...if a woman isn't confident with herself, she most likely won't appear attractive to a man.
If you yourself acknowledge any negative physical traits within yourself, why don't you actively seek to change them? Take it from a guys perspective, if a woman isn't confident with herself, she most likely won't appear attractive to a man.
I acknowledge them but I dont ever talk about them in front of guys, or to guys (in person). But I guess its apparent. But i usually put on a confident front
80% of communication is non verbal, so even though you may not talk about them they can be picked up on. The key is actually being confident, not pretending to be. A good analogy would be the nice guy who always wonders why the chicks don't go for him, so he tries to put up the confident/cocky type front and it gets immediately noticed. Most people can usually see right through that type of stuff.
80% of communication is non verbal, so even though you may not talk about them they can be picked up on. The key is actually being confident, not pretending to be. A good analogy would be the nice guy who always wonders why the chicks don't go for him, so he tries to put up the confident/cocky type front and it gets immediately noticed. Most people can usually see right through that type of stuff.
But you didn't answer my question, if you find something physically unappealing about yourself, why don't you seek to change it? I'm not talking about plastic surgery or anything like that, you've mentioned in the past you're self conscious about your weight, so why don't you get on a regular exercise regiment and eat healthy foods? (don't take this the wrong way because I have vices I'm fully aware of myself as well, just curious)
My little sister is in a similar boat, she's definitely overweight, but she doesn't have a problem meeting guys or having guys become interested in her. A shit ton of the entire equation is confidence! Once you develop that, people are automatically attracted to you and want to be around you. Not everyone, it's not a sure proof type of thing, but it definitely helps, and is usually required for any kind of significant interaction, be it sexual or not.
i met a jamaican girl at walmart who resembles kuroi... i think i should check out the electronics dept more often
this place is becoming quite the melting pot. Lots of businesses like Mcdonalds and all the grocery stores in town are big on the work visa program so foreigners just seem to rotate the stores. When i first got here, Spanish people dominated Mcdonalds....now Jamaicans run that shit. The french are killin it at Albertsons and Economart is run by Czechs and Russians
funny, blunt, sassy, hilarious, straightforward, confidentwell thats the thing, i make friends so easily because according to people im "funny, blunt, sassy, hilarious, straightforward, confident"
but it never seems to get guys to like me as more than friends.
which is where the looks come in.
and i know i need to change them
well thats the thing, i make friends so easily because according to people im "funny, blunt, sassy, hilarious, straightforward, confident"
but it never seems to get guys to like me as more than friends.
which is where the looks come in.
and i know i need to change them
You look angry... and red.