Curlys new 1 plant 600w led scrog grow


Well-Known Member
not a worry there flowa ya ive heard a few ways of people extracting mushrooms so to speak ... first off if you have never tried making tea with them that is one of my favorites .... throw some fruits and stuff in the mix and it actually kinda tastes nice. besides that i have heard of people making them into chocolates by just grinding them up and melting it into chocolate always tastes good like that :D you can even go as far as to extract the alkiloid crystals from the fungi themselves .... this is a bit different though as its most commonly smoked or vaporized and comes on very fast like DMT heres a link for such a procedure besides that i usually just throw em in a bun with some peanut butter .... yum yum :D
Thanx alot man! much appreciated, i thought there might be something similar to the deemster... crazy stuff


Well-Known Member
never tried it myself .... almost intimidated by the stuff had a firend do a bunch at the last festival we were at , looked like he was having a good time ... sorta haha.


Well-Known Member
never tried it myself .... almost intimidated by the stuff had a firend do a bunch at the last festival we were at , looked like he was having a good time ... sorta haha.
lol, thats the thing, you do have a good time..... sorta :p if you can handle psychedelics, than go for it. I've had really really big doses and still only forgotten the trip not felt like too much. You kinda melt into the moment the more you have. Never been overly scared, and my hippie mrs loves a good roll in the deemster world ;) eehh hippies, we think this shit is normal hehe... You should give an extraction a go! seems like a piece of piss with shrooms! everclear or methanol... id stick with the everclear but daaaamn anything concentrated is better for you as you don't have to have as much. It also takes all the negative stomach issues or thoughts of gross tastes out of the equation... You you sicko puttin them in burgers LOL Good shit. Psychedelics do wonders for us.


Well-Known Member
judging by your words i might have to give DMT a try :D im a seasoned tripper but for some reason some of the stories people told me freaked me out .... guess i should figure it out for myself :D its going on my list .... next up is the san pedro cactus! been doin lots of research on it .... maybe i will give that extract a try sounds like it could be some fun :) couldnt agree more that a good trip now and again is good for the soul loves me a good mind bender.


Well-Known Member
lol, thats the thing, you do have a good time..... sorta :p if you can handle psychedelics, than go for it. I've had really really big doses and still only forgotten the trip not felt like too much. You kinda melt into the moment the more you have. Never been overly scared, and my hippie mrs loves a good roll in the deemster world ;) eehh hippies, we think this shit is normal hehe... You should give an extraction a go! seems like a piece of piss with shrooms! everclear or methanol... id stick with the everclear but daaaamn anything concentrated is better for you as you don't have to have as much. It also takes all the negative stomach issues or thoughts of gross tastes out of the equation... You you sicko puttin them in burgers LOL Good shit. Psychedelics do wonders for us.
Interesting to read about this extraction and concentration business with the shrooms, I for one have always struggled with the stomach issues and feeling nausea, even before I have it staring down at it my butt hole puckers up and my bowels stretch and yawn in anticipation of it...


Well-Known Member
judging by your words i might have to give DMT a try :D im a seasoned tripper but for some reason some of the stories people told me freaked me out .... guess i should figure it out for myself :D its going on my list .... next up is the san pedro cactus! been doin lots of research on it .... maybe i will give that extract a try sounds like it could be some fun :) couldnt agree more that a good trip now and again is good for the soul loves me a good mind bender.
Don't let the little ant people scare you if you do DMT, accept and have no fear, they read minds.


Well-Known Member
shit now you got me intrigued newworld :) is dmt speedy like acid? done a ton of acid and quite a bit of shrooms, but neither in quite a long time (not as young as i used to be...) -- also how long does it last for you? negative comedown like lsd? i think dmt's pretty easy to get your hands on isn't it (plant based)?


Well-Known Member
I have only smoked it once, I inhaled and then exhaled, as I did that I felt a feeling akin to being in a supercar accelerating heavily and fell back into the chair. Then I woke up feeling like I was asleep for hours except my mates around me said I was laying back talking to myself for about 15min with my eyes closed. I "dreamt" that I was walking in nature, everything had a psychedelic hue to it, plants, the sky, everything and I felt like I was accutely aware of every living thing around me. Years later when i watched avatar it seemed exactly like walking amongst the forest in that movie. I also felt a huge amont of love, acceptance and understanding between myself and nature. I did not see any ant people or any other animals for that matter.

When I awoke I felt like I was away for hours but I was told by my mates I was under for about 15min. I felt drained but no other side affects.

