What is wrong with this country?


Well-Known Member
It's the blacks, no
Its the teachers, no
It's the mexicans, no wait
It's the gays,
It's the damn lawyers
It's the democrats
No, it's the baby killing women,
It's the liberals
It's the Democrats
I's Obama,
It's the tree huggers,
I's the Muslims
The athiests
The scientists
The Main stream media,
Its Unions
The gun grabbers
Entertainment media
Those damn socialists
The feminists
The disabled
The poor, that's it, it's the poor.

Thank God for the rich, white gun owners, without them, where would this country be?

Let's take our country back.
It's the dysfunctional capitalist system,along with a dysfunctional political system.

Except that both the capitalist system and the political system are "functioning" just fine. The question really is, who are they functioning for?
Take over - it's funny really, while the right is fixated on the government, preparing for their "take over", sure that tyranny will eminate from the halls of congress and the presidency, we are all being slowly and inexorably being consumed by the real source of tyranny, big business. Misdirection on their part works wonderfuly well.
It's the blacks, no
Its the teachers, no
It's the mexicans, no wait
It's the gays,
It's the damn lawyers
It's the democrats
No, it's the baby killing women,
It's the liberals
It's the Democrats
I's Obama,
It's the tree huggers,
I's the Muslims
The athiests
The scientists
The Main stream media,
Its Unions
The gun grabbers
Entertainment media
Those damn socialists
The feminists
The disabled
The poor, that's it, it's the poor.

Thank God for the rich, white gun owners, without them, where would this country be?

Let's take our country back.
Reported as racist... way to single out whitey. Chinese and Indian people don't even get a mention...2 billion of them combined.

(Not actually reported, that'd be a bit of a "gay" thing to do)
Think libertarian: Don't rob me (be fiscally responsible) and leave me alone (have social acceptance).

It is the Republican and Democratic party discourse, their cronies and special interests, that are clearly responsible for our current problems. The question now (a historical one) is how can those they have fucked (us) hold them responsible?!? I can never forgive these fucktards for the burdens they have placed on the backs of our children as it is truly unforgivable :!:

How did we go right from "The Greatest Generation" to the greediest? Imagine if we had relied on the Obamas & Romneys of this world to hit the beaches of Normandy?!? Where do we go now :-(
I don't like using children as a reason for justification. It seems cheap. It's like fear mongering, "your safety and your children's safety is at risk" "Gives away all freedom for "safety""
I don't like using children as a reason for justification. It seems cheap. It's like fear mongering, "your safety and your children's safety is at risk" "Gives away all freedom for "safety""

I think he means that these fucks have dug a huge hole for our kids and their kids..a hole so deep that It is doubtful they can climb out.
I don't like using children as a reason for justification. It seems cheap. It's like fear mongering, "your safety and your children's safety is at risk" "Gives away all freedom for "safety""

I hear ya brother. But you must consider what a wasteland these politicians will leave them when considering the position they have placed us ...
It's the blacks, no
Its the teachers, no
It's the mexicans, no wait
It's the gays,
It's the damn lawyers
It's the democrats
No, it's the baby killing women,
It's the liberals
It's the Democrats
I's Obama,
It's the tree huggers,
I's the Muslims
The athiests
The scientists
The Main stream media,
Its Unions
The gun grabbers
Entertainment media
Those damn socialists
The feminists
The disabled
The poor, that's it, it's the poor.

Thank God for the rich, white gun owners, without them, where would this country be?

Let's take our country back.

No way man the real culprit is the tooth fairy 18149-tooth_fairy.jpgLet's go cowboy aim & shoot!
I hear ya brother. But you must consider what a wasteland these politicians will leave them when considering the position they have placed us ...

Oh I know what you meant. It wasn't exactly directed towards you. I agree with you, It just reminded me of how disgusted I feel when stupid politicians are using them as reason for people to give away their rights, like they really give a shit about our children.