i love it, America the retarded
claiming achievements of one facet of society as my own, stupidity in action
Funny how the US wants to up the average weight and say it's normal LOL Fat is fat and
I don't even want to go on bout how the US treats our students or teachers.
American voters are tools and so are the folks that make the laws.
Pretty soon we won't be able to fight our way out of a paper bag, we'll be about ready
for Mexico to overrun us and take over....
claiming achievements of one facet of society as my own, stupidity in action
shit like this meme is why americans are retarded, non of use landed on the moon, and i bet if you look at the first and last names of all of NASA's employees you will find just as many people originating from other countries as you would people who are "american" whatever that means to you idiots
2-5 years for rape, and 20-life for "unarmed" robbery of a bank. (essentially just stealing)I think its clear who runs the country.i love it, America the retarded
Lawd, have mercy. Classic.[video=youtube;2-eitsutpOc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-eitsutpOc&feature=related[/video]