My mates being more experienced at DMT then smoked and did the same thing, lay back down and looked as if they were drunk, asleep kinda and mumbling to themselves whilst I smoked a reefer. When they woke up we compared experiences and were amazed at seeing the same things, felt the same way etc.

I have not smoked it again but was intrigued enough to later on do some research on it and found a website that had listed thousands of DMT trips, one of the most common things expressed was an "ant people" approaching them which were beignin.

I never saw them but unless the website with a couple thousand instances of this were all conspiracy to fool people is anyone's guess, I don't see the point though.

Incidently I have in the past done extensive research on the Tavistock institute which is the epicentre of brain function studies and mind manipulation and they have and still do to this day employ DMT in their studies. I have also come across many instances of DMT use in secret society rituals dating back as far as the Egyptians. Up until about a thousand years ago any and every religious centre had a mystic school attached to it regardless of what the mainstream will tell you.

DMT is supposed to either take you to a higher plane of understanding or an actual physical higher plane, this is where it gets beyond most's understanding including myself as I do not have enough experience with it so will leave it there.

There is a lot of info out there on it so it will not be hard to find....good luck you will need it LOL.


Well-Known Member
Grandpa! grandpa! people hate when i have dmt at music festivals the grandpa smell is aweful but its sooo worth it. it really has taken me to other universes in a very different way than acid will more surreal


Well-Known Member
Very nice, sounds a little like salvia which I was very, very disappointed in... had high hopes of being transported to another place... well it will turn your world inside out on occasion, but it was never a pleasant experience for me... major paranoia and feeling like electric razor blades slicing through me... something like that is short lasting, but seems longer is very appealing (i don't have time for acid trips)

i am gonna research it more - i am definitely into the kind of experience you describe :) have either of you taken salvia and how did it compare for you?


Well-Known Member
I have only smoked it once, I inhaled and then exhaled, as I did that I felt a feeling akin to being in a supercar accelerating heavily and fell back into the chair. Then I woke up feeling like I was asleep for hours except my mates around me said I was laying back talking to myself for about 15min with my eyes closed. I "dreamt" that I was walking in nature, everything had a psychedelic hue to it, plants, the sky, everything and I felt like I was accutely aware of every living thing around me. Years later when i watched avatar it seemed exactly like walking amongst the forest in that movie. I also felt a huge amont of love, acceptance and understanding between myself and nature. I did not see any ant people or any other animals for that matter.

When I awoke I felt like I was away for hours but I was told by my mates I was under for about 15min. I felt drained but no other side affects.

My mates being more experienced at DMT then smoked and did the same thing, lay back down and looked as if they were drunk, asleep kinda and mumbling to themselves whilst I smoked a reefer. When they woke up we compared experiences and were amazed at seeing the same things, felt the same way etc.

I have not smoked it again but was intrigued enough to later on do some research on it and found a website that had listed thousands of DMT trips, one of the most common things expressed was an "ant people" approaching them which were beignin.

I never saw them but unless the website with a couple thousand instances of this were all conspiracy to fool people is anyone's guess, I don't see the point though.

Incidently I have in the past done extensive research on the Tavistock institute which is the epicentre of brain function studies and mind manipulation and they have and still do to this day employ DMT in their studies. I have also come across many instances of DMT use in secret society rituals dating back as far as the Egyptians. Up until about a thousand years ago any and every religious centre had a mystic school attached to it regardless of what the mainstream will tell you.

DMT is supposed to either take you to a higher plane of understanding or an actual physical higher plane, this is where it gets beyond most's understanding including myself as I do not have enough experience with it so will leave it there.

There is a lot of info out there on it so it will not be hard to find....good luck you will need it LOL.

excellent information man :) great input, I too agree there is a very complex spiritual side to DMT and I think it does lift you to a higher level of understanding. I haven't seen ant people but i have seen large entity beings made up of neon, plasma and fluorescent colours sometimes like a whale in ocean but with wings, or a multi armed being with no face just all swirling patters of colours swing their hands to move more colours and sound, I always seem to get a 'learning' or 'watch this' feeling when i begin to trip on D, Now that i can finally get high and relax while doing so, i feel i waste less time thinking and actually getting 'there' to that other place. I disappear quite quickly and seem to blend into the other world so suddenly i don't even see or feel the shift. One second you are clear and ready for a hit. Next second you realize you have been separated from your physical body and are in absolute d-world. Everything is 100% clear and visual, you can blink or pinch your arm, and everything is still tripping. Everything you look at begins to tell you a whole different story. Nothing is really recognizable.


