Hitler 2012

Adolf Hitler v. Barack Obama

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I voted Hitler because he didn't need TOTUS. He also had better taste in women. Manchelle looks like Godzilla. Actually that would be insulting Godzilla. Seriously, how can you take someone seriously who has fucked that thing?

Total hottie. 'Nuff said.

Hitler has a lower center of gravity, served in the austrian army (thus presumably got some basic hand to hand training) and has crazy on his side. plus he is a vegetarian so you know he is HUNGRY!!

Barry Seotoro may be tall, and have the reach, but he doesnt have the desire, the HUNGER that drives men to do battle, Barry just doesnt have the "Eye Of The Tiger".

i got Hitler in the third round with a KO.

those little fuckers fight to the burger.
It's so hard to decide, the similarities are endless.

•Both have a DEEP dislike for Jews.
•Both great speakers that energized their base.
•Both alienated their opposition, causing mass division.
•Both took over their country's leading auto factories.
•Both promised massive entitlements to their base.
•Both promised jobs for everyone, and failed miserably.
•Both were into symbolism (i.e. swastika & obama's "O").
•Both have a "god" complex.
•Both were raised in other countries than the ones they ended up leading.
•Both hate capitalism and prefer socialism.
•Both are deeply ingrained with propaganda.
•When Hitler invaded Austria, the first 3 things he did was to nationalize healthcare, ban guns, and ban free speech. Obama has already taken the first step and is working on the other two.
•Hitler only had 33% of the vote. Liberals only comprise 20% of Americans. Yet Hitler was put in power by bullying, deception and threats. So was Obama.
•Hitler declared he had the right to order any German citizen to be arrested or killed. Obama has made the same declaration to Americans.
•Hitler was adored by those who didn't listen to him. So is Obama.
•Hitler declared himself to be the savior of Germany. Obama claims to be the savior of America.
•Both changed their predecessors history.
•Both promoted disention within communities.
•Both ruled through fear and intimidation to the point that their own people were afraid to bring "bad" news to their attention even in meetings.
•Both censored media.
•Both of their fathers abandoned them in their youth.
•Both heavily used drugs.
•Both wrote autobiographical books which were used as propaganda in their elections.
•Both were TIME's man of the year.
•Both used the unions to gain power.
•Both favored a civilian army... one that is just as well funded as the regular army.
I can't tell the difference...Don't really need that big list, they are both fascist but Obama is more of a fascist where hitler is more nationalist. I probably prefer nationalist over corporate fascist so I will vote hitler.
Pad thought he was setting a trap to catch what he perceives as racist hatred against Obama or something just as incorrect. It was obvious and as clumsy as a schoolboy fondling his first tit.

But, I'll make his day and honor my "anyone but Obama" pledge.
I mean the fact that he is fighting tooth and nail to be able to detain american citezens without trial that puts him up there with hitler imo
I mean the fact that he is fighting tooth and nail to be able to detain american citezens without trial that puts him up there with hitler imo

But, is Gitmo closed? Is un-employment under control? Are folks being helped or just being fed...and fed with lies also? Is it easier to get a job? Is it easier to retire? Easier to put kids in school? Is it really better when teachers turn down big raises if that means they have to be held to account? Can govt make wealth to hire more people?

Or do they just take our wealth and waste it? Is America getting smarter? Or have the dumb down policies, worked? Are we actually appeasing the Fascists, (Islamic covered), again? Will we allow this to happen based on Freedom of Religion when it is only Fascism mixed with Sharia Law, this time? (ONLY!!!!??????)

Or is America just plain Stupid? Big test coming right up.