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That their followers stockpile food and be prepared for an emergency?
Does Mitt Romney have a diabolical plan?
Does Mitt Romney have a diabolical plan?
Mitt Romney is a minor functionary in the church. He has no say-so over its governance or its doctrine. Not to mention the sorry bastard has a lot to repent for.That their followers stockpile food and be prepared for an emergency?
Does Mitt Romney have a diabolical plan?
Our congregations are broken down into wards that are regional in their make-up. I'm a member of 3rd ward. That means people in my area are also in that ward. Then there are stakes which encompasses a region like the west side of a city or even half a county. It just depends on the population. Wards are kept small because it's easier to keep track of the members. We have family home teachers and visiting teachers that visit their ward members once a month to make sure everything is o.k. Spiritually, financially, emotionally. We take care of our own. We have one on one meetings with our bishop regarding tithing and other things.Here is another question
Why do Mormons intentionally keep church congregations small?
Is this like being in a group when a grenade goes off defense? Spread out?
There are earthquakes all the time in Utah. I lived there for four years and experienced several. I only felt one though.Why did the Mormons make the tabernacle in Salt lake City earthquake prrof when there are practically no earthquakes in utah?
Is this like hardening a bunker?
umm... I'm openly gay and childless and have full support from my ward. I'm a medical cannabis recipient and have not been shunned or excommunicated. I also love the Tequila. There is a huge misunderstanding about the doctrine. Coffee, tea, tobacco and alcohol are warned against but it's up to the individual if they wish to imbibe, PLUS, we have provisions for medicinal usage. In other words. If it's medicine. It's allowed.Carne Seca is it true that if you use birth control and choose not to have children or just 1, you would be shunned by the faithful. Same if they knew you smoked pot or drank, even in moderation or medical use? Put it another way, how many childless couples are there in church. How many admit to smoking pot and attend church. Few to none is my guess. Not counting infertility issues here either, just birth control.
LOL We're not Amish we attend regular public schools or if you're rich, private schools. We do have Seminary for LDS students before and after classes. In college it's called, Institute.Comparative religion offered at their schools? Since indoctrination into Mormonism starts at birth basically, maybe they would offer one class in alternate religions or philosophy. I got one class of comparative religion at my Seventh Day Adventist school. In 12 years 1 class that lasted a few months.
We believe in large families, yes. But that's a personal decision between husband and wife. Mostly the wife.I have known a few Mormons and they all have families of 4 or more. Mom keeps pumping them out as long as she can. If they want to be part of the group, I think they breed or else. Wrong about that?
He lies, he flip-flops, he cheats, he does a lot of things that aren't kosher in the LDS community and we are a religion of "by their fruits ye shall know them." He isn't a good example of Mormon ethics.What has Romney done that is so bad? I think we would have heard it by now. He seems a decent guy, it is his religion that puts me off.
It's not an obsession. The only time I think of storing food is when I'm canning. Time to rotate the food storage. ::sigh::Stockpiling food and preparing for bad times sounds pretty good to me, if you get obsessed with it then not so much.
As long as he is a member in good standing and wearing temple garments this is something he would never even contemplate. Because, according to our doctrine, those are the actions of an anti-Christ. We believe that events will play out the way prophecy dictates. We are forbidden to try and frustrate the Plan of Salvation which has set time-line and the Lord tells us that he will not come until every jot and tittle is fulfilled. No one knows the time of his coming so we don't have the authority to try and bring about the Second Coming. (this is so hard to explain to non-members, it's a little complex).I will get right to it.
I have been a member of for years. There are guys that have been preparing for TEOTWAKI for a very long time. They have their food storage, pallets of ammo. And a lot of them are hoping it happens, becuase they believe that when it goes down. They will be the group that comes out and dominates.
What would make the mormons any different, and how would that affect Mitt Romney's decisions? Why wouldnt Mitt Romney collapse the economy of the USA and cause Chaos? His Group has been preparing for it for decades.
I remember when the IRS was going to take away the LDS churches tax exempt status becuase of institutional racismAs long as he is a member in good standing and wearing temple garments this is something he would never even contemplate. Because, according to our doctrine, those are the actions of an anti-Christ. We believe that events will play out the way prophecy dictates. We are forbidden to try and frustrate the Plan of Salvation which has set time-line and the Lord tells us that he will not come until every jot and tittle is fulfilled. No one knows the time of his coming so we don't have the authority to try and bring about the Second Coming. (this is so hard to explain to non-members, it's a little complex).
We're not concerned about domination. We're concerned about surviving the coming tribulations.
Maybe if he didnt have a bunch of cult followers and limited himself to girls over the age of 13 people would not of hated him and his kind back thenI'm no Mormon but I am well aware of their history. Well before Nauvoo they were aware they were hated and feared. After night riders kept wiping them out and after Smith and his brother were killed by a mob and they fled West their struggle was just beginning. The Mountain Meadow Massacre was proof enough they needed their own place to live in isolation and I wish it was still that way. They prepare for disaster and hard times because they lived it in their history.
Why is their a vast underground tunnel system built under Salt lake city for people?
How do you comfort a sputtering moron?Why does anyone stock pile food and other things for emergency use. Maybe there smart?
what is this some kind of racist joke?Here is another question
Why do Mormons intentionally keep church congregations small?
Is this like being in a group when a grenade goes off defense? Spread out?
More like religous bigotrywhat is this some kind of racist joke?