Louie XIII OG in Dual Monster Plant System (3rd Scrog)


Well-Known Member
So I just created a separate profile for my non-nude work and who should send me a friend request almost immediately?

Yeah, awkward. I know. You might be suprised to learn that this is the work of a female. I think she wants to make my models fight lions or something. No way! Lol.


Well-Known Member
Other photographers want you to shoot their wives nude.

Actual message I received at Model Mayhem from a Canadian photographer:
Just wanted to say great port

If we do plan to visit your city some day, would be kool for you to shoot some nudes of my wife..

Take care

Sure, but what does his wife look like?

And hey, I might be nobody with a camera, but my pix are worth looking at. Poice!


Well-Known Member
Still sloggin' along.

And for tonight's training.

Out of one plant, many...

Main head drastically trained.

Watch as she laughs this off and rights herself in a matter of hours.

Norell... I love you, Norell. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey LJ - I have been trying several techniques on my big clone over the months and one that I have grown fond of is gently bending branches until they crack. It slows growth in those branches for a while allowing the smaller ones to catch up. Have you thought about topping the big Norell so little Norell can catch up?


Well-Known Member
Hey LJ - I have been trying several techniques on my big clone over the months and one that I have grown fond of is gently bending branches until they crack. It slows growth in those branches for a while allowing the smaller ones to catch up. Have you thought about topping the big Norell so little Norell can catch up?
These branches, though sturdy, are quite slender. I wouldn't feel comfortable about doing 'the bend snap' just yet. Plus, the stress of such a large plant being bent just 8" over her pot surface causes quite a bit of slowing. Even if I have to wrap big Norell all around lil' Norell (which I think I'm going to have to do), I think lil' sis will still be able to poke a few heads here and there.


Well-Known Member
lil norell will do her thing. shes just a lil slow off the mark. just keep on doing what your doing jin. i cant wait to see how they go in flower. i just flipped the buddha tahoe today. so im getting a little excited


Well-Known Member
lil norell will do her thing. shes just a lil slow off the mark. just keep on doing what your doing jin. i cant wait to see how they go in flower. i just flipped the buddha tahoe today. so im getting a little excited
Thank you for the support. I really do appreciate that. Don't forget to post your pix here. Peace.

Can hardly wait to shoot the real Norell so I can post my photos of her alongside her namesakes. Wouldn't feel quite right about mixing my plant photos with other photographers' work.


Well-Known Member
Hey, it's an internet thing. I think most photogs operate with the understanding that if you post your work online anywhere, it's liable to appear re-posted in someone's blog. It just happens. I know my photos are being downloaded and jerked off to and re-posted in places I don't know about. But so what? That's how you roll on the internet.

Which is not to say that I don't have the utmost respect for the photographers I post here. They all have my respect. And I hope I have theirs.

But I think I have a little license here because I belong to the brotherhood. Even if one of these photographers saw this shit, it's cool because I'm one of them. That's how I would feel if a talented photographer re-posted my photos in his blog. God I love the sound of my own keyboard.


Well-Known Member
Here's a crazy idea. How about a phone that concentrates on being a phone, and a camera that concentrates on being a camera?

I saw these mini-zoom lenses and tripods and thought they looked like a fun novelty.

Then I found this kit that allows you to attach even your most expensive real SLR lenses to your iPhone.

That's my exact lens on an iPhone! It's not right I tell you.

WTF? I'll pass. Why would anyone want to mount a two thousand dollar L lens onto a fuckin' iPhone? What good is it to have Canon L optics on a fucking tiny ass phone camera sensor? Stupid.


Well-Known Member
i want one!!! lol not i dont even have an iphone.

i am seriously wanting to get a nice slr though. bloody things are so fricking expensive. i want something that i could carry with me at work as i travel a fair bit and see a fair bit of nature in my line of work and have had some great photo ops but my little point and click doesnt quite capture the moment the way i would like sometimes you just really want to focus in on a certain point and you just dont have that level of control i need.

trouble is i have no photographic experience and i have no idea what im looking at or where my money is going on the slr's also i dont really want to spend a milion dollars on a cam and then have it bouncing around in the truck all the time so for now i will just have to go without i think


Well-Known Member
i want one!!! lol not i dont even have an iphone.

i am seriously wanting to get a nice slr though. bloody things are so fricking expensive. i want something that i could carry with me at work as i travel a fair bit and see a fair bit of nature in my line of work and have had some great photo ops but my little point and click doesnt quite capture the moment the way i would like sometimes you just really want to focus in on a certain point and you just dont have that level of control i need.

trouble is i have no photographic experience and i have no idea what im looking at or where my money is going on the slr's also i dont really want to spend a milion dollars on a cam and then have it bouncing around in the truck all the time so for now i will just have to go without i think
No need to go without. Point and shoots produce amazing quality at affordable prices these days. I can recommend a camera class for the needs you've described that won't break your bank account.


Well-Known Member
No need to go without. Point and shoots produce amazing quality at affordable prices these days. I can recommend a camera class for the needs you've described that won't break your bank account.
i dont really want alot from my camera and im fairly happy with my point and shoot for most things. its just auto focus really shits me. its fine for landscapes etc but sometimes if there is a particular feature you really want to highlight. a bug or a bird etc sometimes auto focus just doesnt agree and thinks that big leaf off to the left is more interesting and you completely miss the moment.


Well-Known Member
did i mention todays my birthday and i get to spend it trimming oh joy lol.

oh well nothing sounds sweeter than that clunkity clunk of a dense nugget hitting the table and bouncing
