Urgent!! Please Help Me! Yellow and drooping :( +REP


Active Member
ph can cause tons of issues and not always, or even most of the time, is it just spots. nitrogen could be locked out as well as many other crucial elements.
Did a PH test, what does this say to you buddy?

(Bearing in mind the actual PH solution is green when it isn't in contact with anything, it looks orange to me in contact with the soil)



Well-Known Member
If those Brita filters don't take the chlorine out you should.
What do they remove? I may get one myself, it's been a while since the grow had a new gadget! lol!


Make no mistake. These are small volume passive filtration but they are very effective. Check the prices. Remember, it is only as effective as the filter. Change them frequently as recommended. I have used the faucet rigs on a ranch where the water was so damned foul you gagged in the shower. These work. Doesn't equate to RO quality but doesn't need to.

"The quality of U.S. and Canadian tap water is generally quite good, but chlorine is often added as a disinfectant by certain municipalities, and lead can leach out of household plumbing. Brita® pitcher and faucet water filtration systems reduce the following common impurities, and can even remove 96.6% of pharmaceuticals including Acetaminophen, Carbamazepine, Estradiol, Naproxen and Progesterone¹:"

As a medical professional these drugs concern me as they travel through groundwater once excreted or directly into water treatment plants where they are not removed by the sand/gravel filtration and settling ponds and ultimately ends up on the ground where it penetrates to groundwater or diverted after treatment into rivers! Acetaminophen - Tylenol. Extremely toxic to the liver with even a single overdose. You take it a lot, drink a lot of water . . . . doesn't require Ray Bradbury to see that far in your future.

Look the drugs up.


Active Member
Here's what the PH solution looks like with nothing added to it. What's the consensus chaps?

Sometimes I hate my life.



Well-Known Member
You Ph solution should come with a chart...
According to mine yours is slightly acidic, around 6.0.


Active Member
You Ph solution should come with a chart...
According to mine yours is slightly acidic, around 6.0.
Thanks man, should I worry about this? I bought 200 bastarding litres of that soil. Fuck my life!!!!!!

I came across this chart:

I would say mine is somewhere between 6.0 and 5.5


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, should I worry about this? I bought 200 bastarding litres of that soil. Fuck my life!!!!!!

I came across this chart:

I would say mine is somewhere between 6.0 and 5.5
Anything under 5.5 means its N lockout and that solution didn't look under 5.5 to me.


Well-Known Member
Is that the chart that comes with the solution? If so, you have nothing to worry about.
I read a thread recently saying adjusting the Ph water for soil is pointless as the soil soon reverts back. So I didn't adjust the Ph next watering...all the leafs/leaves drooped down almost instantly! I though I'd totally f%$&ed up, but an hour later they were all pointing straight up, waving to Buddha, and looking Great!
Oh shit! I've talked my way in to ignorance! lol! 'Cos now I'm unsure about this whole Ph/soil thing now...:wall:

NURSE!!! I think it's wearing off !! ;)


Active Member
Okay thanks man, what do you think can be causing them all to be yellowing so much?

When I repot, should I use some Dolomite Lime to bring the PH up a little bit?


Active Member
Is that the chart that comes with the solution? If so, you have nothing to worry about.
I read a thread recently saying adjusting the Ph water for soil is pointless as the soil soon reverts back. So I didn't adjust the Ph next watering...all the leafs/leaves drooped down almost instantly! I though I'd totally f%$&ed up, but an hour later they were all pointing straight up, waving to Buddha, and looking Great!
Oh shit! I've talked my way in to ignorance! lol! 'Cos now I'm unsure about this whole Ph/soil thing now...:wall:

NURSE!!! I think it's wearing off !! ;)
Hahaa! They've been yellowing for the past week though. You reckon it'll be okay to re pot using the same soil?


Well-Known Member
I don't think the soil is/was a problem...Your problem may well be sorted..out of intensive care, but under observation..
Just keep a close eye on and see, She can do a shed load in 24hrs.
N-utes.....keep 'em covered, not smothered ;)


Well-Known Member
See what you mean. Nutrients were locked out because of too much/little water, so they are hungry, but like I say (somewhat nervously now lol!) they'll pull through imo.You could try a foliar spray, but hey, they're just getting over water issues so that may complicate things....
Looking at the whole thread again, they just want two things.
(1) Rest
(2) Recuperation

Unless anyone has a different opinion?...


Looks like minor nute burn, with possible over watering. It doesn't matter if the pots wick out the water or not, I'm going to assume you've been watering everyday or just a little to often...
Lack of nitrogen would effect the new growth, the bottom leaves (starting leaves, don't know technical term) yellow eventually and fall off just so you know.


Well-Known Member
Drop to 7 from what? I use tap water, its all I've ever used. Mines about 7-7.3 going in. Even in hydro I used tap water with PH down. Out the faucet mine is around 200PPM and I prefer it. I've never used cal/mag in 20 years. I do let it sit out overnight but the outdoor plants get it straight from the hose. It all depends on how your water is I guess!


Now looking at the most recent picture it does look like lock-out of nutes, but be very careful how you treat this mine had leaves turning black / really crispy.


Well-Known Member
overwatering for sure, the yellowing is probably from too much watering as well. also transplant those into some better soil. Marijuana doesnt like woody soil like that.
Its surprising how many people think seedlings don't need nutes when they can take more than a plant 2-4 weeks in veg.
Supchaka was half right even though that last line was a lil off WHAT? lol just add a 1/8-1/4 strength of nutes when it's time to water,after them new leaves come in all the way keep it @ 1/8 strength and gradually raise it week by week,until they are able to take full strength around 4-5 weeks veg
I don't think anyone has said seedlings don't need nutes, of course they need nutes. But most soil already has quite a lot of nutes in them. You can get some soil that will feed a plant for 8 weeks. I don't feed nutes to any of my seedlings and my thrive just from what they get from the soil. (I'll post a pic if I get chance). Those pots are really designed for putting a plant outside, they are biodegradable, the roots grow through them as the pot breaks down. No good for our specific type of plant. I use them to start sunflowers off.