Philly the SodaTax

Yeah, just a classic taxation without representation a bit like tobacco even though the #1 killer is heart disease yet we don't unjustly tax McDonald's.

There is even more to it than that.

These little taxes are examples of 'poor man' tax.

A states deficit often fall to the lower classes because (through Lobby) the burden gets shifted to them..
I wouldn't be surprised if somehow this soda tax ends up in the pockets of the health they don't charge enough already..but this tax..donuts to dollars is going to line someone's pockets that don't necessarily need.
Shit even schools don't need anymore tax money it don't cost that much to teach kids to read write and do math. But the local Highschool spent millions on a fucking addition like they couldn't pay teachers a reasonable wage.
So everyone is going to have to pay $1.06 per 6 pack more for soda regardless of whether it has sugar in it or not and despite the fact that soda has less sugar than fruit juice.

This is supposedly to help fund before and after school programs so supposedly it is not to help the health of the individual drinking the soda as the government is now dependent upon the revenue and thus the citizen drinking soda for the program to survive.

Who does this help again? Oh yeah, the bureaucracy!!! Thank god I dont live in philly!!
classic taxation without representation

classic uneducated moron trying to use words he does not understand.

this law was put into place by democratically elected representatives.

may want to go back to school and try actually staying for 9th-12th grade this time. i doubt you could pass 9th grade though.
classic uneducated moron trying to use words he does not understand.

this law was put into place by democratically elected representatives.

may want to go back to school and try actually staying for 9th-12th grade this time. i doubt you could pass 9th grade though.

Democratically elected is like what we just had with Hillary and Bernie is it not?
Democratically elected is like what we just had with Hillary and Bernie is it not?

kind of.

a lot of the delegates were allotted based on democratic elections. some of the delegates, super delegates, were not democratically elected. and that is fine with me.

kind of.

a lot of the delegates were allotted based on democratic elections. some of the delegates, super delegates, were not democratically elected. and that is fine with me.


So you don't care if someone is democratically elected or not, and the powers that be can do as they wish and your fine with that?
So you don't care if someone is democratically elected or not, and the powers that be can do as they wish and your fine with that?

i said i have no problem with the way the democrats nominate their candidate, which is mostly democratic with some super delegate input.

i said i have no problem with the way the democrats nominate their candidate, which is mostly democratic with some super delegate input.

Mostly democratic is like mostly pregnant. It is or is not, Saying it was mostly fair except for the cheating, your mostly wrong and more than that your just not RIGHT.
classic uneducated moron trying to use words he does not understand.

this law was put into place by democratically elected representatives.

may want to go back to school and try actually staying for 9th-12th grade this time. i doubt you could pass 9th grade though.

Sir, that was a bit sharp, I must rebuke you and ask you to please refrain from demonstrating how an educated and rude moron states his position.

My apologies if I assumed incorrectly that you have an education beyond secondary school. I believe the rest of my assumption was accurate though.