Gamers on RIU ?

That was probably the first co-op game that I ever played and truly loved. I remember it was the first thing my neighbor and I did when I moved into my new neighborhood in 1st grade. My neighbor, who was the same age as me, came over and asked me if I wanted to play some Nintendo with him, and I went to house and played Gauntlet and had a great time. We're still friends to this day.

Man... 1st grade, kind of trippy to think back to that time and how long ago it was.

Lol yeah, my uncle had gauntlet and me and my cousin used to play the hell out of it, we never did beat it. I wound up beating later when I got my own copy a few years later for my birthday, the nes one has an ending but I was playing the arcade version on my PS1 and I got to like level 384 before I gave up.
If you want to play what is probably the best version of the original Gauntlet, pick up part 4 for the Genesis. It has a pretty much arcade perfect 4 player arcade mode and a quest mode where you can level up and buy equipment ans stuff.
If you want to play what is probably the best version of the original Gauntlet, pick up part 4 for the Genesis. It has a pretty much arcade perfect 4 player arcade mode and a quest mode where you can level up and buy equipment ans stuff.
Sweet, dude, thanks for the advice! I'll definitely check that out.
Goldeneye is the shit,

And yes I played runescape in grade school and thouroughly enjoyed it. Was a lvl 72 mage mofo!

Play my xbox nowadays. I'm sort of what you would call a Halo pro, more or less. Waiting for baby number 4 to get out of the incubator and let me take her home.
Sweet, dude, thanks for the advice! I'll definitely check that out.

No prob, I wish I had it back in the day, I didn't find out about it until a few years ago. I want to try the one that came out for the Atari Lynx, you can be a robot and other weird things like that.
WOW would probably lead me to a semi-crack like addiction, same with facebook. Feel like I would spend too much time on those if I had them.
I used to play WOW a few years ago, I left right before the the first expansion, me and some of the other head guys in the guild had a falling out and it wasn't the same after that.
I used to play WoW. Main tanked as a warrior for the top guild on my server. Also held Duelist title in arena for many seasons. Quit last year about 2 months into Cata.

I mostly just play Counter Strike now. Have been playing it competitively off and on for over a decade. Started in 1.5.

I dabble in a few other games, shooters mainly. No fucking COD though.
I mostly just play Counter Strike now. Have been playing it competitively off and on for over a decade. Started in 1.5.
I've also been playing CS for a long time. I started at 1.3 which was when I was 12 or 13.. which is about twelve years ago. Lol, sorry, seriously not trying to one-up you, it's just that that's the truth and you just reminded me how long I've been playing.

I played competitively for a bit, was on a Cal-M team at one point, but that was the furthest I ever got.
I used to play WoW. Main tanked as a warrior for the top guild on my server.

Defensive shield warrior? We used to joke and say I was the only warrior on the server that used a shield lol. I would try and join a group when my guild buddies weren't on and the group would be all like "not another warrior...." then i would say " I've got a shield" then they couldn't get me in their group fast enough lol.
brother jiggie i play crash bandicoot :eyesmoke:

Now that's a game I'm a pro at. I remember being at a girlfriends cousins house, me and her uncle were watching the kids play, then the uncle had a turn and asked if I wanted a go. I said ok then proceded to make it through 3 levels or something perfectly. He was blown away. I was a tiny bit embarrassed at how good I was.
games are a devilish addiction just as heroin. that's why i stick to my ps1&2 games or the occasional madden 13 with the fellas.

13 worth it? I've got 11 but wasn't sure if I should get 13 or not. Not sure about NHL13 either, I had gotten used to the controls in 07' then I got 12 and it sort of lost me.
Defensive shield warrior? We used to joke and say I was the only warrior on the server that used a shield lol. I would try and join a group when my guild buddies weren't on and the group would be all like "not another warrior...." then i would say " I've got a shield" then they couldn't get me in their group fast enough lol.

Yessir, prot forever. On my server all I had to say was "I'm tanking who's in?" and the group was full in 4 seconds. In BC, on some fights we had a druid tank so I'd throw on some dps gear and 2 1h's and spam devastate like a mother fucker. Was pretty good dps. I pvp'd as prot in bg's most of the time as well but went arms for arenas...mace stun..mace stun..mace stun. Had fun playing dps with a mage.

I've also been playing CS for a long time. I started at 1.3 which was when I was 12 or 13.. which is about twelve years ago. Lol, sorry, seriously not trying to one-up you, it's just that that's the truth and you just reminded me how long I've been playing.

I played competitively for a bit, was on a Cal-M team at one point, but that was the furthest I ever got.

No doubt man, I was on a Cal-M team in Source too. First time I found out about Counter Strike I was at an internet cafe and everyone was playing it. It was already 1.5, fun as hell in a lan setting. I didn't even have a computer or internet that could play online games until awhile after that though. I spent a lot of time at that cafe.
i use to an miss playin americas army on pc. i played that from 1.5 an on till it moved to steam an got horrible. i mainly play on my xbox now. bf3 is what i mainly play, but ill play black ops, an halo 3. thinkin bout gettin cod4 or mw2 again this weekend. i like bf3, but i wanna play a cod that i enjoyed playin. lol only games i play on pc now is cube 2 an age of empires. you dont wanna see me in age of empires. oh or bf3 or any cod or ufc3 or uno....yea thats right i said uno.