Krayven Sumhead
Well-Known Member
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Handgun for Sale, CHEAP!!
Handgun for Sale, CHEAP!!
We did land on the moon and immigrants is what America is all about, they're Americans, not immigrants.claiming achievements of one facet of society as my own, stupidity in action
shit like this meme is why americans are retarded, non of use landed on the moon, and i bet if you look at the first and last names of all of NASA's employees you will find just as many people originating from other countries as you would people who are "american" whatever that means to you idiots
i love watching Chinese or Russian "American Olympians" winning it for "America"
That is you in the GifPeekaboo
I recommend you investigate the moon landing with people- FALSEWe did land on the moon and immigrants is what America is all about, they're Americans, not immigrants.
I recommend learning a bit of history.
I recommend you investigate the moon landing with people- FALSE