Before I had my business, I worked at a decent sized company owned by a great guy. He was really good to his employees. He was Jewish but that didn't stop him from doubling our pay the week of Christmas every year. He had around 250 people. He would call us all over and tell us he was giving us bonuses for finishing jobs early that ended up being over $10,000.00 on some of the jobs, saying " You guys did a great job" and handing out checks himself to us. He would randomly call and ask me if we thought we would like some pizza for lunch and have it delivered. In the morning every day he would meet with us all to talk about the projects we were working on, he knew when someone was having a baby and gave them a $1500.00 bonus to help with expenses. Nobody expected any of this from him. We were all union and got good pay and benefits already. He got me and other guys side jobs if we wanted them and helped me to get started on my own. We always got paid, got paid on time regardless. They had to hand write checks a couple of times because the system was down. Best job I ever had working for someone else because we all knew he cared about us. He never went bankrupt or screwed us out of our pay