well you guy sure were busy overnight.
No,i'm not scott, just a good friend and a more than happy customer. Cause TGA does have them, i see it just about every day.
OH so the "the man 13" did receive his MO. wow and you people acted like he got ripped off. from what i understand his order is on it's way too.
i know earlier i mentioned something about slander, you guys though it was funny. what's not funny is the law michigan has towards defamation of character, google that, of which slander is one of the various defenses. you guys probably should read that law. you'll also see how the "freedom of speech" doesn't protect you the way you think it does anymore. thanks uncle sam.
also from what it reads like is., Scott said he lost it, said sorry, told him where he found it (his daughter). i also know scott well enough to know that if he got to high and lost it, he'd just tell the dude.
now how is him saying he lost it and tellin "the man" where he found it not taking the blame?
As far as me minding my business goes, this kinda is being as scott pays me for all my time regarding help, weather it be TGA or not.
So as a friend and employee/helper. yea it's my business. especially when we (scott included) know he fucked up, and fixed the problem, and all you people do is talk a bunch of outright lies. the only thing that's not bullshit is the he fucked up! one time, one frickin time with this guy. this wasn't scotts 5,6,7 or 8th time fuckin it up with this guy. it was the first. And money bet scott wont loose another check again. Not to mention he'll have his truck back monday (i'm taking him to get it), i'll even bet he's now able to take a check right from the po box to the bank. So i dont have to drive his ass that much anymore.

You people have taken a small problem and grossly blown it out of proportion. Does Mcdonalds close their doors if they give you a double cheese instead of nuggets? NO! they fix it and move one. I'll bet that person still gets their Mcdonalds too even though there was a goof. Now wendy's on the other hand who has NEVER got my shit right....i stopped goin after the 4th fuck up when they fucked up the fix for the fuck up. ok now i could sit here and bash them the way you have scott and Co.
But for one wrong that's been righted. you trash talk someones kid (with untrue statements), their business and further more threaten to harm their future business and way of life.
you children are ridiculous. And to think you say he needs a babysitter, HA. personally i think your parents should have disciplined ya'll better. Treat others the way you want to be treated. that sortta shit. dude fucked up, he fixed his wrong. Grow up, get over it.
I'll bet most of you have some horrible condition or STD and just feel inclined to make every person feel as shitty as you do. if that's the case, get over yourselves.
What you should all be doin with your time as of like 10 pages ago....putting your anger and energy towards the people and their sites that are trying to take this law away from us. Not brutalizing an upstanding member of the michigan patient community. You guys are all still hung up on a problem that's been fixed from the looks of it.
At this point i'm gonna be the adult and not comment any further regarding this problem that's been solved. You all should follow suit. just as you have in crucifying this guy.