• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

No More Bush Tax Cuts for the Wealthiest


Well-Known Member
You should have seen the ads for financial products on American TV before the bottom fell out. Increasingly dubious finance products were being marketed with increasing vigor. Yes; predation was in the air. cn
We have them here, "Quick Cash" with tiny lettering at the bottom stating "APR: 3275%".

The thing is tho, only fools take those sort of financial products... a fool and his money have/are/will always be easily parted.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
This would be a powerful argument if taxes weren't already the lowest they've been in 70 years.
thats another leftist meme. tax revenues have climbed to the highest percentage of GDP since ww2.

the individual tax burden is not just the income tax, and capital gains, it is also stamp taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, state income and wealth taxes, payroll taxes, excise taxes and the million and ten "revenue enhancements" which are taxes in drag.

the government takes more of everyone's money to fund bigger social engineering projects and boondoggles than ever before.

now i commit heresy:

even our military has become a bloated bureaucracy which does nothing to protect our borders and security at home, and instead props up dictators and foreign regimes for the enrichment of powerful interests.
cutting our military back to constitutionally prescribed limits which include a Navy who's size and funding is approved by congress independent of other political concerns, a Marine Corps limited to two divisions, and an army made up of a limited number of professional officers and non-coms, and a few active professional units with required specialties, who maintain readiness for the militia through regular drills (which could be done on the border to reduce foreign incursions into our territory) we would be better able to secure our nation, and not have to dump all our money into the smouldering cesspit of foreign intervention.

with the addition of constitutional provisions for an Airforce which is regulated by the congress and constitutional standards just like the navy we would be able to slash our military budgets by a third at least while still maintaining the best and most effective military force in the world at much lower cost and greater efficiency.

nearly half of our federal expenditures are to maintain a military force which is overstretched trying to defend the entire world from itself, and maintain a presence in every corner of the globe, including where we are not wanted. cutting back on these expenditures would allow more targeted spending where it really counts.

only during world wars 1 and 2 did military spending eat up so much of our resources, and too many of our military resources are wasted defending foreign regimes (often from their own people) and propping up dictators. meanwhile on the high seas pirates operate with impunity and any asshole who can get to canada or mexico can sneak into our nation for whatever mischief he so desires. actually securing our borders, and patrolling the seas to root out piracy while holding the big stick of naval power with which to pummel any who try to interfere with our way of life would greatly reduce our expenditures, while improving national security.


Well-Known Member
total taxes paid by Americans as a share of national income. Total taxes includes federal, state, and local income taxes, corporate income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, social security and medicare taxes, and every other kind of tax (except for the estate tax). total tax burden roiters.png

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
99% is just a bunch of whiners and criers...
yes. a masters degree in women's studies and african american mathematics will not get one a job except in teaching other suckers the same useless "fields of study", and those teaching jobs are already filled.

the "99%" and "occupy everything" assholes are lazy, indolent prison bitches demanding that the warden give them free shit and vouchers for the commissary. if i had the money and academic acceptance to go to university at any time in my life i would have studied engineering and the hard sciences, not the "humanities", sadly i was too poor, and too white to go to university, and my experiences in community college made it clear that university and higher education is just a trap for fools who want to extend their highschool experience to 4-8 years of drinking carousing and acting a fool on mommy and daddy's dime, or at the government trough.

these dipshits with elaborate facial hair, 50 tattoos, facial piercings and gauged ears wonder why they got no jobs, i wouldnt hire a farm hand who looks and acts like an imbecile, nor would i hire a farm hand who spent all his or her time bitching about how "The Man" is keeping them down because of their blackness, their chicanismo, or their pussy. none of that whining gets shit done, and dickheads like that will sue their employer at the drop of a hat. its just too much risk.

how else but whiners and criers would you describe dumbasses who camp in a park and hold rallies when they could be lookin for work to pay off those enormous college loans at usury rates. they demand somebody else foot the bill for their stupid decisions, and their parent's willingness to let them waste $500 grand on a degree in dead languages or aboriginal religions of the world? would you pay for your kids to study that bullshit? i know i wouldnt.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Some might say that the system is rigged. Do you suppose just anyone can work hard and make $170,000 a year? That's about double what the CEO of the last company I worked for made. I think the distribution of wealth thing is a bit of a mystery to you.
Though, no doubt you're right. Someone making $170,000 a year probably isn't bitching. Well... they might be bitching about welfare and the fact that the gov't taxes their dividend checks.
the legislature of california makes $98,000 a year, plus a $248 per diem (thats extra money on top of salary when they are in sacramento, yep, just shy of $250 a day, A DAY! just to show up to work on top of their 98k salary) plus a vehicle allowance a residence allowance, free medical coverage and many other perks that put them well over the $170k mark, all for assholes who cant even balance a budget or get a budget to the governor on time.

so yeah, you dont make that kind of salary by working, you do it by being a foppish dandy in sacramento.


