you have to pay $13.50 to vote in pennsylvania


Well-Known Member
and yet another righty fails to provide evidence of this epidemic of voter fraud.

how do you defeat a righty?

ask them to premise their assertions with evidence, apparently.
When we engage in circular discussion on important topics intent on "winning" rather than "communicating", nobody wins.


/back to my room.


Well-Known Member
I had a few odd connections in Washington. Years ago while I watched Biden conducting the Thomas confirmation hearings I was very very impressed. I called my sister in law, the then AIDS CZAR (yes they had czars then) and commented on Biden's performance. "I think he would be a fine candidate for president" I said, awed by biden's confident and knowlegable performance. She said "you mean Joe Biden? no, you wouldn't want him, he is a very nasty mean man who says inapropriate things all the time" Mind you we were all Dems. It turns out that she was correct.


Well-Known Member
When we engage in circular discussion on important topics intent on "winning" rather than "communicating", nobody wins.


/back to my room.
what's circular about asking you to provide evidence for your assertion?

answer: nothing. nothing at all.

so sorry that you have to invent lies to make your position tenable.

now clean that room so mommy doesn't yell at you, kid.


Well-Known Member
If the Dem's are so pissed off about the injustice they could do something positive and spend some of that major campaign cash buying people ID's...
That would take away money that is used to bus the dead people to the polls, or by the drunks drinks at the local watering hole for their vote.


Well-Known Member
According to New Black Panther Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz:

  • If Republicans win the White House, “There will be little mercy or no mercy on the New Black Panther Party”
  • The New Black Panthers “delivered” Obama into office
  • Obama “owes” the Black Panthers “some favors”
  • Obama and Holder showed the Black Panthers “mercy” in their voter intimidation case, where the DOJ controversially dropped charges against the group
  • Republicans are the “most powerful enemies in the world” and they “hate” the Black Panthers
  • Republicans will brand the Black Panthers “an official hate group, terrorists”
  • Does not know how much longer “President Obama and Eric Holder can hold out” in their favor.


Well-Known Member
According to New Black Panther Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz:

  • If Republicans win the White House, “There will be little mercy or no mercy on the New Black Panther Party”
  • The New Black Panthers “delivered” Obama into office
  • Obama “owes” the Black Panthers “some favors”
  • Obama and Holder showed the Black Panthers “mercy” in their voter intimidation case, where the DOJ controversially dropped charges against the group
  • Republicans are the “most powerful enemies in the world” and they “hate” the Black Panthers
  • Republicans will brand the Black Panthers “an official hate group, terrorists”
  • Does not know how much longer “President Obama and Eric Holder can hold out” in their favor.

I am scared of the New black Panthers
There are almost a 100 of hem
give or take a dozen depending on which ones are in county lock up for child support or crack offenses


Well-Known Member
You will have a hard time convincing me that someone that doesn't have or can obtain or ever obtained 13dollars in their lifetime has enough initiative to vote or know what they're voting for.
so you belefe dat der shud b voting kwalifikateshun???? I learnt dat da states kant hav a prewreckwizit for da voterz. So i wat u aint matder cuz it'z illeagle.


Well-Known Member
I am scared of the New black Panthers
There are almost a 100 of hem
give or take a dozen depending on which ones are in county lock up for child support or crack offenses
just pointing out how stupid your remark was that Bush dropped the charges on them. Nothing more.


Well-Known Member
top headline on the blaze right now: more scary NBPP audio: kill the women!

i'm going to go ahead and dismiss anything from glenn beck's propaganda website, you'll have to come up with a credible source.
lol, I had no idea that was a Beck site, I thought it was a potsmoker thing.

what site would you like referenced to prove Chesus was talking out of his ass when he said Bush dropped those charges. Doesn't matter, pick a few if you like.


Well-Known Member
It dont matder doe cuz i got a nurzing home fool of da olderly dat i told i wil tak away da bakd been nite if dey dont all vot four OBAMA da fird cumming.


Well-Known Member
lol, I had no idea that was a Beck site, I thought it was a potsmoker thing.

what site would you like referenced to prove Chesus was talking out of his ass when he said Bush dropped those charges. Doesn't matter, pick a few if you like.
recent Media Matters investigation
has debunked charges that the Obama
administration withdrew criminal charges against the Panthers (in fact, the Bush
administration decided not to pursue criminal charges, with Assistant Attorney
General Thomas Perez testifying that the Bush Justice Department "determined
that the facts did not constitute a prosecutable violation of the criminal
statutes"; a civil lawsuit was filed in the last days of the Bush
administration, and a judgment won by the Obama Justice Department in May 2009).
