I have only smoked it once, I inhaled and then exhaled, as I did that I felt a feeling akin to being in a supercar accelerating heavily and fell back into the chair. Then I woke up feeling like I was asleep for hours except my mates around me said I was laying back talking to myself for about 15min with my eyes closed. I "dreamt" that I was walking in nature, everything had a psychedelic hue to it, plants, the sky, everything and I felt like I was accutely aware of every living thing around me. Years later when i watched avatar it seemed exactly like walking amongst the forest in that movie. I also felt a huge amont of love, acceptance and understanding between myself and nature. I did not see any ant people or any other animals for that matter.
When I awoke I felt like I was away for hours but I was told by my mates I was under for about 15min. I felt drained but no other side affects.
My mates being more experienced at DMT then smoked and did the same thing, lay back down and looked as if they were drunk, asleep kinda and mumbling to themselves whilst I smoked a reefer. When they woke up we compared experiences and were amazed at seeing the same things, felt the same way etc.
I have not smoked it again but was intrigued enough to later on do some research on it and found a website that had listed thousands of DMT trips, one of the most common things expressed was an "ant people" approaching them which were beignin.
I never saw them but unless the website with a couple thousand instances of this were all conspiracy to fool people is anyone's guess, I don't see the point though.
Incidently I have in the past done extensive research on the Tavistock institute which is the epicentre of brain function studies and mind manipulation and they have and still do to this day employ DMT in their studies. I have also come across many instances of DMT use in secret society rituals dating back as far as the Egyptians. Up until about a thousand years ago any and every religious centre had a mystic school attached to it regardless of what the mainstream will tell you.
DMT is supposed to either take you to a higher plane of understanding or an actual physical higher plane, this is where it gets beyond most's understanding including myself as I do not have enough experience with it so will leave it there.
There is a lot of info out there on it so it will not be hard to find....good luck you will need it LOL.