What's For Dinner Tonight?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member

I made Carnita Bowls tonight. My sister cooked up a huge batch of carnitas and sent down about half. So I put some condiments together and built a delicious meal. Carnitas on the bottom then thinly sliced onions, green onions, lettuce, tomatoes, guacamole and sour cream and chili pequin salsa for those that can handle it. ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i fucked up. the steak was cheap, i overcooked it not paying attention. waste of money.

sausage casserole tonight. can't really screw that one up. famous last words.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I got off work at 3pm today. Yay me! Tonight is going to be pretty busy so I settled on a simple meal. Roast mutton and roast green chili wrapped in a Frybread.

Damn, I love harvest season.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You harvest your sheep? That doesn't sound very friendly :p
LOL No, the green chili. It's harvest time for our chili crop. Green chili is EVERYWHERE in New Mexico right now. Even McDonalds sells hatch green chili on their hamburgers/cheeseburgers if you want it. New Mexico chili is a religion.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Looks good either way :D Although not a chili person myself. tried something the other day called death sauce, like a grain of rice of it on my finger, oh lord i regretted that, but hey, kept me wide awake on the 1 hour drive home at 2am, i'll tell you that.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I didn't know cats like grapes... I think I'm going to experiment...

What does a 100 lb canary say to a cat?

Here kitty, kitty, kitty.


Well-Known Member
Some take and bake pizza from papa Murphy's 2 large 1 topping for 10 bucks can't beat that shit...taste was awesome for price.