Philly the SodaTax

i love 95 through philly lol.. its intense.

i used to take 95 every day to work from exit 26 to exit 3, until i got smart and started to take 295 in nj and go over the commodore barry.. way less traffic and heart ache and sitting in traffic, and forget about if there was any sort of road work or an accident on 95, which seemed like a daily thing around the airport..
check out dalessandro’s .. its in northwest philly.. i found it randomly, really good

yeah, my sister's ex hubby came in from san diego a few months ago, and she took him pretty much on the food tour of philly.. i think they had cheese steaks for like 3 days straight, delessandro's was on the list.. i've never been personally, but i know my other brother in law talks highly of them as well..
yeah, my sister's ex hubby came in from san diego a few months ago, and she took him pretty much on the food tour of philly.. i think they had cheese steaks for like 3 days straight, delessandro's was on the list.. i've never been personally, but i know my other brother in law talks highly of them as well..
thats a good 3 days lol.. pretty much any cheesesteak you grab in philly is going to be tasty as fuck. they all got some serious competition going on.
this is a newer place that opened
everyone keeps telling me to check it out, so i might have to try it out one of these days
They also decriminalized, so I mean, fuck it. Soda's terrible for you anyway. Even if the tax does go against everything we stand for ( frivolous taxation.)
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