cause people died so you could. its not a perfect system. just the best going all these many, people like socialts, take over a place, and can stay in for ever. like cuba. and lots of others. why not try one of those, if u are unhappy here? why? cause if u talk like you and so many others do, agaisnt their own county, they would be jailed at the minimum, but usually shot, or beheaded. still hate your own country? it lets u piss on it all u want. maybe thats a reason to stay?? pot cures lots of ailments the number on on the list is AMBITION! what made us great. this is why, i will never vote for legalization. look what the legal alcohol has done for our society! and tobacco. why would i want to place another burden on it? awww! i know....but, im not a liberal. sorry. i love my country and the people overseas who protect it. when the day comes, that i let the liberal media brain wash me into talking sheet about her, i will be obligated to end my life......