my indoor grow 3 plants 1 30 watt cfl


New Member
So i had my plants outside for a wile but now they are indoors cuz it has got to cold in the uk and now i have made a little grow room setup but i only have one light on three plants need to no if im going to be alright my auto white widow has already started to flower and i need to take sum cuttings but don't no how or wen i am ment to

Hear is sum pics





Active Member
Is it not supposed to be counter productive cloning auto's. Your clone will be the same age as the mother plant and will finish at the same time. Because of the rerooting slowing it down it will never achieve full potential. Same goes for the mother plant being stressed for mabe two weeks after taking cuts.


New Member
Is it not supposed to be counter productive cloning auto's. Your clone will be the same age as the mother plant and will finish at the same time. Because of the rerooting slowing it down it will never achieve full potential. Same goes for the mother plant being stressed for mabe two weeks after taking cuts.
ok i dont want to clone then but just want to no y it is flowering so soon someone told me i will get like a 8th or something of the white widow how i get it bigger


Active Member
First off, say you'll need more light. 1 X 30w wont help your case anyway!
Lots of different light setups, depends on what you want to spend.
Your girls are flowering already because their autoflowering. At least, thats what I think you meant by auto white widow.
They are designed to grow fast, usually 8-10 weeks
How many weeks old are they?


New Member
just the white widow is a fully auto flower my outdoor grape fruit is a semi auto and all about 3 to 4 week will i only get a 8th of my white widow and dont have eny more money for light


Well-Known Member
just the white widow is a fully auto flower my outdoor grape fruit is a semi auto and all about 3 to 4 week will i only get a 8th of my white widow and dont have eny more money for light
bro you will need to add more lites cuz 30 watts is not enough light for 3 plants and you can take cuttings when they start to branch out but not from the auto cuz it will flower anyway and there are lots of good threads on cloning hear good luck.


Well-Known Member
They need more light and compost is a soil amendment not a grow medium. Needs drainage too..perlite.They need to be fuller to clone..the non-autos.
Very sorry about your finances restricting you. A garage sale bathroon over mirror light with cfls would help. Most are say 4-6 bulb and with y adapters double that. You wire and hang it.:-(


New Member
so i need 7 more lights wtf its not possible with no money so wat do i do i could add 1 to 2 more lights max and thay wont be 30 watt thay will be like 11 watt to 19 so wat duz this mean am i screwed


Well-Known Member
You definetly need more light. My first grow, I used 2 300 watt CFL equivilent bulbs (I think the actual wattage was only 100 or 150 per light), and that was just for 2 plants.