So basically:
You got "let there be light"- You got organism growing i guess- evolve to asexual plant- which eventually evolve to cannabis plant- which now have to be pollenated to get
Going back to the started question, the weed plant was before the seed! Case closed
Why don't we leave the Bible out of it and talk about something that's actually supported by evidence.
The Bible and evolution theory are NOT compatible
"Day 6: God ordered the land to produce land animals. God created humans." This says animals
were created in their full form, and didn't start as a single cell and evolve over time. This is
why the Bible has no evidence to support its claims, and has no place in science.
The plant that cannabis evolved from would have been a completely different species, like the neanderthal's were to us.
This plant would have already been heterosexual. Over thousands or even millions of years it would slowly have
adapted to its environment with tiny changes in the plants genetics (like how radiation mutates genes and creates mutant kids);
the offspring would have the tiny changes. The seed would have come first