This would be a powerful argument if taxes weren't already the lowest they've been in 70 years.
thats another leftist meme. tax revenues have climbed to the highest percentage of GDP since ww2.
the individual tax burden is not just the income tax, and capital gains, it is also stamp taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, state income and wealth taxes, payroll taxes, excise taxes and the million and ten "revenue enhancements" which are taxes in drag.
the government takes more of everyone's money to fund bigger social engineering projects and boondoggles than ever before.
now i commit heresy:
even our military has become a bloated bureaucracy which does nothing to protect our borders and security at home, and instead props up dictators and foreign regimes for the enrichment of powerful interests.
cutting our military back to constitutionally prescribed limits which include a Navy who's size and funding is approved by congress independent of other political concerns, a Marine Corps limited to two divisions, and an army made up of a limited number of professional officers and non-coms, and a few active professional units with required specialties, who maintain readiness for the militia through regular drills (which could be done on the border to reduce foreign incursions into our territory) we would be better able to secure our nation, and not have to dump all our money into the smouldering cesspit of foreign intervention.
with the addition of constitutional provisions for an Airforce which is regulated by the congress and constitutional standards just like the navy we would be able to slash our military budgets by a third at least while still maintaining the best and most effective military force in the world at much lower cost and greater efficiency.
nearly half of our federal expenditures are to maintain a military force which is overstretched trying to defend the entire world from itself, and maintain a presence in every corner of the globe, including where we are not wanted. cutting back on these expenditures would allow more targeted spending where it really counts.
only during world wars 1 and 2 did military spending eat up so much of our resources, and too many of our military resources are wasted defending foreign regimes (often from their own people) and propping up dictators. meanwhile on the high seas pirates operate with impunity and any asshole who can get to canada or mexico can sneak into our nation for whatever mischief he so desires. actually securing our borders, and patrolling the seas to root out piracy while holding the big stick of naval power with which to pummel any who try to interfere with our way of life would greatly reduce our expenditures, while improving national security.