Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
This is what I'm like if I don't have a toke - hyperactive.



New Member

That is so cold, but I laughed! It was a stupid Americanish type of laugh!! Fuckin euro-trash. Lighten up. Sure you're our buddies when you're in trouble, rather sprechen sie Deutsche.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
That is so cold, but I laughed! It was a stupid Americanish type of laugh!! Fuckin euro-trash. Lighten up. Sure you're our buddies when you're in trouble, rather sprechen sie Deutsche.
sorry for not posting pics, but this movie cracks me up


Well-Known Member
Sounds like someone is mad again at the USA for saving them from nazi germany...

Gosh darnet..

claiming achievements of one facet of society as my own, stupidity in action

shit like this meme is why americans are retarded, non of use landed on the moon, and i bet if you look at the first and last names of all of NASA's employees you will find just as many people originating from other countries as you would people who are "american" whatever that means to you idiots

i love watching Chinese or Russian "American Olympians" winning it for "America"

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Sounds like someone is mad again at the USA for saving them from nazi germany...

Gosh darnet..

somebody is riding the coat tales of other peoples success and calling it there own, get grandpa to take you around the block another time so you can achieve nothing and call it something


Well-Known Member
This thread is supposed to make me LOL, you people are failing at that so here's a picture to capture my rage at your shitty posts.
