Portland area greenhouse grow


Well-Known Member
North Oregon? I wish you luck, I'm 15 minutes no traffic from seattle near the foothills. I only do one plant out year for summer in my back yard. Always get bud rot up here. I don't even bother out doors up here because by October it's rainy every day. But it I don't set up a green house either... Keep up the dank!
yeah, bud rot is a bitch here. lost several pounds last year easily.

i'm adding more circulation fans soon, might even drag a space heater or two out there. will be harvesting early too. better to have premature bud then to let it all go to rot.


Well-Known Member
Hey CPmass your Avatar is that a Nepenthes Maxima? Soo sorry for the off topic post. I'm also a Carnivorous Plant enthusiast.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i'm not sure, they never got this big last season and i never measured the harvest apart from the first plant. the days just seem to run together when all you ever do for 25 days in a row is trim, eat, shit and sleep.

my conservative guess will be 6 pounds after mold and moths, possibly as high as 12-15 if the weather stays perfect.
damn that is insane. i could never imagine getting that much from one plant. i wish i could move to oregon. it was so nice when i was there. and the veggies would also thrive!


Well-Known Member
damn that is insane. i could never imagine getting that much from one plant. i wish i could move to oregon. it was so nice when i was there. and the veggies would also thrive!
everything did great this year except the squash and cucumber garden. didn't get a single butternut squash or cantaloupe, managed 4 decent pumpkins off of 9 pumpkin plants, a smattering of cucumbers and, as always, way too much zucchini squash.

i pulled my first watermelon today to check for ripeness and it was still 90% white inside, not much pink in there yet. the chickens and ducks enjoyed it though!


Well-Known Member
thank you.

they didn't even get fed in that 10 day span, either. just saturated every other day or so during the heat wave. i was hesitant to give them any food since it was so hot out and they would have sucked them up too quickly, possibly burning them.

but the heat wave has broken and i fed them a heavy, heavy feeding of flower nutes today (they started flowering in the last 2 or 3 days). can't wait to see what happens in the next week or two now.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
thank you.

they didn't even get fed in that 10 day span, either. just saturated every other day or so during the heat wave. i was hesitant to give them any food since it was so hot out and they would have sucked them up too quickly, possibly burning them.

but the heat wave has broken and i fed them a heavy, heavy feeding of flower nutes today (they started flowering in the last 2 or 3 days). can't wait to see what happens in the next week or two now.
i bet that heat cut a little bit of stretch or is that only indoors


Well-Known Member
will you be building a bigger green house for next season? that little forest looks awesome
i hope so. not sure where i will be next year. this one is 12 x 24, which leaves 48 sq ft per plant. that was nowhere near enough. i'm thinking a 20x30 GH will do the trick next time, giving them 100 sq ft per plant.

i bet that heat cut a little bit of stretch or is that only indoors
i honestly have no idea. they didn't seem to slow down much, and when the worst part of the heat wave hit, they began flowering.


Well-Known Member
This heat wave we had put dozen of peppers on my my pepper plants. Gonna have to many to know what to do with.
for the second year in a row, all of my green bell peppers are getting late blight. not a single one of the red bells so far, but i have to keep pulling green ones early if i want to use them.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
for the second year in a row, all of my green bell peppers are getting late blight. not a single one of the red bells so far, but i have to keep pulling green ones early if i want to use them.
bight eww, doesnt actinovate get ride of that . . or serenade cease . . .


Well-Known Member
for the second year in a row, all of my green bell peppers are getting late blight. not a single one of the red bells so far, but i have to keep pulling green ones early if i want to use them.
Only bell I went with was Cajun bell. I went hot this year. Cayenne, king pao hybrid, and some random little red pepper that when ripe look like cherry toms but are hotter than shit. Started my cayenne indoors and have already pulled a ten inch long pepper off of it. Fucking rediculous.

Also I keep mine in pots, never had blight on any. Maybe that helps?


Well-Known Member
mine are in pots, peyote. and to samwell, i never use anything but water on my veggies. well, this year i cheated and primed some soil with ammonium nitrate and the peppers and maters with miracle grow shake and feed, but i can't be bothered to do much else besides water them.

i'm not too bothered by it, just thought it was odd that it happened two years in a row.


Well-Known Member
thank you.

they didn't even get fed in that 10 day span, either. just saturated every other day or so during the heat wave. i was hesitant to give them any food since it was so hot out and they would have sucked them up too quickly, possibly burning them.

but the heat wave has broken and i fed them a heavy, heavy feeding of flower nutes today (they started flowering in the last 2 or 3 days). can't wait to see what happens in the next week or two now.
Don't be timid.......I feed my potted plants every other day at 100+ degrees with full strength Miracle Grow and they don't burn.....they actually just eat it up. Sometimes I have to feed back to back because they are such whores. Can't wait to see some buds on those ladies.....should be a nice harvest if you can control worms and rot.