The Main-Lining Thread

Hi nugbuckets

Check out my mainlined Cheese plant that's ready for flower once I get some room in the tent. I'm really loving the way things are going so far. Thanks for sharing your methods!

Thank you....your avatar is beautiful by the way!.....welcome......myself, and a few Nerd's are in the process of documenting the Main-Lining process and philosophy in a very detailed manner, and working on getting it published (in a very special place) seems to be taking the growing world by storm, and we are very excited to get it out to the growing public as soon as we possibly can....hold tight, and stay tuned!....nugs

Thanks man, and that sounds great, looking forward to that.
I'm sure you have dealt with the doubters to this method of obtaining 7 oz per plant. Realisticly first time trying this with a 400 watt hps, what could I expect to pull per plant? Going with Pineapple Chunk and Orange Bud.

actually, i have not had any doubters....this method is a killer......if done right, anywhere from 3.5-5 per, but as you know, there is a whole lot more that goes into a high yielding grow than mainlining alone, but i can say this.....if you had identical grows side by side, and one was mainlined...and this was the only would see a 50-100% increase in yield overall....i went from yielding consistantly just over 20 zips in my space, to pushing 40 every run.....(on average)......we just yielded 10.76 zips on a Vortex in a 10 gal. smartie, built with 32.......she was 23 inches tall from the soil line.
Kind of time frame are you guys seeing it with?
just think 8-10 inches tall, working on the sixth node or so.....its hard to give a clear answer to time frame, thats why i havn't put together a day to day.....every strain is different, some love torture, some hate it.....they will also all have varying degrees of vigor.....i think a lot of TGA strains from seed are perfect, mostly because of the choice one gets with different phenos...i look at it as an advantage...a rather big one!....clones are another story, they really know their own personality as far as growth patterns are concerned by the time they are growing from clone, "genetic memory".....plants from seed also have genetic memory, but their behavior can be worked with to a certain degree....think of it like "Teaching an old dog new tricks"....dig?
just think 8-10 inches tall, working on the sixth node or so.....its hard to give a clear answer to time frame, thats why i havn't put together a day to day.....every strain is different, some love torture, some hate it.....they will also all have varying degrees of vigor.....i think a lot of TGA strains from seed are perfect, mostly because of the choice one gets with different phenos...i look at it as an advantage...a rather big one!....clones are another story, they really know their own personality as far as growth patterns are concerned by the time they are growing from clone, "genetic memory".....plants from seed also have genetic memory, but their behavior can be worked with to a certain degree....think of it like "Teaching an old dog new tricks"....dig?

Cool that's where I was letting them get before sexing then topping after... Im sure u already know.
I am an old dog, and eager to learn new tricks. Specially when it comes to yeild, as I'm tired of 1, 2 or maybe 3 zips for a grow. Thanks for the reply and have enjoyed this thread and the work you are doing.
Been butchering the shit out of this lil bitch to see just how much abuse she can take.


That fine string might cut into your girls brother!
rebelution can get a bit poppy for me, but this dude sure can play his ax!

thats a little too poppy for me...he does shred, check this favorite band crushing a zz top cover
actually, i have not had any doubters....this method is a killer......if done right, anywhere from 3.5-5 per, but as you know, there is a whole lot more that goes into a high yielding grow than mainlining alone, but i can say this.....if you had identical grows side by side, and one was mainlined...and this was the only would see a 50-100% increase in yield overall....i went from yielding consistantly just over 20 zips in my space, to pushing 40 every run.....(on average)......we just yielded 10.76 zips on a Vortex in a 10 gal. smartie, built with 32.......she was 23 inches tall from the soil line.
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Hi Nugbuckets you genius. How big is that grow area your speaking of and how many lights and fans & vent fans if you would please. I am so happy to have finally opened this thread. Let me know when you can because I haven't seen or found it in your threads yet. Damn your a bumper crop farming genius. Thank you times ten for all this info.
Here is my Jack the Ripper "Pink Lemonade" Pheno. The plant actually Main-lined itself, the only thing I did was top the mains to continue it. She also decided to grow three 3 nodes evenly from the center hub.

One of the coolest looking plants I've grown.
pot growing demigod indeed. i just read ur step-by-step for the first time, and all i can say is wow. i never even imagined such things were possible, let alone do-able.

much respect due, much respect given, and i cant fekkin wait to try this out for myself!!!!
Here is my Jack the Ripper "Pink Lemonade" Pheno. The plant actually Main-lined itself, the only thing I did was top the mains to continue it. She also decided to grow three 3 nodes evenly from the center hub.

One of the coolest looking plants I've grown.
thats bad ass.....can i use your photo for my mainlining file?