aaaaand... like a bad penny I always turn up. LOL

I dunno, it's just that you joined around the same time as me, and there are so many people on RIU who strike me as being untruthful, or trying to represent themselves as something they aren't. You always hit me as a straightforward "what you see is what you get" sorta personality. It's refreshing to see someone like you make themselves a fixture here on RIU, and I like being able to cross paths with a bunch of us regulars without having to directly engage them in conversation.

It's just, when you left, it was like someone changed the drapes when I was at work...When I came home, everything just felt........wrong.
I'm sorry :(

By way of apology I could come over and give you a massage..... there might be some alcohol ingestion and some suggestive music involved. ;)

(tooootally kidding)
I'm sorry :(

By way of apology I could come over and give you a massage..... there might be some alcohol ingestion and some suggestive music involved. ;)

(tooootally kidding)
Carne has the smooth moves.

You had me worried while you were gone man.. Always freaks me out when a cannabis lover goes missing.. Scared of laws and such.
Carne has the smooth moves.

You had me worried while you were gone man.. Always freaks me out when a cannabis lover goes missing.. Scared of laws and such.

I'm completely legal so no worries. Now as to the choice of music. This requires the dulcet tones of Luther Vandross.


I knew why you left, Meaty. You're good peoples, no matter WHAT they say about you... ;)

Most of it's true anyway. ;)
I'm not crazy! My mother had me tested. :p

She lied it said u came out nuttier than a fruit cake, no pun intended(as I just read ur post from another thread).

met some cool people through here but i dont think id date someone off of a forum.

I don't think u have to worry no one on RIU is ready to slip that noose around their necks just yet, ooops I mean make that commitment.
I know exactly how you feel, so I'm really sorry for plastering this everywhere ^^ But i have been holding off for a while XP

Tip Top is my first boyfriend, so all the way up to May this year, I've know that shitty lonely feeling that makes you bitter when others are happy and makes you wonder if there's something wrong with you. You ask yourself, 'am I just not good enough for somebody to love me?'

My advice is to hang in there, don't let yourself give up and become cynical. Meeting Tip Top was literally me throwing everything into my last shot at te whole relationship thing and I took a risk geting a bus to the other side of the country. Had to MAKE shit happen after years of loneliness and rejection. ALOT of rejection XP

KonaGirl met her boyfriend through this website too...

Don't give up. Maybe what we did and meet someone likeminded online, leave your oilfield and go have an adventure getting them.

Good luck <3

weird how that fucks with one's head. Even out in the oil patch, i do get female attention...the other day i flagged somebody down on the street to get a jump start on my car...so I'm leaning over the hood, connecting the cables to the battery terminals and a blonde babe in an SUV drives by, rolls down her window and yells "OWWW!!! you've got a nicee butt"

or the girl at the club who walked up to me when i was standing against the wall, grabbed by hand and said... "what are you waiting for, a girl to approach YOU?" and pulled me onto the dance floor

these moments are gratifying and through them i'm reminded that i'm attractive to girls when that lonesome self-doubt sets in

but it doesn't make the loneliness go away. I want that deeeeeeep connection ;)

and 1st boyfriend? rejection? hard to believe a girl like you gets much of that. eh i'll force a happy smile for you two...so long as i can picture myself having that too
That's it, smile! It'll come. Girls clearly find you attractive, now it's justs matter of working out which ones are just looking for some fun (or your wallet) and which one you could really enjoy hanging out with as well as have sex with. A lover should be your friend first, I think.

Lol yeah, I keep saying I actually moved in with my crush and in the 3 and a half years I waited on him he didn't want me... Or any Of the guys I liked in school and college.

Bur hey, it doesn't matter now :3
maybe i'm wrong.....but you fine as hell kuroi. how could it have been THAT hard to find a dude where you lived. congrats on your relationship NOW, but damn,it seem like you had "i have aids" tattoo'ed on your forehead. or were 90% of the dudes in your town gay?
Thankyou hun. Alot of guys on this site seemed to think so too *blush*

But all the guys around me kept dating bitches and calling me at 3 am to cry about it. I kept being friend zoned whilst they dated my friends. I had two guys tell me they couldn't even have sex with me because we were so close it'd feel like they were screwing their sister or something. Either that or they'd say they didn't want to lose my friendship, which I took as being told i'm not worth a shot in case they have to deal with emotional aftermath. I was aways very friendly and social, they'd start stringing me along then suddenly cut me off.

But again, it's all good because my special cheesecake gets me and my extensive lingerie collection all to himself and he's an absolute sweetheart. What a gentleman.. x
maybe i'm wrong.....but you fine as hell kuroi. how could it have been THAT hard to find a dude where you lived. congrats on your relationship NOW, but damn,it seem like you had "i have aids" tattoo'ed on your forehead. or were 90% of the dudes in your town gay?

Catching a guy and finding a guy worth catching are two totally different things. I'd say girls who are attractive as kuroi would have an easy time catching a guy, but have a harder time finding a good one as we tend to shy away from the beauties.
Am flattered you think so jigfresh ^^

Tip Top is a quiet guy so I'm glad I came to him and he didn't run away :3

Let me know when you're next in the UK... I shouldn't be going abroad again for a while. Except the Cannabis Cup... If anyone wants to go camping with TT and I, the offer still stands! Amsterdam campsites are dirt cheap and attractive.
well as it stands right now, I still hate Tip Top... only cuz i'm jealous he gets the lingerie shows lol. Na i'm sure i'd respect and like him if i met him.

I'd love to go to a CC...what time of year is that? i bet i could find me a hottie at one of those. And I gotta check out red light district, just for fun
here's my reason to smile today (aside from supportive RIU people...thanks for the messages ppls)

I met with my attorney this morning and she says she thinks she could get the DA to basically drop my weed-smoking charges under the condition that I don't get in trouble for the next 11 months. b00m!

this is especially important because I'm applying for jobs ATM...and don't have to include any criminal background convictions on my applications :D
yeah I'd have to concur that this place has a much nicer community than I first thought. I've always loved it here but there truly are some people worth meeting in person on here, I have no doubt about that.

keep up the good vibes
I don't think u have to worry no one on RIU is ready to slip that noose around their necks just yet, ooops I mean make that commitment.

why would it be a noose around someone if i was with them? I mean i could understand being embarrassed to be seen with me due to my looks, but i always treat men well and never nag, or ask for much. Im a pleaser... so i dont know why it would be such a bad thing to be my man?
why would it be a noose around someone if i was with them? I mean i could understand being embarrassed to be seen with me due to my looks, but i always treat men well and never nag, or ask for much. Im a pleaser... so i dont know why it would be such a bad thing to be my man?

People have wildly different desires/tolerance levels for closeness. cn