Well-Known Member
i was too poor, and too white to go to university
you poor, persecuted white person.

tell me more about how "the man" is keeping you down because of your whiteness.

...nor would i hire a farm hand who spent all his or her time bitching about how "The Man" is keeping them down because of their blackness, their chicanismo, or their pussy.
oh, woops. looks like you're just a whiny pussy and a bircher to boot.

damn all that multiculturalism! you're being held down as a white male! rise up and unite and take back this country for the white males!

god, too easy to hang you by your toenails if you can bear to wade through the rest of that pity me crap you spend time posting.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Uncle Buck you rock once again. I would birth your children if I had the delicate lady parts to do it. My roommate Jessy says high and keep up the great work, he's been banned for being a bad boy. Fuck the whiners and the wombs that spat 'em out.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
total taxes paid by Americans as a share of national income. Total taxes includes federal, state, and local income taxes, corporate income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, social security and medicare taxes, and every other kind of tax (except for the estate tax). View attachment 2323997
* Except Estate Taxes!

also, thats as a share of ""income" which again excludes capital gains taxes, business taxes, and all the other things that make graphs so much less dramatic, but more honest.

taxes as a percent of GDP (gross domestic product, the sum of all transactions in the nation) is higher no0w than it has been since ww2, when almost a third of the economy and 25% of the population were engaged in the business of making war, which is notoriously unprofitable (unless youre the guys on top, then it's awesome)



Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
total taxes paid by Americans as a share of national income. Total taxes includes federal, state, and local income taxes, corporate income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, social security and medicare taxes, and every other kind of tax (except for the estate tax). View attachment 2323997
Yet another totally useless graph. Oooh, look at the pretty colored lines... ooooh. Who put this one out, Idiotsareus?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
you poor, persecuted white person.

tell me more about how "the man" is keeping you down because of your whiteness.

oh, woops. looks like you're just a whiny pussy and a bircher to boot.

damn all that multiculturalism! you're being held down as a white male! rise up and unite and take back this country for the white males!

god, too easy to hang you by your toenails if you can bear to wade through the rest of that pity me crap you spend time posting.
unavoidable economic realities are simply facts, you insufferable twat, not whining, thats the exclusive domain of the leftists. i left highschool at 16 with a certificate of equivalency and went to work doing jobs that you would never consider doin, from wildland firefighting to working at a sewage treatment plant as a scab during a labour strike. i have been working ever since, usually two jobs, but always at least one. i have never taken unemployment, ever.

yes it would have been nice to go to school and get a job that didnt turn my body into a wreck, ruin my health and leave me broke and working in a fucking office supply store, but if wishes was fishes we would all stink like your pussy.

students who were black, chicano or women got grants, subsidized loans and scholarships in the eighties, not crackers from rural backgrounds. its a simple fact. my parents didnt have the money to send me off to college, i didnt qualify for any grants or low interest loans, and due to an injury that ended my high school football "career" i lost all hopes of a football scholarship or military service. so i went to work. not sitting in an office, hard manual labour. for starvation wages, working as much as 100 hours a week on a fireline, and when nothing was burning, shouldering 12 hour days on a farm.

if anybody on this forum has room to bitch about the government keeping them down, its me, but i dont. instead i take orders from a girl half my age who never worked a day in her life before she became a manager straight out of college, and she lectures me on the proper way to lift a 30 pound box of office paper.

if i didnt need this fucking job i would explain to the fool that my knees dont bend any more and my back is fine so she should stick to what she knows, doing her nails and talking on her cell phone. but this is all foreign to you bucky, you see any criticism of the leftist agenda that turns people who are not special minority projects into disposable commodities, and specialize in the baseless ad hominem attack and choppin other's statements into easily ridiculed words and phrases just to make yourself feel clever. i guess thats what you learned in college while i was working in a sewage treatment plant.


