my cat eats grass

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
I have to keep all my plants in a room that I can close the door to because my cat tries to eat them and I know 1 of them is not good for him since its a rubber tree kind.


Well-Known Member
I think its just a craving for greens. All of the dogs and cats Ive had eat grass, but never really throw up after... Hell I crave a salad when I eat to many burgers. Could it be that simple?
mb. she def goes for any house plant that has long blades like grass. she never bothered with the cannabis. fortunetly for her. and she doesnt always barf it up either. i believe the folic acid deficiency that i read about. mb it is that simple. shit. she's like ten years old now. she has asthma. i pretty much let her have anything she wants.

I have to keep all my plants in a room that I can close the door to because my cat tries to eat them and I know 1 of them is not good for him since its a rubber tree kind.
. yeah ya gotta watch those house plants. some can be real nasty. like this one...


Well-Known Member
From what I understand most domesticated animals will munch on grass, it seems to act like an antacid


Well-Known Member
okee dokee now i gotcha. it's edible so i can't see where it would cause harm. ask your vet to be safe. i would think that anything that doesn't agree with their digestive tract would come right up. my dog used to eat horse shit. lol. the vet said it was no prob. crazy dog.


Well-Known Member
i read it aids in digestion. something about folic acid and now i have to wait till she vomits it up. and of course i gotta find it first. i've found little gifts on the floor before i swore were rats. huge sometimes. i also read mb i should grow a tray of grass inside because of the chemicals ppl put on turf grass. although none here. i know this is the gardening section but there are cat owners here. ppl are more empathetic here. if i posted it somewhere else i'll just get wisecrack remarks. so what do you do? i'm afraid cuz my baby girl is asthmatic. if she gets sick i get manic. panic attacks. omg. she's all i got left. mb i should just keep her inside?
from personal experiences they do this when they ate too much or ate something wrong and feel sick. Dose not mean anythings wrong sick ,but like upset stomach, I ate too much pf changs sick.