The Getting Back/In Shape Thread

I use planks in between each set of exercise, all throughout the workout. I usually hold for 30-45seconds, thats all, no need to go crazy. That exercise is to save your back by increasing your spinal stability, holding it for more then a minute will put your back at risk for injury

Well I to 219lbs for the 1st time in a long time today. Tryin to work sum plank into my routine, how many plank reps do u normally do and how long do u hold it for? When I push it I can probably hold it for like a minute, is that an average time or how long should I try to hold it for? Oh and I've been walkin like a mile everyday too.
I would want to assume that you do have a punching bag right?

If you do, you can use that to train as if using sandbags. I like using my own punching bag for bag lifts, carries, presses and squats.

p man my new job is gonna fuck up my workout schedule now! i usually went an trained at my friends house, but ima be workin while he's off work an vice versa. they put me on the shitty shift, but i guess i can use the bowflex at the crib. just sucks cause i wont be able to work my legs out hard enough on that thing. not enough weight.
I would want to assume that you do have a punching bag right?

If you do, you can use that to train as if using sandbags. I like using my own punching bag for bag lifts, carries, presses and squats.

i wish i had one cause i would use it for my legs. i remember when i was in kickboxin he had us jog around the gym with a 80lb bag on our shoulders an when he blew the whistle we had to squat till he blew it again an when he did that it was back to joggin we did that for 5 minutes....shit was rough!
Holy crap, I just weighed myself again after like 4 days and I'm down to 215lbs. I was amazed I figured I was still at 220+/-1, didn't think I dropped like 5lbs in the last 4 days, been doin yoga as a warm up b4 I lift, that as well as walkin bout a mile or so everyday. Damn if only I had been walkin to subway everyday I could be the next Jerred(or w/e the hell his name is), ok well maybe not I was never as fat as the before pics they showed of him.
Nah man that's not how ur supposed to say it. Ur supposed to say.

Hey I bet u didn't know I was blessed with the body of a god. Only too bad its Buddha.
you're wanna suppose to be healthy man! i havent worked out in a few days again...BUT ima do an all around workout tomorrow an cut the grass.
Do u use one of them old ass push mowers, I used to mow the lawn with one of those, good workout pushin those fuckin things. My problem is I like to be able to see my dick and my toes and like to play basketball(if I could get some fuckin air in the ball). Ohh and I left out the best reason sex is always better when ur in good shape.
yup it has the auto push thing but i dont use it. an yea it for sure does ive always wondered if physical endurance equated to sexual endurance.

I gotta try that shit, probably doesn't taste all that great, but the energy it would probably give you would be NUTS!
since my new job an the hurricane my workout schedule has been fucked. i try an workout when i can an do as much as i can, but fuck it sucks lol.
I been going 2-3 miles a day lately and increasing all the other stuff in intensity.

I should take a new pic, looks like a pretty big difference from the start.

My app says I've done 175 miles since I started this summer
Start a career in landscaping.
I eat 3-4 large pizzas, 12-15 eggs, 20ish slices of bacon, 3-4 burger n fries, and at least 10 pieces of fried chicken a week. Boxes of wheat thins, chips. If Im not working i have food or a bong in my face. haha.
Your body won't let you drink much other than water and gatorade. Easily drink 2 gallons of water a day. Soda makes you feel like shit, gives you headaches.

I'll be that asshole that lives to be 100+

If I changed my line of work, I would be obese within a year or two.
Well I was doin good was down to 214lbs yesterday morning but ended up killing over a 24 pack with my neighbors last night so I gotta sweat all this beer outta me today, good thing its lookin to be a hot one.
Just joining this thread/ life style. I'm not out of shape, or obese but it never hurts to be toned. I've slowly been easing myself into routines since my knee surgery last winter. Started off as just stretching my knee and back out morning and night (gotta start somewhere), and am now getting back into free weights/ running and jogging/ and eating better. Mainly trying to get soda and junk food out of my life.

I'm getting a new dog, a German Shorthaired Pointer, next month and it's a VERY active breed. I'm hoping me and her can get into shape together.
when i was in college i first started running at 18yrs old (to compliment my weights and nutrition lifestyle change), i could/would only do a mile because i was in bad cardio shape(only played basketball in high school). the next 5 years i bumped it up to around 3.1 miles about 3-4 times a week. 3 miles was a much as I cared to run, before i usually got too tired. maybe once i made it close to 4 miles but 3 was my ceiling. i got down to 19:20 for 3.1 miles was my best time. usually around 26 minutes. i am 5'10 but was about 195 lbs then. stocky build

but then - after about 8 years of running (26 yrs old now), while drunk one night, this chick suckered me into doing a bikram yoga telling me how hard it was. i said "whatever, a bunch of streching....easy - i run 3 miles all the time" and continued to drink. i made the 10am class and it almost killed me bc i wouldn't give up in front of her. hardest workout of my life and it's just stretching.....but in a 110 degree room. i didn't sit down once but kind of didn't stretch all the way at the end. 90 minutes of hell.

being a hard head - i wanted to get better because i saw the benefit of being more limber. so i went about once every week (sober) for about 3 weeks after. After the 3-4th class I decided to go for a run. crazy shit - i did my 3 miles like it was a walk around the block! don't remember the time (not really fast but good pace - prob 22 minutes) and i thought to myself that i'll just go further since i'm not tired. boom - did 6 miles! twice my norm and it was all because of the yoga. not bc of the stretching per se, but bc of the heat and pushing yourself to your real limit of when you might overheat/pass out from super high heart rate.

most of you will have to sit down at first if you try the class. i dare you. they have them everytwhere now. make sure it's 'bikram' yoga or it will probably suck

that being said - fast forward a few years (33 now) and i haven't been working out in a long time (a year/2) bc of gf and work, etc. i'm up to 215 and all my pants are tight. fuck. but no more cigs after this pack and i'm toning down the drinking after this weekend (post breakup binger) if i can get laid hopefully. but this thread has inspired me. maybe in a few days i'll post my run and/or bike result if i'm not too ashamed. :wall: thanks
Holy fuck, I'm trying that 'Henergy' sandwich right now, but I don't have Almond butter, so I just replaced that with regular peanut butter, and omfg.. it tastes like ass! lol

Power through... fuck it.