Well-Known Member
sadly i was too poor, and too white to go to university...
students who were black, chicano or women got grants, subsidized loans and scholarships in the eighties, not crackers from rural backgrounds
if anybody on this forum has room to bitch about the government keeping them down, its me, but i dont.
note how you whine about the government keeping you down in the first two quotes, then try to claim that you don't whine about the government keeping you down in the last one.

you're not going to convince anyone that whites are being persecuted and kept out of college. that's your own fantasy reality of invented persecution.

quit your whining already.


New Member
Some might say that the system is rigged. Do you suppose just anyone can work hard and make $170,000 a year? That's about double what the CEO of the last company I worked for made. I think the distribution of wealth thing is a bit of a mystery to you.
Though, no doubt you're right. Someone making $170,000 a year probably isn't bitching. Well... they might be bitching about welfare and the fact that the gov't taxes their dividend checks.
I should have made myself a bit clearer, I meant $170k household income, my bad.
Depending where you live, $170k fro a household income is not that difficult if you set yourself some goals and are disciplined. I'm not talking about young people first starting out either.

In fact, it's mostly the young ones who are doing all the whining, they want everything to come easy and right now.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
note how you whine about the government keeping you down in the first two quotes, then try to claim that you don't whine about the government keeping you down in the last one.

you're not going to convince anyone that whites are being persecuted and kept out of college. that's your own fantasy reality of invented persecution.

quit your whining already.
poor "white trash" have always been persecuted by shitheels like you. you blame them for everything, from racism to foreign wars in vietnam afghanistan and iraq when in fact is pampered leftists like yourself who serve the interests of the moneyed elite while deriding the people who grow your food, take away your garbage and clean your toilets.

i dismiss your opinions and your useless counterproductive ad hominem attacks with the practiced ease of one who has been told they are the problem with america all their lives.

"americans are too lazy to work in the fields so thats why we need illegal aliens" i been working in the fields since i was 8 years old.
"white people already have all the advantages so we need affirmative action to increase diversity" if i got these advantages i aint seen em yet.
"anyone who didnt serve in the military but doesnt hate our soldiers who are just doing their duty is a chickenhawk" if i could have served i would have, would you? nope. so who's the chickenhawk?
"poor people are poor because they didnt go to college" and yet the 99% whiners seem to have more degrees than work ethic.
"think of the children!" any child of mine will grow up in the same trap i did, too white and too poor to qualify for the handouts.
"anybody who wants to reduce social engineering programs wants poor people and old people to die in the streets" these programs serve are designed to serve political ends, and subsidize the urban layabout, not help poor people who work


Well-Known Member
poor "white trash" have always been persecuted by shitheels like you. you blame them for everything, from racism to foreign wars in vietnam afghanistan and iraq when in fact is pampered leftists like yourself who serve the interests of the moneyed elite while deriding the people who grow your food, take away your garbage and clean your toilets.

i can visit the farms that produce most of my food. it costs a bit more to eat that way, but it's worth it.

the people who take away my garbage without leaving the comfort of their truck are union workers, i support unions.

and i scrub my own toilets, thank you very much.

i dismiss your opinions and your useless counterproductive ad hominem attacks with the practiced ease of one who has been told they are the problem with america all their lives.

"americans are too lazy to work in the fields so thats why we need illegal aliens" i been working in the fields since i was 8 years old.
"white people already have all the advantages so we need affirmative action to increase diversity" if i got these advantages i aint seen em yet.
"anyone who didnt serve in the military but doesnt hate our soldiers who are just doing their duty is a chickenhawk" if i could have served i would have, would you? nope. so who's the chickenhawk?
"poor people are poor because they didnt go to college" and yet the 99% whiners seem to have more degrees than work ethic.
"think of the children!" any child of mine will grow up in the same trap i did, too white and too poor to qualify for the handouts.
"anybody who wants to reduce social engineering programs wants poor people and old people to die in the streets" these programs serve are designed to serve political ends, and subsidize the urban layabout, not help poor people who work

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
arguing with a jingoist leftist with more money than sense is counterproductive and not worth my time on my day off.

good day.


Well-Known Member
Oh poor me, I'm a white male in America. Why couldn't I come into the world more fortunate?

You mad the black man in the oval office is making changes you don't believe in, bro?