F.M.I.L.Y's Grow


Well-Known Member
holy balls fm! lovin the pics bro! was drooling and scrolling lol damn that bho dude wowsers still need to make some grrr i know what you mean there with havin to pull the reigns back on it a bit. its a fickled mistress that bho


Well-Known Member
holy balls fm! lovin the pics bro! was drooling and scrolling lol damn that bho dude wowsers still need to make some grrr i know what you mean there with havin to pull the reigns back on it a bit. its a fickled mistress that bho
Well put Nor Cal, a fickled mistress..I really need to cut back some on my BHO.


Well-Known Member
Hey Em...in the cool pic with the smoke swirls, what is the cool looking green thing in your hand? Looks like a piece of glass?


Well-Known Member
Its a precision tool that I had and the green part is a Might Hydro Store Sticker wrapped around it. I use that to dab my skillet with the BHO.


Well-Known Member
Cool beans...I use my dental tool to pick for worms. It works great to stab them and then hold them up and set fire to em in warning to all the other worms lol


Well-Known Member
Hey Scoob fumble is not a man, she is my sister! lol All those power tools, lets build a huge ass fishing party boat!

Yeah fumble that is an amazing peaceful garden you got! I love the PLP pistils. I cant believe how large your PLP is, thats going to be the largest grown PLP I ever seen. Makes me proud sis!


really man, that's your sister. way cool!

hey fumble....


jk FM...:-P


Well-Known Member
lol sounds pretty wild fumble. made me some the other day as well
IMAG0183.jpg~~~~love me that shit !!:weed: lil 5g chunk
just started my first dwc as well. they are about two weeks into veg being very strong. loving the faster growing dwc vs cocoIMAG0174.jpg



Well-Known Member
lol this better?IMAG0186.jpgIMAG0188.jpg just look at them knots lol

couple monsters that just started flowering. bout to tie them down here in next few days and trim them up as well

IMAG0193.jpgIMAG0194.jpg put my bottle in there for size reference

sorry for pic quality it is a cell phone im using lol will get a few more up once i trim and tie down



Well-Known Member
anyone know were i could get some skunk #1? i'll love you long time, any ting u want
I have a few strains with Skunk in it that are very stellar!!!! Shit my PLP has Power Skunk in it!

@Duece nice plants bro! They are going to yield some serious buds!


Well-Known Member
Here is my BHO Whipped and Extracted. Both are delicious!


MamaDude Outdoor

The rest of my Outdoor, PLP, MD and Fire OG


Well-Known Member
I do believe that Sasha has some competition ;) Hey, it's an open relationship lol. MY EFFING GOT! That MD is so hella gorgeous EM.