Becoming a man


ok well i'm only 18 and this might sound kind of funny but i really feel like you don't become a "man" until you are like 35....yes random i know....but... opinions?

EDIT: let me edit this for the ones who are now all upset with my statement, lmao. IN GENERAL MOST PEOPLE SEEM TO BE not fully grown until around 35 or so.


Well-Known Member
Depends on maturity and life experience. I've known plenty of young guys that acted older and vice versa.


yes i suppose so haha...i've always been pretty mature but i feel like until an older age like that you aren't really experienced or grown enough to be considered a full grown man lol


Well-Known Member
yes i suppose so haha...i've always been pretty mature but i feel like until an older age like that you aren't really experienced or grown enough to be considered a full grown man lol
I believe wisdom comes from a mixture of experience and knowledge. Age doesn't automatically make you a man.

I know a few 30+ men who are not "men". They act like little kids. And then I know young adults who have their priorities straight. I doubt I'd have to prove this to you since I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

A younger person can have more experience in the world and knowledge than an older person (remember, experience and knowledge makes wisdom.. And wisdom makes you a man.. that and your penis) which makes them a more mature male.

I disagree with your original post.


Well-Known Member
yes i suppose so haha...i've always been pretty mature but i feel like until an older age like that you aren't really experienced or grown enough to be considered a full grown man lol
What the fuck do you think happens when you turn thirty-five that makes you more of a man, that day or even a year before? If you sit on your ass from the day you're 34 for the entire year until you're 35 does that day enact some magical change in your body and psyche that makes you more of a "man"?

It doesn't sound funny, it sounds outright retarded.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck do you think happens when you turn thirty-five that makes you more of a man, that day or even a year before. If you sit on your ass from the day you're 34 for the entire year until you're 35 does that day enact some magical change in your body and psyche that makes you more of a "man"?

It doesn't sound funny, it sounds outright retarded.
Unless you lose your virginity at 35? Then you're just kinda sad though.


what's with you people calm the fuck down it's a simple conversation. I didn't say turning 35 automatically makes you a man sure you can be one way sooner i'm talking in general i have noticed that most people don't seem to be fully grown out of their childish ways until that age. Also, physically you continue to grow so you get bigger and hopefully if you aren't a dumb fuck you will mature mentally and gain knowledge. I guess you guys are surrounded by morons if you didn't realize this is what i'm talking about. Nothing is definite in life why would you think i am stating that yes turning 35 automatically makes you a man for all people. Of course not, use common sense. Does this forum really have to be this lame where one can't make a statement without getting shitted on?


LOL this forum is fucking lame. Thanks for showing me the content of this pathetic site, i'm probably talking with a bunch of angry virgin nerds. go fuck selves lame ass pussies


Well-Known Member
LOL this forum is fucking lame. Thanks for showing me the content of this pathetic site, i'm probably talking with a bunch of angry virgin nerds. go fuck selves lame ass pussies
And like that, he was gone.. lol.. Dude, RIU sucks donkey balls, what did you expect?


Active Member
ok well i'm only 18 and this might sound kind of funny but i really feel like you don't become a "man" until you are like 35....yes random i know....but... opinions?

EDIT: let me edit this for the ones who are now all upset with my statement, lmao. IN GENERAL MOST PEOPLE SEEM TO BE not fully grown until around 35 or so.
Ancient Romans had an interesting system, one I think still has something to say for it. From 0-15 you were a child and had to wear a purple hem along the bottom of your toga. From 15-25 this was considered adolescence and you lost the purple on your clothes. From 25 to 35 (could be 40 though) was considered first adulthood, I still remember the name of this stage - Luventus. 35-55 was the second adulthood and 55+ was 'Senectus' or old age.'re still in the adolescent stage by the way, but then that much was clear.