it just so happens the reason is socialism. SS, medi-care, medi-cade, welfare, pensions, etc... none of that stuff lies, the numbers are right there for everyone to see. It simply does not work.

Tell the millions of older Americans living and dead that Social security "simply didn't work", tell them that about medicare, tell them that about pensions. No, it may not work according to your "numbers don't lie" way of figuring but there is more to every social equation than that sort of computation.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Nothing like working hard and paying taxes your whole life to go eat dog food in your final years. While 1 term senators retire on pretty sweet plans.


Well-Known Member
Nothing like working hard and paying taxes your whole life to go eat dog food in your final years. While 1 term senators retire on pretty sweet plans.
How about coming up with a plan that exempts seniors now but impacts those of us under 54 years of age

Gotz to preserve that old white vote base

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
How about coming up with a plan that exempts seniors now but impacts those of us under 54 years of age

Gotz to preserve that old white vote base
If people had enough good paying jobs with benefits they would have insurance like they used too. Minimum wage is not enough, $10. per hour is not enough. Opportunity has dwindled for average and below average people, the American dream is not supposed to be only realized by the brilliant or exceptional. Like a lot of things the management sucks, only in government when that happens it just keeps on sucking.


Well-Known Member
If people had enough good paying jobs with benefits they would have insurance like they used too. Minimum wage is not enough, $10. per hour is not enough. Opportunity has dwindled for average and below average people, the American dream is not supposed to be only realized by the brilliant or exceptional. Like a lot of things the management sucks, only in government when that happens it just keeps on sucking.
The horror story is
401ks were never designed to retire on. They were designed as ways of getting extra tax free income to company executives who were mostly in there 50s as a perk


Well-Known Member
One of the most common complaints against Obama from Ron Paul supporters and libertarians in general, is that he is a socialist. I wonder if anyone actually has looked at the socialist party's platform or any far leftist party's platform (Green Party, Democratic Socialists, etc). If you do, you'll find that Socialists and Libertarians actually agree on 85% of the issues. On the other hand, compare Libertarians to Republicans or Democrats and you'll find they agree less than 50% of the time.

In general, most of these lefty political groups don't support all of our foreign occupations, invasions, and interference. They don't support invading our privacy through laws like the Patriotic Act. They don't support fucking with the internet through some kind of anti piracy act. They don't support fondling our testicles through the TSA. They don't support our phony drug war. They don't support the FED. Even the ones that like tossing money around, prefer that the Federal Reserve not be the one doing it. As far as I can tell, Obama and Romney are both in favor of these things.

The biggest areas of disagreement seem to be in government entitlement programs and regulating industry. If these are the most important issues to you, then I suppose I can see the disdain for socialists, but if some of that other crap I mentioned means anything to you, than you would be crazy not to choose a real socialist (like Bernie Sanders or Jil Stien) over Obama.

I actually suspected this for a long time mostly from Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, but it was illustrated nicely for me when I took a little online policy quiz on isidewith dot com. My results showed me agreeing with the libertarians 91% of the time and the Greens 80% of the time. Obama and Romney were at the bottom of the list. Looking at my results, you would think Romney and Obama were on the same team.

Personally I think our government would run much better if the two major parties were Libertarians and Socialists instead of Democrats and Republicans.
Do you have a link to that policy quiz?


Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.
It doesn't matter who you vote for because our country is screwed economically and when that happens all the minor issues that seperate the right and the left will literally be irrelevant. The left wont be able to pay for social welfare and the right wont be able to pay for tax cuts and war. Why argue about what type of government you want when that goverment is about to fail altogether?

If you dont believe me look at this chart.

150 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities. Social security and medicare are failing.
~16 trillion dollars in federal debt. We spend ~ 3 trillion a year and only raise ~ 2 trillion.
This is unsustainable.

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” - Thomas Jefferson


Well-Known Member
Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.
It doesn't matter who you vote for because our country is screwed economically and when that happens all the minor issues that seperate the right and the left will literally be irrelevant. The left wont be able to pay for social welfare and the right wont be able to pay for tax cuts and war.

Why argue about what type of government you want when that goverment is about to fail altogether?

If you dont believe me look at this chart.

150 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities. Social security and medicare are failing.
~16 trillion dollars in federal debt. We spend ~ 3 trillion a year and only raise ~ 2 trillion.
This is unsustainable.

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” - Thomas Jefferson

Oh no, voting for eeeevil.

The only time you are not going to be voting for the lesser of two evils is if Jesus runs. With a nation of varied interests and perceptions, how will it ever be anything but a vote for the lesser of two evils?


Well-Known Member
Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.
It doesn't matter who you vote for because our country is screwed economically and when that happens all the minor issues that seperate the right and the left will literally be irrelevant. The left wont be able to pay for social welfare and the right wont be able to pay for tax cuts and war. Why argue about what type of government you want when that goverment is about to fail altogether?

If you dont believe me look at this chart.

150 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities. Social security and medicare are failing.
~16 trillion dollars in federal debt. We spend ~ 3 trillion a year and only raise ~ 2 trillion.
This is unsustainable.

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” - Thomas Jefferson
Hey remember when everyone who didnt like Gore or Bush voted for Nader

How did that turn out?


Active Member
Wow, there's a little more distance between Obama and Romney on yours. Here's mine:

Screenshot-I side 97% with Gary Johnson - Chromium.jpg
actually, I clicked on my original score that I had posted to facebook and my results are a little different than they were before. I side with Gary Johnson even more than before and Obama looks to have moved up a little bit. I don't know what that's about. Maybe there has been some refinement. I thought I would side with the Green Party more than I did because Ralph Nader is my hero. I'm thinking my position on our involvement with the United Nations may have made the difference.


My overall point was that this country is headed for economic depression and the differences between the two candidates will be irrelevent in the grand scheme of things after that beings to happen.

But since you ignored that point I guess we can talk about the lesser of two evils.

Hey remember when everyone who didnt like Gore or Bush voted for Nader

How did that turn out?
Bush was voted in. Obama is just as bad if not worse than bush though so I don't really understand what your getting at? They both corroded civil liberties,maintained nearly the same monetary/foreign policies and helped the rich get richer....

Bush signed the patriot act/Obama signed the NDAA.
Bush tortured suspected terrorists/Obama assassinated a 16 year old U.S. civilian without trial.
Bush started a foreign war in Iraq with no justification/Obama escalated that war and by abusing
the executive order, spread it to Pakistan killing thousands of innocent citizens.
Bush signed the tax cuts/ Obama kept them going while giving billions in bailouts to the major banks.
Bush hired Ben Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve/Obama rehired him resulting in
14 trillion dollars being given to to the major banks(not just US).


Well-Known Member
Wow, there's a little more distance between Obama and Romney on yours. Here's mine:

View attachment 2295172
actually, I clicked on my original score that I had posted to facebook and my results are a little different than they were before. I side with Gary Johnson even more than before and Obama looks to have moved up a little bit. I don't know what that's about. Maybe there has been some refinement. I thought I would side with the Green Party more than I did because Ralph Nader is my hero. I'm thinking my position on our involvement with the United Nations may have made the difference.
Interesting. That was a fun little quiz.