And I'm skeptical on sciences ability to discover reality. I think DMT is a better tool than science to discover reality, imo. Which supposedly is illogical, I know.
You are not skeptical, you are doubtful. Skepticism is structured doubt, systematic. There is no system to your doubt, it operates on bias. Skeptisism seeks to identify bias. What you have is unreasonable distrust.
I understand the skeptical views on personal experiences and am not trying to convince anyone. Though I did get aggressively challenged by those that thought telepathy was ridiculous as if they wanted me to prove it true even though they knew reported experiences are not evidence at all.
You expected to be widely accepted with no questions? You made an agressive report, of course we are curious and doubtful. Do you want to live in a world where we just accept everything said?
You know nothing of spirituality. Though I think its about testing yourself and see how much you can develop and how you can positively influence those around you.
We know nothing? Obviously we know a lot and are able to much more specific and consicise than you are when we talk about it. You misuse words, confuse meanings, contradict yourself and double speak. You have all the earmarks of a confused and disorganized mind grasping for the straws of spirituality.
Yes, I doubt what you have labelled credulous, as I still believe in everything that I did before I joined this site.
Again you see this as an attack on you, when it is an attack on ideas you posit. We do not keep tallies on the number of beliefs we have destroyed, or even care. A person can only change their own beliefs. You are so convinced that we are doing this to be loyal to the 'atheistic scientist' stance that you have not considered any other reasons, which is a perfect example of how you handle all topics. Go with the first notion that appeals, find confirmation and ignore discomfirmation.
How many illogical thinkers have you got to think logically? Your goal to logically enlighten people seems illogical since very few take your words into consideration.
Who are you speaking for? Most of us take your words seriously and genuinely engage you, you are the one who treats posts to you like volleyballs and hit them back as quickly as possible hoping we will drop it. You consider a post for as long as it takes you to construct a comeback, but never once do you examine that comeback and see if it is constructive or if it even makes sense. You simply scan words to see where you can attack, because if you attack, you don't have to defend.
Unless of course you decide the post isn't worth reading. How confident can we be on your ideas when you are willing to skip any information that is too hard to read. Is being lazy part of the spiritual paradigm?
You are twisting things around and putting words in my mouth. I never said I dont need self-assessment, I just dont need it in the way you think I need it.
Dude, he quoted you and then commented. How can he twist your words around if they came from you? The fault would be yours for not making yourself clear.
So you are saying you need self assessment, but only in the ways which confirm what you think. You know Cheif, we are talking about critical self assessment. Not self-awareness. We are not talking about patting yourself on the back, we are talking about showing your work to yourself and grading it objectionably. Good luck in life if you think you get everything right the first time through. That makes you immune to correction, even self-correction.
I am very aware of my actions and how I interact and influence people in the real world. It is a part of spirituality to evaluate yourself to see where you need improvements. Gotta know myself to know god.
So how has spirituality improved you? You just said that you have no changed your beliefs, and your slight change in conduct is a result of us challenging you. You have been here for many months now, what has spirituality shown you in that time? You mind is stagnant going over the same ideas without fully seeing what they are. There may be bloating, but no real growth.
Do you really think you have discovered something special? You come to us and say, hey guys I know science has controls which make it careful and ESP is as of yet unconfirmed, but guess what, if we take out the carefulness we can confirm ESP! Well no shit. If we forget about being careful we can demonstrate 2+2=22. We can prove just about any mind-over-matter ability with those standards, included the idea that listening to 'old' music makes your body physically younger. By your standard we can prove ALL claims of spirituality, not to mention gremlins, witches, voodoo, faith healing, astrology, dousing, homeopathy, Feng Shui, and the evil eye. Unless every single on of those is true and eluding the eyes of science, then your methodology leads to bad answers.
You hide behind the spiritual dichotomy for ESP, but you show the exact same attitude and reasoning when it comes to free energy. You scoff at the laws of thermodynamics because they are part of science, yet they have nothing to do with spirituality.
Please explain how holding to the concept of null hypothesis is materialistic. How is parsimony grounded in physical reality? Why is paying attention to things like confirmation bias against spirituality? You claim that to know the spirit you must forget the materialistic paradigm of science, but the things you change about science have nothing to do with materialism, not as the word is defined.
You tell us we need to look past our materialistic bias and when we ask how, you tell us we need to be biased, just in your way instead of ours.
Your ideas do not agree with materialism, dualism or idealism, which are the only three possible schools of thought on consciousness. You can either believe consciousness is a result of the brain (materialist) that is has nothing to do with the brain (idealist) or that is it a combination of the two (dualism). When your claims go against materialism you want to side with idealism or dualism, but when they go against dualism you want to use materialism to reconcile. You are in a category by yourself because your beliefs do not make sense or even hold an internal consistency, there is no discipline, just what feels right to you at any given time.