So you agree that's a closing speed. Is that to say that you are acknowledging that at least one of us, maybe both of us have a velocity contributing to that closing speed? If so, in what frame would you say that velocity occurs? In other words, the closing speed is .99c. Let's just say that I can state as a fact that I have a velocity of .09c, and you have a velocity of .9c. In what frame do you think those velocities are relative to? In what frame do you think our individual velocities that make up the closing speed occur in?
Why are you asking me to tell you what I asked you to demonstrate? If we have a closing speed of .99c, how do you determine individual velocities if we BOTH feel we are at rest and it is the other person that is traveling? This is the entire crux of what I am trying to help you understand and you merely talk around it. HOW do you state for any fact that you are traveling .09c? Relative to what frame? The fact is there are no frames of pure space that anyone can say with any certainty that has absolute zero velocity. The measurement of any velocity is relative to where the measure is done. How fast is that car going? If you on earth measure, you might say 55mph. However, an observer on Jupiter will measure the speed as a combination of the earth's rotation and and orbital velocities in the tens of thousands mph. If an observer is outside the Milky Way, he would measure a velocity in the hundreds of thousands mph. EVERY velocity measurement is dependent on where the observer is. If you don't accept this, then it is up to you to show and explain why.
You still don't get it. "Where" you measure it from is implying that you remain at a fixed point in space and measure the speed of light.
What is my point fixed to? You keep saying that there is this implication and I'm explaining why this is a false assumption on your part. If I am in an inertial FoR, I do not experience motion, therefore, my frame is at rest, relative to me. Yet I keep demonstrating how this is factually untrue, that it is impossible for anyone to claim any point is completely at rest, but thankfully, math and physics show this doesn't matter. All physical laws operate the same in all inertial FoR. One inertial frame can be converted to another by a transformation, Galilean in Newtonian physics and Lorentz in relativity.
The only way you can measure the speed of light from a "where" for a duration of time is if you remain at that "where" point for the entire duration, otherwise you where at multiple "wheres" for that duration, which makes your measurements of the speed of light inaccurate, because you failed to acknowledge your own frame's velocity and take that into account in your measurement.
So quit stalling and demonstrate how this is even possible. I keep asking and you just keep repeating the same thing. If I can't even stay at the same spot in space by sitting in my living room, how the hell am I supposed to measure light? Did you understand the implications of the Michleson-Morley experiment? This is what they demonstrated, that even though the earth is rotating quite fast, and moving around the sun even faster the measurement of light remained the same in every direction, disproving there is something about space that can be fixed with respect to motion and measuring light speed.
The speed of light is defined, if you measure something different than 299,792,458 m/s from your frame then you either performed the measurement incorrectly, or your frame has a velocity, take your pick!
Ho do you know what the true speed of light is since no human in history has ever had a completely stationary frame? Everyone has had velocity.
Just because the distance between us remains fixed doesn't mean we don't each have a velocity.
We could be traveling together through space at the same rate, like two cars on a highway that are traveling 75 MPH with a fixed distance of 50 feet between them.
You are assuming that we both see the light at the same exact time
No assumption need to be made. We WILL measure the light at the same time, there is no relative motion between us, we both feel we are at rest. The only problem is from which vantage point the measurement is made.
That can only happen if we both remain the same distance from the point of emission of the light.
That was a given based on this problem. The lamp is directly in between us, it doesn't move, relative to either of us.
Just because we remain the same fixed distance from the source the entire duration doesn't mean we remained the same distance from the point in space where the light was emitted.
correct. This is exactly like measurements on earth. We can say we are at rest, but in fact we are never in the same "piece" of space- if you want to call it that - from one moment to the next.
The source and you and me could have moved as a unit away from the point in space the light was emitted. If that be the case then the source is no longer at the point the light was emitted, hence the source had an absolute velocity away from that point and is no longer at the center of the light sphere.
That's exactly true, you and I could have moved, however it could be that you and I are stationary and the observer is the one that is moving. The point is, and I hope you at least try to understand by now that there is no way to tell, therefore all frames are equally valid and all measurements therefore are valid. There is no preferred frame. If you don't accept that, then I'm sorry, there's nothing more I can help with, especially if you can't answer the question of how you determine any part of space anywhere in the entire universe is fixed, and then answer fixed with regard to what.