Depends on state
you can vote as soon as your supervision is over
supervision = parole or probation
every case of voter fraud prosecuted in Wisonsin (all 7 of them) were felons who voted while still under supervision
Something Voter ID would not prevent
These 'fraud" cases amount to .00023% of the elgible vote in wisconsin
This random factoid brought to you by the Democrat Party.
"Making Every Vote Count, As Many Times As Possible"
Voter fraud is so rarely found because it is so rarely investigated. the only way to get charges referred to prosecution is if the election board demands it, and ince the election boards are about getting elections over and donw with so they canget back to sitting on theirasses for the rest of the year they dont investigate shit unless the loser in a race has some political muscle, and they dont demand prosecutions unless they have a personal stake in the prosecution.
claiming that prosecution is rare, and conviction rarer still proves the non-existence of vote fraud is ridiculous. that same reasoning could also prove:
| Reality
More people in rehab for weed than any other drug so weed is super addictive
| courts and parents send people to rehab. weed is not addictive
Very few people go to prison for being mafiosos, so mafiosos are rare
| Mafiosos are just very hard to prosecute and convict.
Twilight movies were very popular so twilight must be good
| Vanilla Ice also sold many copies of Ice Ice Baby.
Islam is the fastest growing religion on the planet so it must be good
| small cell blastoma is the fastest growing cancer . it must be good
most of the founding fathers had slaves so slavery must be good
| most of the founding fathers had lice too.
few people ever go to jail for parking violations so parking violations are rare
| few people go to jail for spitting gum on the sidewalk too
i dont know any methheads so methheads are rare
| i dont know anybody who admits to being a klansmen either
Ive never had typhus so typhus doesnt exist any more
| i never fucked a midget, so do midgets not fuck?
republicans all believe exactly like dubya does, we voted for him after all.
| republicans can disagree without being apostate heretics
if the elections boards, committees, and supervisors did their job, rather than acting as low level functionaries for the party that placed them in their positions, cops had the ability and resources to investigate a victimless crime, and prosecutors were required to charge malefactors for their voter fraud we would see thousands of cases every year without ever disturbing the cesspool of organized fruad that conceals the real nature of american politics.
democrats and republicans both are rushing to pander to illegal aliens, under the guise of "hispanic outreach" when the economy turns around (after obama is ejected) illegal immigration will resume, farm labour will once again become a problem of too many mexicans, not too few, and politicians will again resume promising to open our borders wider to our friends from the south, and grant new special privileges for those who are "undocumented residents" all to secure the illegal vote of illegal aliens.
no voter fraud in america, ask bob dornan.