Well-Known Member
Very nice, sounds a little like salvia which I was very, very disappointed in... had high hopes of being transported to another place... well it will turn your world inside out on occasion, but it was never a pleasant experience for me... major paranoia and feeling like electric razor blades slicing through me... something like that is short lasting, but seems longer is very appealing (i don't have time for acid trips)

i am gonna research it more - i am definitely into the kind of experience you describe :) have either of you taken salvia and how did it compare for you?

No I have not tried salvia.


Well-Known Member

excellent information man :) great input, I too agree there is a very complex spiritual side to DMT and I think it does lift you to a higher level of understanding. I haven't seen ant people but i have seen large entity beings made up of neon, plasma and fluorescent colours sometimes like a whale in ocean but with wings, or a multi armed being with no face just all swirling patters of colours swing their hands to move more colours and sound, I always seem to get a 'learning' or 'watch this' feeling when i begin to trip on D, Now that i can finally get high and relax while doing so, i feel i waste less time thinking and actually getting 'there' to that other place. I disappear quite quickly and seem to blend into the other world so suddenly i don't even see or feel the shift. One second you are clear and ready for a hit. Next second you realize you have been separated from your physical body and are in absolute d-world. Everything is 100% clear and visual, you can blink or pinch your arm, and everything is still tripping. Everything you look at begins to tell you a whole different story. Nothing is really recognizable.

Can you elaborate on the entities you described, I am very interested in this and believe that they are more than one's imagination.

By the way if anyone is trying to acquire DMT the silk road has loads of it.


Well-Known Member
Just read a story about silk road after reading your post... had heard the name a couple times before but wasn't really familiar with it... I have GOT to go check that shit out!!! have you ever ordered anything off there?

Can't you also just buy the plant that you make DMT from and make it yourself? Obviously a lot less easy than buying it straight, but... ;)

Ever seen that south park episode 'major boobage'? (huffing cat spray) :)


Well-Known Member
Just read a story about silk road after reading your post... had heard the name a couple times before but wasn't really familiar with it... I have GOT to go check that shit out!!! have you ever ordered anything off there?

Can't you also just buy the plant that you make DMT from and make it yourself? Obviously a lot less easy than buying it straight, but... ;)

Ever seen that south park episode 'major boobage'? (huffing cat spray) :)
You need the tor project to access the silk road and then you need to periodically check back to see when they are allowing new members to join. This may take months. Furthermore finding the URL to the silk road is even harder as it is periodically changed and sent to members through encrypted email.

My understanding of DMT extraction is that it is not that simple or easy, I've seen friends with mini labs trying for months on end to do this properly with little to no results. How it is done I am not sure anymore, it was explained to me but it was years ago. All I know is it is difficult but of course not impossible.

I understand reed canary grass is a DMT compound holding plant. It is easily found at plant nurseries, online or even in your back garden as it is essentially a weed. You may want to start there.


Well-Known Member
salvia is legal for a reason... its bullshit, getting chased by a bong wielding aol buddy for 15 minutes , your gonna have a bad time. dmt you just float through surreal galaxys

and making it is pretty easy if you have a few key tools, way to many people omit a few steps that refine it though which i view the same as not purging your bho all the way, not cool.


Well-Known Member
Can you elaborate on the entities you described, I am very interested in this and believe that they are more than one's imagination.

By the way if anyone is trying to acquire DMT the silk road has loads of it.
pop on over to the thread mate :) it takes a little to get it out, so best to have a read on my thread, it was written fresh after a trip.

Curly, extraction is piece of piss. DMT nexus has all the teks online, bunnings has all you need to extract :) i posted some re-x pics tonight


Well-Known Member
You need the tor project to access the silk road and then you need to periodically check back to see when they are allowing new members to join. This may take months. Furthermore finding the URL to the silk road is even harder as it is periodically changed and sent to members through encrypted email.

My understanding of DMT extraction is that it is not that simple or easy, I've seen friends with mini labs trying for months on end to do this properly with little to no results. How it is done I am not sure anymore, it was explained to me but it was years ago. All I know is it is difficult but of course not impossible.

I understand reed canary grass is a DMT compound holding plant. It is easily found at plant nurseries, online or even in your back garden as it is essentially a weed. You may want to start there.
Hmm damn what I had read before didn't make it sound too difficult but if it is I'd rather order it ;) bummer on the silk road yeah i read about tor and also got a url from it but probably out of date