The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I really need to read what I type I left out what about yourself mate what you got on the go?
Sounds good , a nice mixture of the clone onlys will see you right , anything nice your looking forward to cracking in those seeds ?
Ive got a 2 pineapple express clones and 2 exo clones veggin at minute but not got the HPS or tent set up till next weekend so nothing in flower , just stuck some bubba kush x master kush seeds in a wet paper towel aswell so if they crack ill throw them in the mix aswell :)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Sounds good , a nice mixture of the clone onlys will see you right , anything nice your looking forward to cracking in those seeds ?
Ive got a 2 pineapple express clones and 2 exo clones veggin at minute but not got the HPS or tent set up till next weekend so nothing in flower , just stuck some bubba kush x master kush seeds in a wet paper towel aswell so if they crack ill throw them in the mix aswell :)
Happy days mate sounds like you got a good mix on the go aswell, I'm gonna do a couple of each mate the livers x gk and the white russian to start because I know the russians are fems so eitherway I can start the cycle off with them if the livers x turns out be males.
The plan is to veg them up and clone them and then just run the clones and see how they do, if the quality is there then they'll get a proper run been thinking about 2L hempys for the clones so I can slot them in where the 2 light foot prints cross, everything will be kept small so should be a fair run for them, If that works then I'll just keep cycling through the seeds as I do the clones if that makes sense mate, should be able to go through a few seeds that way without sacrificing any weight in the grow.


Well-Known Member
well ive got another 4 blue widow, followed by another 5 blue widow and what i was told was cheese(although billy said it wasnt) after that ive got few fem'd ,that the fairy brought me( cheers dragon), to try ; a power skunk, power kush, shark attack, critical jack and ......another blue widow(mite just leave it for a bit as that must be about 20 odd ive done so far, reasonable plant though).ive also got a shed load of other stuff that the fairy gifted me although most are regs and i cant afford the disappointment rite now so i'll leave them till next year i think


Well-Known Member
i just finished re-rinsing that stuff. i think the filter must have ripped cos there was little bits of leaf at the bottom. hopefully this time it should be better lol


Well-Known Member
that last grow was pathetic but i need two half decent ones for uni stuff; laptop, books, travel expenses, etc and the following one for chrimbo. i should manage 3 before chrimbo though, only problem is ive still got this fucking eviction hanging over me. ill be bastarding glad when its over, but if it goes wrong i swear by almighty god that the brand spanking new council office that theyve just built is getting torched, im gonna give the fuckers a 10million quid fucking guy fawkes nite that no-one will ever forget. and you can bet yer house on that.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
that last grow was pathetic but i need two half decent ones for uni stuff; laptop, books, travel expenses, etc and the following one for chrimbo. i should manage 3 before chrimbo though, only problem is ive still got this fucking eviction hanging over me. ill be bastarding glad when its over, but if it goes wrong i swear by almighty god that the brand spanking new council office that theyve just built is getting torched, im gonna give the fuckers a 10million quid fucking guy fawkes nite that no-one will ever forget. and you can bet yer house on that.
sounds like you'll be good mate getting 3 in before crimbo as for the eviction fingers crossed for ya, do you think it will happen? I would have thought they would have to house you after making it a pointless motion? or does it work differently in scotland mate?


Well-Known Member
the dont have to house you if the eviction was for anti-social behaviour, especially drugs, its not usual for them to gain an eviction in cases of small scale cultivation its more normally dealers there chasing( its reckoned ive pissed sum1 off on facebook with my smart arse comments, i got grassed up to the social and sum other shit as well) the judge will take into consideration i wasnt reported by my neighbours it only came to light due to a drunk driving pull , ive been a good tenant for nine years with no previous housing problems, the fact i got good comm service and probation reports, the years alcohol counselling and the uni acceptance . it should go in my favour but you never know,the judge could be a cunt, last time i got a months remand for a fuckin domestic vandalism.


Well-Known Member
ive had a look on google for qwiso and a few people have had that problem. i even seen a pic of red liquid lmao


Active Member
that last grow was pathetic but i need two half decent ones for uni stuff; laptop, books, travel expenses, etc and the following one for chrimbo. i should manage 3 before chrimbo though, only problem is ive still got this fucking eviction hanging over me. ill be bastarding glad when its over, but if it goes wrong i swear by almighty god that the brand spanking new council office that theyve just built is getting torched, im gonna give the fuckers a 10million quid fucking guy fawkes nite that no-one will ever forget. and you can bet yer house on that.
i know how you feel bro, i start uni in 3 weeks and have nothing yet, waiting to hear bk from SF but they take thier time, i need my next harvest to sort out debt and get me settled for uni, not easy when theres a 5month old baby girl in the mix too


Well-Known Member
i know how you feel bro, i start uni in 3 weeks and have nothing yet, waiting to hear bk from SF but they take thier time, i need my next harvest to sort out debt and get me settled for uni, not easy when theres a 5month old baby girl in the mix too
im havin probs with the loans comapny too, they saas(student awards agencgy for scotland) told me back in april what i was getting and they gave me a payment schedule, they also tole me what size of a loan i was gettin but the loan company would be forwarding a letter with the schedule, so i waited until two weeks ago and phoned them, the cunts told me the werent givin me anything till i had paid an outstanding loan from 1994, 825 quid!, so i got the cash and paid them and then called back a week later, they claim they dont have the info they need from saas, so i called them, they claim the info was sent back in april but they re-sent it again for me, so i gave it a cpl of days for there systems to update, FUCKIN UPDATE???? what age of computers are they workin with for fuck sake, so right now im stuck waiting on the dozy cunts sorting it out. fuckin shambles. my next grow will be chopt in about 3 weeks anda new grow ill be starting full veg next week, its currently sitting ready waiting on me buying coco and shit, and then my 3rd will be cracked probably next weekend, so that it arrives almost bang on chrimbo.


Well-Known Member
No worries mate, got to put the bills first I know I need a good one this time around aswell.
think we all at that stage mate,, im sik of piddley grows with crappy yeilds and soso qualiity,, t he best i did yeailded the least!! sucks NEEDS to be a good one this time its my xmas shit and shit for house,,, promised the missus sum shit and got debts :( pressures on


Well-Known Member
So i'm not the only one who keeps my missus happy about my plants by promising cash flow, and then regularly falling short :)

Still at least i'm stoned enough to endure the nagging


Well-Known Member
i so i gave it a cpl of days for there systems to update, FUCKIN UPDATE???? what age of computers are they workin with for fuck sake, so right now im stuck waiting on the dozy cunts sorting it out. fuckin shambles.
I'm an English student (as I live in England, not that I study it) and every letter from Student Finance arrives 9-10 days after it was dated!! Really??!!