Blue Wizard
Well-Known Member
That was probably the first co-op game that I ever played and truly loved. I remember it was the first thing my neighbor and I did when I moved into my new neighborhood in 1st grade. My neighbor, who was the same age as me, came over and asked me if I wanted to play some Nintendo with him, and I went to house and played Gauntlet and had a great time. We're still friends to this day.
Man... 1st grade, kind of trippy to think back to that time and how long ago it was.
Lol yeah, my uncle had gauntlet and me and my cousin used to play the hell out of it, we never did beat it. I wound up beating later when I got my own copy a few years later for my birthday, the nes one has an ending but I was playing the arcade version on my PS1 and I got to like level 384 before I gave up.