Lady J's Smokin' Section


This is my pipe....isn't blocky at all and smokes extra smooth. Haven't got to try a wooden pipe yet, but sounds like it'd be good...
Yes - 90 degrees and 80% humidity! Watering twice a day cause it is burning hot!!! These African girls are loving it. You should have seen the the big girls today - they were all spread out and reaching for the sky.
I know this sounds funny but you can get 5 legit corn cob pipes for 5 bucks or you could get high and get crafty and make your own it is what connoisseur tobacco smokers use for their "taster" pipes... It let's you get the full taste of your herb and you can have so many that you only smoke one kind out of that pipe so the flavor doesn't change in the least.
Ive burnt out the bottom of every corncob pipe I've used. :)

Hes right, damn good flavor, smooth pulls, and gotta dig when they use bamboo for the mouthpiece..
I'm gonna have to Google how to do that. My inlaws have a shitload of bamboo growing on their property. That sounds like a fun stony adventure.
Yeah.....I lost mine in a raid. But I will be making one after harvest :D

They hit soooo hard. they are pretty simple to make......I didn't personally make mine. My ex did. She was Native American and made all types of things. That was my favorite bong :( I miss it haha